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Wikipédia:Csillagászati műhely/Magyar kisbolygók

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A bulletin megjelenésekor a létező cikkekre rátehetjük a Magyar vonatkozású kisbolygók (vagy a Magyarország településeiről elnevezett kisbolygók) és a Magyarok, akikről kisbolygót neveztek el kategóriát a létező cikkekre, illetve az utóbbiak cikkeibe (ha van, az Emlékezete szakaszba) beírhatjuk a forrást a {{WGSBNB}}(?) sablonnal. Így azonban nem tudnánk, hogy minden kék cikken van-e kategória, mert később is létrejöhetnek új cikkek. Ezért a kategorizált cikkek mellett pipával jelölhetjük a kész állapotot.

Ha nem emberről van elnevezve a kisbolygó, akkor említhetjük a cikkben a névadást, és ennek az oldalnak a segítségével ezek is kategorizálhatóak lesznek a későbbiekben.

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A 2021 előtti névadásokkal ebben a rendszerben nem lehet dolgozni, de ezek a kisbolygók remélhetőleg már meg vannak írva, és benne vannak a Magyar vonatkozású kisbolygók kategóriában. A bulletinek ebben a szerkezetben 2021-től állnak rendelkezésre, az oldal pedig a jövőbeli elnevezések követését hivatott segíteni.

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Volume 5, #2 (2025)



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Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
708722 Timișoara Temesvár Timișoara is the capital city of Timiș county, Banat, located in western Romania. It was first settled by the Dacians, and its first documentary mention was in 1266. Later falling under Ottoman, Habsburg and Serbian rule, in 1920 it became part of Romania. Home to around 400 000 people, Timișoara is an economic, social, educational and cultural center.

Volume 5, #1 (2025)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2025. január 13., 21:15 (CET)[válasz]

Volume 4, #17 (2024)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. december 16., 20:42 (CET)[válasz]

Volume 4, #16 (2024)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. november 25., 22:20 (CET)[válasz]

Volume 4, #15 (2024)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. november 6., 10:05 (CET)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás

geomagnetically induced currents and ground-based magnetic field disturbance. She also served on journal editorial boards and advisory committees.

202790 Babits Babits Mihály Mihály Babits (1883–1941) was a a Hungarian poet, writer, literary historian and translator. A significant figure of early-20th-century Hungarian literature, he is best known for his lyric poetry. Babits also wrote essays and translated works from six languages into Hungarian.
206574 Illyés Illyés Gyula Gyula Illyés (1902–1983) was a Hungarian poet, novelist, and literary translator. In his poetry, he was a spokesman for the oppressed peasant class. His later work is marked by a more open universality and an appeal for national and individual freedom. Gyula was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature.
214558 Korányi Korányi Frigyes Frigyes Korányi (1827–1913) was a Hungarian internist, university professor, and one of the early leading figures in Hungarian medicine. He took the initiative in the active preventive and curative fight against tuberculosis, in the framework of which he actively participated in the construction and spread of pulmonary screening stations.
221528 Kosztolányi Kosztolányi Dezső Dezső Kosztolányi (1885–1936) was a writer, poet, literary translator, critic, and one of the greatest figures of 20th-century Hungarian prose and lyrics. His poetry encapsulates many of the thought forms and stylistic trends of the time. Dezső is considered the father of futurism in Hungarian literature.
552847 Steinaurél Stein Aurél Marc Aurél Stein (1862–1943) was a Hungarian-born British archaeologist, ethnographer, geographer, linguist and surveyor. He was primarily known for his explorations and archaeological discoveries in Central Asia. Stein wrote a number of books about his travels.
579724 Rómerflóris Rómer Flóris Flóris Rómer (1815–1889) was a Benedictine monk, archaeologist, art history, university professor, and the father of the Hungarian archaeology. He was a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. As a researcher, Flóris traveled throughout most of Europe, and was one of the first initiators of monument protection in Hungary.
580619 Harangiszabolcs Harangi Szabolcs Szabolcs Harangi (b. 1962) is a Hungarian geochemist and volcanologist. His research interests are magmatic geochemistry and volcanology, including the environmental and social effects of volcanic activity. He is a very active science communicator, and was the winner of the 2024 Science Communication Award of the Club of Hungarian Science Journalists.
589887 Fellnerjakab Fellner Jakab Jakab Fellner (1722–1780) was a Moravian-born Hungarian architect and one of the most outstanding masters of late Baroque architecture. One of his most important works is the design of the University of Eger building, which has an observatory in its 54-metre-high tower. The instruments of the observatory, founded in 1776, are still largely on display.
590269 Steinberger Steinberger Sarolta Sarolta Steinberger (1875–1966) was a Hungarian obstetrician-gynecologist, and the first woman doctor to graduate from the University of Budapest. She fought tenaciously for the social acceptance of women's medical identity. As a result of her efforts, she was appointed head of department at the National Social Insurance Institute.
591808 Dienesvaléria Dienes Valéria Valéria Dienes (1879–1978) was a Hungarian writer, dance pedagogue and philosopher. She was the first Hungarian woman to graduate with a doctorate, in philosophy, mathematics and aesthetics in 1905. Valéria was the author of the first book on modern dance and the developer of the system of the art of movement called “Orkesztika”.
602922 Juhászgyula Juhász Gyula Gyula Juhász (1883–1937) was a Hungarian poet, high school teacher and journalist. Great social problems, hopeless love, delight in artistic beauty, and religious piety escaping from the burdens of reality are typical themes in his writings.
635057 Bangailona Banga Ilona Ilona Banga (1906–1998) was a Hungarian biochemist, who as a collaborator of Albert Szent-Györgyi, helped to isolate vitamin C through her persistent and dedicated work. Later she was involved in research on muscle and atherosclerosis, and together with her husband achieved pioneering results in the study of proteins.
635771 Prahácsmargit Prahács Margit Margit Prahács (1893–1974) was a Hungarian aesthete and critic. She was the first Hungarian professional female music historian and head of the library of the Academy of Music. Margit was the first woman to become a habilitated professor and her research on Franz Liszt is still cited today.
653564 Genersich Genersich Margit Margit Genersich (1878–1918) was a Hungarian ophthalmologist, the second woman doctor to graduate from the University of Budapest. During the last years of the First World War, she was the only doctor in her hospital who treated soldiers with eye injuries.

Volume 4, #14 (2024)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. október 15., 07:56 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 4, #13 (2024)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 24., 08:54 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 4, #12 (2024)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 3., 08:56 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
589718 Csopak Csopak Csopak is a Hungarian village on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, famous for its excellent beaches and fine wines. The first written record of the village was in 1277, but its history dates back to Roman times.
673014 Kosakissattila Kósa-Kiss Attila Attila Kósa-Kiss (b. 1954 in Salonta, Romania) is a graduate environmentalist, member of the Hungarian Astronomical Association and Hungarian Meteorological Society. He has made more than 100 000 visual measurements of 670 variable stars, has observed 100 comets, and held stargazing sessions to over 10 000 people.

Volume 4, #11 (2024)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 3., 19:13 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
231571 Tubolyvince Tuboly Vince Vince Tuboly (1956–2024) was a Hungarian amateur astronomer, science educator, organizer of the first Hungarian comet-hunting network and founder of the Hegyhátsal Observatory. During his five-decade career, he tirelessly promoted astronomy, edited several comet-related publications, and made numerous visual and photographic observations of comets.
284357 Semseyandor Semsey Andor Andor Semsey (1833–1923) was a landowner, a naturalist and a patron of Hungarian science. His interests were mainly in mineralogy and geology, and he purchased numerous mineral and rock collections for museums. He created the National Museum meteorite collection and supported numerous scientific expeditions.
402008 Laborfalviróza Laborfalvi Róza Róza Laborfalvi (1817–1886) was a Hungarian actress, who was known for her beautiful alto voice and her talent for recitation. She started her career in 1833, and until her retirement in 1859 she was the most successful actress of the era.
552750 Valasek Valasek Ferenc Ferenc Valasek (1858–1917) was a master fisherman. He was the founder of modern Hungarian fish farming.
554704 Széppataki Déryné Széppataki Róza Déryné Róza Széppataki (1793–1872) was the first acclaimed female opera singer of Hungary and the best-known actress of early Hungarian theater. Between 1837 and 1847 she was a member of the National Theatre.
561911 Kézandor Kéz Andor Andor Kéz (1891–1968) was a Hungarian geographer and university professor. His main field of research in the field of natural geography was geomorphology, primarily fluvial morphology. His scientific education work and pedagogical activity were also significant.
574691 Horgerantal Horger Antal Antal Horger (1872–1946) was a Hungarian linguist, university professor and a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His research interests included the history of Hungarian sounds, word pronunciation and the Szekler dialect. He created the first Hungarian dialect map.
579785 Kepesgyula Kepes Gyula Gyula Kepes (1847–1924) was a Hungarian doctor who was a member of the Austro-Hungarian Arctic expedition and served as a ship's doctor. He was also involved in the organization of the expedition, examining the physical condition of the volunteers and preparing the expedition's food. In addition to his work, he regularly collected plants and animals.
582910 Tormazsófia Torma Zsófia Zsófia Torma (1832–1899) was the first Hungarian female archaeologist and anthropologist, an explorer of the Neolithic “Tordos culture” and an expert on symbolically decorated vessels. After her death, her archaeological collection of more than ten thousand objects was donated to the state.
589780 Ajka Ajka Ajka, located in central-west Hungary, has been inhabited since the Stone Age. It developed into a major industrial town in the 19th century. A coal mine, an alumina factory, an aluminium smelter, as well as a world-famous glass factory were built here, along with the world's first krypton factory.
601036 Sassflóra Sass Flóra Flóra Sass (1841–1916) was a Hungarian-born explorer and Africa researcher, known locally as Myadue, meaning the Morning Star. She was involved in a British expedition to explore the source of the Nile, and together with her husband they discovered the Albert Nyanza.
635338 Pécsieszter Pécsi Eszter Eszter Pécsi (1898–1975) was the first female Hungarian architect and structural engineer, who designed the Bauhaus villas in Budapest, and several industrial buildings. She also designed the structural plans for the first multi-storey car park in Vienna, and the high rise buildings at Columbia University in New York.

Volume 4, #10 (2024)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 3., 18:42 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
181392 Katonajózsef Katona József József Katona (1791–1830) was a Hungarian playwright and poet, lawyer, and the author of the Hungarian historical tragedy Bánk bán. He wrote several plays, and also translated and adapted German melodramatic works for the Hungarian stage.
216808 Tolmárgyula Tolmár Gyula Gyula Tolmár (1909–1987) was a Hungarian astronomer and university lecturer. From 1934 he worked at the Konkoly Observatory, where he was involved in the photography of minor planets and later in the photographic observation of variable stars. He also wrote popular science articles.
576793 Károlyiamy Károlyi Amy Amy Károlyi (1909–2003) was a Hungarian poet and literary translator. Her early volumes were fairy tales and picture books in verse, and she also enjoyed writing children's books in later years. She translated selected writings by Emily Dickinson into Hungarian, and later published essays and memoirs.
622006 Vákárlajos Vákár Lajos Lajos Vákár (1910–1993) was a Hungarian-Romanian ice hockey player and coach. He was a founding member of HSC Csíkszereda in 1929 and spent almost his entire career with the club until his retirement in 1954. He played for the Romanian national team and participated at three World Championships. After retiring from playing he worked as a coach and advisor.

Volume 4, #9 (2024)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 9., 20:02 (CEST)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
175567 Csadaimre Csada Imre Imre Csada (1916–1992) was a Hungarian physicist and astronomer, who worked at the Konkoly Observatory from 1944 to 1986. All his scientific work was motivated by the need to better understand the origin and structure of the Sun's magnetic field, and the solar dynamo.
207481 Kékes Kékes Kékes is the highest mountain peak in Hungary. It is located in the North Hungarian Mountains, in the Mátra, at an altitude of 1015 meters.
210435 Pollackmihály Pollack Mihály Mihály Pollack (1773–1855) was an Austrian-born Hungarian architect and a key figure of neoclassical architecture. In 1798 he moved to Pest, and designed many residential buildings, larger palaces and public buildings in the capital city. His main work is the Hungarian National Museum, which was built between 1837 and 1847.
221853 Gábrisgyula Gábris Gyula Gyula Gábris (b. 1942) is a Hungarian geographer, university professor, and a prominent scientist in geomorphology and Quaternary studies. He was the head of the Department of Natural Geography at ELTE University between 1993 and 2007, and from 2013 to 2017 he was the president of the Hungarian Geographical Society.
603021 Galyatető Galyatető Galyatető is a well-known resort village in the Mátra Mountain, near the Piszkéstető Observatory. The third highest peak in Hungary, the 964-meter-high Galya-tető is located in the northern part of the village.
639292 Szabózoltán Szabó Zoltán Zoltán Szabó (b. 1940) was a geologist and chief engineer of the Manganese Ore Mine at Úrkút, Hungary for more than 40 years. He was well-known for the elaboration of the modern formation model of manganese ore genesis. As a geologist, he also worked on mine recultivation, water management, and environmental protection.

Volume 4, #8 (2024)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 13:54 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 4, #7 (2024)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 9., 20:20 (CEST)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
216194 Újvárosy Újvárosy Antal Antal Újvárosy (b. 1954) is a Hungarian environmental specialist, teacher and amateur astronomer. He is active in environmental education, dissemination and attitude formation. Previously he was the leader of the comet section of several astronomical journals and the director of The Planetarium of Kecskemét.
219008 Igazantal Igaz Antal Antal Igaz (b. 1970) is a Hungarian amateur astronomer and the founder of the first meteor camera network in Hungary. He is one of the designers and builders of the Konkoly Observatory's meteor camera network, and the finder of a piece of the Ribbeck meteorite, the remnant of the impactor 2024 BX1.
578622 Fergezsuzsa Ferge Zsuzsa Zsuzsa Ferge (1931–2024) was a Hungarian economist, who worked in the fields of social statistics, sociology, and social policy. Her main fields of interest in research and teaching were social structure, social inequalities, education, social policy, poverty, and the social impact of the transition.
605901 Montághimre Montágh Imre Imre Montágh (1935–1986) was a Hungarian remedial therapist, speech therapist, teacher, popular TV and radio personality, author of several books. A significant part of his life was spent serving the Hungarian language. His aim was to improve speech and teach metacommunicative gestures.

Volume 4, #6 (2024)



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Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
544309 Reuss Reuss Gusztáv(wd) Gustáv Reuss (1818–1861) was a well-known Slovak physician, writer and polymath. He published works in the fields of medicine, botany, archaeology, ethnography and astronomy. He is known as Slovakia's father of sci-fi literature due to his novel Hviezdoveda, where he wrote about Moon travel a few years before Jules Verne.
553438 Bércziszaniszló Bérczi Szaniszló Szaniszló Bérczi (b. 1950) is a Hungarian planetary scientist and professor of Space and Planetary Sciences at Eötvös Loránd University specializing in geomorphology and planetary geology. He established the first educational system in the field of Planetary Sciences in Hungary using the NASA Lunar Rock Collection.

Volume 4, #5 (2024)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 14:08 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 4, #4 (2024)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 14:09 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 4, #3 (2024)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 10., 08:19 (CEST)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
20654 Ivaneder Éder Iván Ivan Eder (b. 1979) is an accomplished deep-space astrophotographer from Budapest, Hungary. Ivan started astrophotography at the young age of 13. His images are routinely featured in publications such as Sky & Telescope, and on Astronomy Picture of the Day.
549107 Hackitamás Hacki Tamás Tamás Hacki (b. 1944) is a Hungarian ear, nose and throat specialist, university professor, and whistling artist. He started whistling at the age of five and his records have been released in several countries. He was the founder of the $2 and paediatric audiology department of University Hospital in Regensburg.
550942 Kurtág Kurtág György György Kurtág (b. 1926) is a Hungarian classical composer, pianist and teacher of chamber music. He is considered one of the most important contemporary composers in the music world, who was able to develop his talent primarily in the field of chamber music. His best-known work is the series Játékok zongorára.
552727 Hauszmann Hauszmann Alajos Alajos Hauszmann (1847–1926) was a Hungarian architect, university professor and member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He was one of the most active representatives of historicism in Hungarian architecture. Hauszmann designed many public buildings, private houses and villas in Budapest.
552733 Grétsylászló Grétsy László László Grétsy (1932–2024) was a Hungarian linguist, university professor, television personality, and a prominent figure in language education. He worked for several journals on language teaching and became known throughout the country for his television programs on the traditions and cultivation of the Hungarian language.
552748 Garasdezső Garas Dezső Dezső Garas (1934–2011) was a Hungarian actor and stage director who appeared in more than 145 films and television shows during his lifetime. His acerbic personality was particularly well expressed in his generous portrayal of ironic-grotesque characters.

Volume 4, #2 (2024)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 14:15 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 4, #1 (2024)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 14:24 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 3, #17 (2023)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 4., 21:04 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
586003 Monspartsarolta Monspart Sarolta Sarolta Monspart (1944–2021) was a Hungarian orienteering world champion, who won 14 national orienteering championships and six cross-country skiing championships. After her professional career, she became an advocate for improving women's health.

Volume 3, #16 (2023)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 4., 21:07 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
287711 Filotáslili Filotás Lili Lili Filotás (1908–1988) was a Hungarian radio announcer, publisher and editor of Hungria Magazin. She appeared in some movies, and later worked as a nurse and secretary. She spoke 16 languages.

Volume 3, #15 (2023)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 4., 21:14 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
541185 Boldogkői Boldogkői Zsolt Zsolt Boldogkői (b. 1961) is a Hungarian molecular biologist who is the head of the Department of Medical Biology at the University of Szeged. In addition to his numerous significant scientific publications, he has enhanced his reputation by conducting educational activities on the misconceptions in the field of medicine.

Volume 3, #14 (2023)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 14:50 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 3, #13 (2023)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 10., 14:59 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
121336 Žiarnadhronom Garamszentkereszt Žiar nad Hronom is a town in central Slovakia by the river Hron. The town was built in the 20th century, but has a rich history with the old name of Holy Cross. Astronomy has been represented by the astronomy club since 1973, and later an observatory and planetarium, one of the most modern in Slovakia, was established.

Volume 3, #12 (2023)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 14:54 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 3, #11 (2023)



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Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
434050 Törökfece Törökfece Ferenc “Fece” Török (b. 1963) ) is a Slovak amateur astronomer, dedicated meteor observer and astronomy popularizer. He is one of the founding members of the UMa Astronomical Association in Blahova, Slovakia.

Volume 3, #10 (2023)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 14:57 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 3, #9 (2023)



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Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
28805 Föhring Föhring Dóra Dora Föhring (b. 1987) is a Hungarian astronomer and NEO observer in ESA's Planetary Defence Office. Her work has focused on survey modeling. She was involved in impact observations as a DART Investigation Team member. Before that, she worked as NEO follow-up observer in Hawaiʻi.

Volume 3, #8 (2023)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 15:02 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 3, #7 (2023)



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Volume 3, #6 (2023)



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Volume 3, #5 (2023)



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Volume 3, #4 (2023)



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Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
35459 Klaurieger Ivanics-Rieger Klaudia Klaudia Ivanics-Rieger (1989–2023) was a geography and religious teacher, writer, educator, amateur astronomer and founder of the Bakony Astronomical Association. She established the first interactive traveling astronomy exhibition for the visually impaired, called Tapintható Univerzum, in Europe. She promoted science throughout Hungary for 15 years.

Volume 3, #3 (2023)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 11., 16:59 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
202599 Harkányi Harkányi Béla Béla Harkányi (1869–1932) was a Hungarian astrophysicist, mathematician and chief observer at the Astrophysical Observatory in Ogyalla. He was the first to determine the surface temperature of stars using Planck's formula, and developed a method for determining the diameters of stars. He also wrote many popular papers.
218274 Albertferenc Montedegói Albert Ferenc Ferenc Albert (1811–1883) was a Hungarian astronomer, head of the Buda Observatory, and later director of the Eger Archbishop's Observatory. He was a professor of astronomy and geodesy at the University of Pest. He wrote several textbooks and articles on astronomy, meteorology and physics and edited many calendars.
231368 Hunfalvy Hunfalvy János János Hunfalvy (1820–1888) was a geographer, university professor, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and founder of Hungarian scientific geography. He was one of the founding members of the Hungarian Geographical Society (1872) and was its president until his death.
241368 Hildjózsef Hild József József Hild (1789–1867) was a Hungarian architect. He was one of the greatest figures of Hungarian classicist architecture, and played a decisive role in shaping the image of 19th century Pest. His most important works were built after the 1838 floods in Pest, and he received approval for approximately 900 designs.
546235 Kolbenheyer Kolbenheyer Tibor Tibor Kolbenheyer (1917–1993) was a Slovakian-Hungarian geophysicist, astrophysicist, and a full member of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. His work contributed significantly to the establishment of modern geophysical research in Slovakia. He mainly studied gravitational anomalies and carried out extensive gravimetric research.
547612 Károligáspár Károli Gáspár Gáspár Károli (1529–1592) was a Hungarian Calvinist pastor, author of the first complete Hungarian translation of the Bible. He began work in 1586, and with the help of six fellow pastors, he quickly completed the work. The printing of the Károli Bible began in early 1589 and was completed a year and a half later.
550083 Szécsényi-Nagy Szécsényi-Nagy Gábor Gábor Szécsényi-Nagy (1948–2012) was a Hungarian astronomer, professor at Eötvös Loránd University, and author of numerous popular science books. His main fields of research were the study of the physical and chemical composition of comets and the flare activity and galactic distribution of red dwarf stars.
567010 Kanyósándor Kanyó Sándor Sándor Kanyó (1932–2016) was a Hungarian physicist, astronomer and university lecturer. He worked at the Konkoly Observatory for more than three decades, and was head of the variable star division for several years. His main field of research was the study of the Blazhko effect in RR Lyrae stars..
589841 Strobl Strobl Alajos Alajos Strobl (1856–1926) was a sculptor and painter, a leading figure in Hungarian sculpture at the turn of the century, and for forty years he was one of Hungary's busiest monument sculptors. His sculptures still decorate Hungarian public spaces and memorial sites.

Volume 3, #2 (2023)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 10., 15:24 (CEST)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
189320 Lakitsferenc Lakits Ferenc Ferenc Lakits (1859–1919) was a Hungarian astronomer, teacher, and later the chief inspector of the state railways. He did considerable work in the field of astrochronology, his main contribution being the determination of the date of the Hungarian conquest on the basis of the solar eclipse observed in Byzantium in 891.
199632 Mahlerede Mahler Ede Ede Mahler (1857–1945) was a Hungarian-Austrian orientalist, astronomer, archaeologist, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and founder of the Department of Egyptology at the University of Pest. During his travels in Egypt, he studied inscriptions and depictions of astronomical significance.
221454 Mayerlambert Mayer-Lambert Ferenc Ferenc Mayer-Lambert (1795–1865) was a German astronomer, university professor and director of the Gelléthegy Observatory at Buda. He worked on improving meteorological observations and made observations of 1P/Halley at its 1835 return and the newly-discovered Neptune.
547705 Paálgyörgy Paál György György Paál (1934–1992) was a Hungarian physicist and cosmologist. He made significant contributions to theories on the formation of galaxy clusters, the origin of the primordial universe and the expansion of the universe.
600379 Csortosgyula Csortos Gyula Gyula Csortos (1883–1945) was a Hungarian stage and film actor who appeared in 80 films between 1912 and 1944. He was excellent in dramatic and comic roles, with his acerbic humor, eccentric personality and stage banter he was the enfant terrible of Hungarian theater.

Volume 3, #1 (2023)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. október 3., 19:58 (CEST)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
157721 Kölcsey Kölcsey Ferenc Ferenc Kölcsey (1790–1838) was a Hungarian poet, politician and language reformer, and a honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He wrote Himnusz, the national anthem of Hungary. His strong moral sense and deep devotion to his country are reflected in his poems.
161913 Hunyadi Hunyadi-család The Hunyadi family was a Hungarian noble family, whose members played a decisive role in the history of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. János Hunyadi was governor of Hungary and Viceroy of Transylvania, while King Matthias Corvinus made Hungary a significant Renaissance power by European standards.
168203 Kereszturi Kereszturi Ákos Ákos Kereszturi (b. 1972) is a Hungarian geologist, amateur astronomer and childhood friend of the discoverer, who answered the discoverer's first questions about the universe and with whom he started to discover the beauty of the starry sky. His main research topics are related to planetary science and astrobiology.
170644 Tepliczky Tepliczky István István Tepliczky (b. 1961) is a Hungarian amateur astronomer, who was a well-known figure in Hungarian meteor astronomy in the 1980s and 1990s. His friendly personality won many young people to the cause of astronomy. His best-known result is the detection of the outburst of the Aurigids meteor shower in 1986.
185196 Vámbéry Vámbéry Ármin Ármin Vámbéry (1832–1913) was a Hungarian orientalist, traveler, university professor and a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. During his travels in Central Asia, he visited areas hitherto untouched by Europeans. His greatest scientific achievement was the ethnography of the Turkic heritage of these landscapes.
199630 Szitkay Szitkay Gábor Gábor Szitkay (b. 1964) is an amateur astronomer, astrophotographer, and generous supporter of the amateur astronomy movement in Hungary. The 0.45-m Dobsonian telescope he donated revealed the secrets of the universe to many young people, including the discoverer who observed hundreds of faint comets with this telescope.
209089 Csépevaléria Csépe Valéria Valéria Csépe (b. 1951) is a Hungarian psychologist, university professor, and a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She is a renowned researcher of elementary acoustic information processing, as well as cognitive psychology and neuroscience.
265059 Bajorgizi Bajor Gizi Gizi Bajor (1893–1951) was a Hungarian actress and a lifelong member of the National Theatre. Although she also acted in and directed films, she achieved her true successes on stage. Her former villa is now the Bajor Gizi Actors Museum.
301946 Bugyi Bugyi István István Bugyi (1898–1981) was a Hungarian physician and university professor. He was an excellent organizer and teacher, and between 1931 and 1968 he was chief surgeon at the Szentes County Hospital, where he also served as director on several occasions. Generations of surgeons grew up under his tutelage.
546498 Demjénferenc Demjén Ferenc Ferenc Demjén (b. 1946) is a Hungarian rock singer, songwriter and bass guitarist. Before his solo career he was a member of several groups. He is a prolific composer who has released or contributed to almost 150 albums. He has received several state awards for his important role in Hungarian pop music.
547400 Szakcsilakatos Szakcsi Lakatos Béla Béla Szakcsi Lakatos (1943–2022) was an Hungarian jazz pianist, keyboardist, arranger and composer. He is considered a key figure in the spread of jazz and fusion genres in Hungary. His interest extended to combining classical music and jazz. During his career he received numerous honors and accolades.
560522 Gombaszögi Gombaszögi Ella Ella Gombaszögi (1894–1951) was a Hungarian actress and film star, who gave unforgettable performances in many films, most often as a partner of Gyula Kabos.
562936 Bródyimre Bródy Imre Imre Bródy (1891–1944) was a Hungarian physicist, inventor and developer of the modern krypton electric bulb. The invention was the most economical light bulb of its time. Together with others, he developed an industrial process for extracting krypton gas from air.
567490 Bánkyvilma Bánky Vilma Vilma Bánky (1901–1991) was a Hungarian-American silent film actress. Her acting career began in Budapest, and she later worked in France, Austria, and Germany. She was best known for her roles in The Eagle (1925) and The Son of the Sheik (1926). After her movie career she became a professional golfer.
574635 Jánossy Jánossy Dénes Dénes Jánossy (1926–2005) was a Hungarian ornithologist, paleontologist and university professor. He was the founder and perpetual president of the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society, one of the most important researchers of Pliocene vertebrate paleontology. He collected more than two million fossils.
576870 Országlili Ország Lili Lili Ország (1926–1978) was one of the most famous Hungarian surrealist painters. In addition to her painting, she worked in puppet theater for more than two decades, creating dolls and scenery. She has also illustrated children's magazines, storybooks and youth novels.
612477 Csörgeierika Csörgei Erika Erika Csörgei (b. 1971) is the wife of Tibor Csörgei, a Slovak amateur astronomer who found and measured the early positions of this object.
615214 Molnárkristian Molnárkristian Kristian Molnár (b. 1976) is a Slovak amateur astronomer and enthusiastic eclipse chaser. He has visited four continents during twenty expeditions. He is an avid observer of eclipses, meteors, aurora borealis and the zodiacal light.

Volume 2, #16 (2022)



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Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
558398 Nagysándor Nagy Sándor Sándor Nagy (b. 1970) is a Slovak amateur astronomer and science promoter. As the head of the Corvus astronomy club in Gabčíkovo, he has significantly contributed to the interest of young people in science and astronomy.

Volume 2, #15 (2022)



Nincs magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 13:03 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 2, #14 (2022)



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15343 Von Wohlgemuth Von Wohlgemuth Emil Edler Von Wohlgemuth (1843–1896) was leader of the Austro-Hungarian polar expedition of 1882. He stayed with his crew for one year on the pack at Jan Mayen island station. Twelve people and a doctor lived in a winter-proof shelter built in Pula, studying meteorology, geomagnetism and northern lights.
575498 Lampérthgyula Lampérth Gyula Gyula Lampérth (1950–2001) was a Hungarian teacher of physics and mathematics. He was the first principal of the Dániel Berzsenyi Grammar School (Lyceum) in Sopron after it returned to the Evangelical-Lutheran Church after being a public school for 43 years.

Volume 2, #13 (2022)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 16:07 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 2, #12 (2022)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 11., 23:45 (CEST)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
155217 Radnóti Radnóti Miklós Miklós Radnóti (1909–1944), born Miklós Glatter, is regarded as one of the greatest Hungarian poets of the 20th century. His poetry mingles avant-garde and expressionist themes with a new classical style. He was the Hungarian translator of works by La Fontaine and Apollinaire.
156580 Madách Madách Imre Imre Madách (1823–1864) was a Hungarian poet, writer, lawyer, and corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. One of the outstanding figures of Hungarian literature and dramatic poetry, his major work was Az ember tragédiája (The Tragedy of Man).
197192 Kazinczy Kazinczy Ferenc Ferenc Kazinczy (1759–1831) was an author, poet and translator. He was a leader in the regeneration of the Hungarian language and literature at the turn of the 19th century. Today his name is connected with the extensive Language Reform, when thousands of words were coined or revived.
210070 Robertcapa Robert Capa Robert Capa (1913–1954), born Endre Ernő Friedmann, was a Hungarian-American war photographer and photojournalist, who covered five wars directly from the battlefield. His most famous photograph is “The Falling Soldier”, taken in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War.
450297 Csákánybéla Csákány Béla Béla Csákány (1932–2022) was a Hungarian mathematician, a professor of the University of Szeged, and rector (1985–1990) of its predecessor, József Attila University (JATE). He was the first president of the foundation that established the Observatory of Szeged, the original host of the JATE Asteroid Survey.
499526 Romhányi Romhányi József József Romhányi (1921–1983) was a Hungarian writer, poet, and translator. He is best known for the scripts of various cartoon series and translations for dubbed versions of American cartoons, such as the rhyming translation of The Flintstones. He translated several musicals into Hungarian, the best known being Cats.
565780 Kopaszimre Kopasz Imre Imre Kopasz (1938–2017) was a teacher of physics and mathematics. He was a primary-school principal in Pirtó, a small village in Hungary, where he lived with his family. His younger daughter, Katalin, is the wife of the second discoverer.
574506 Sopronilíceum Soproni Líceum Lutheran Lyceum in Sopron (founded in 1557) is one of the oldest grammar schools in Hungary. It is the alma mater of the second discoverer and of many prominent people in science, the church, education, the arts, and public life.

Volume 2, #11 (2022)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. október 3., 20:11 (CEST)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
199696 Kemenesi Kemenesi Gábor Gábor Kemenesi (b. 1987) is a Hungarian biologist and virus researcher, who played a prominent role in providing accurate information to the general public via the media during the COVID pandemic. He is the winner of the 2022 annual science communication award of the Club of Hungarian Science Journalists.
554879 Kissgyula Kiss Gyula Gyula Kiss (1948–2022) was a Hungarian amateur astronomer, who brought the universe closer to thousands of people via public lectures and sky-watching events. He also inspired young people, including the second discoverer, to choose astronomy or space science as their profession.
575511 Bükk Bükk The Bükk Mountains are a part of the North Hungarian Mountains of the Inner Western Carpathians. The Bükk's maximum elevation is 959 meters, the main mass of the mountains is a limestone plateau, and there are 1115 known caves.
612787 Haumannpéter Haumann Péter Péter Haumann (1941–2022) was a popular, multi-talented Hungarian actor, who was awarded the title of The Nation's Actor. He appeared in nearly 100 movies and thousands of stage performances. He played leading roles in tragedies, comedies and musicals, and was also a popular voice actor.

Volume 2, #10 (2022)



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564808 Pallai Pallai Péter Péter Pallai (b. 1938) is a lifelong jazz fan from Hungary. He joined the BBC's Hungarian Section in 1968, where he hosted a weekly music show. Pallai moved back to Hungary after 40 years in London, and he has been the driving force of Hungarian jazz life ever since.

Volume 2, #9 (2022)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 13., 06:59 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
591964 Jakucs Jakucs László László Jakucs (1926–2001) was a Hungarian geologist and speleologist, who discovered the Béke Cave in the Aggtelek Karst. Jakucs organized, and led for 28 years, the Department of Natural Geography at the Szeged University. He was a very active science communicator, making a number of educational nature films.

Volume 2, #8 (2022)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 16:30 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 2, #7 (2022)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 13., 13:50 (CEST)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
546471 Szipál Szipál Márton Márton Szipál (1924–2016) was a Hungarian-American photographer, most known for his portrait photographs of movie stars and celebrities. In his later years he worked for Hungarian newspapers and taught at several photography schools.
546515 Almásy Almásy Pál Paul Almásy (1906–2003) was a Hungarian-born French photographer and a pioneer of photojournalism. For more than six decades he traveled the world and took about 120 000 photographs, creating a detailed picture archive that is a unique document of 20th century history.
547398 Turánpál Turán Pál Pál Turán (1910–1976) was a Hungarian mathematician who achieved significant results in the field of number theory, graph theory and classical analysis. His best-known result is Turán's theorem in graph theory.
549185 Herczeg Herczeg Tibor Tibor Herczeg (1926–2014) was a Hungarian astronomer and a mathematics and physics teacher. From 1949 to 1956 he was an assistant astronomer at the Konkoly Observatory. The main areas of his research were stellar evolution and the observation of variable stars.
549961 Földesistván Földes István István Földes (1908–1977) was a Hungarian astronomer and mathematician. From 1949 to 1974, he was the head of the Department of Astronomy at the Eötvös Loránd University. His main field of research was celestial mechanics and he gave popular lectures on astronomy on the radio.
551091 Flórferenc Flór Ferenc Ferenc Flór (1809–1871) was a doctor and medical writer, as well as a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He was one of the founders of public health in Hungary and he called for the construction of a clean water supply network in Budapest.
552681 Sósvera T. Sós Vera Vera T. Sós (b. 1930) is a Hungarian mathematician, university professor and a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Her research interests include number theory, combinatorics and mathematical analysis. Her famous result is the Erdős-Rényi-Sós friendship theorem in graph theory.
562979 Barabásmiklós Barabás Miklós Miklós Barabás (1810–1898) was a painter, graphic artist, photographer, and a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He was one of the most outstanding masters of Hungarian Biedermeier painting, and one of the earliest Hungarian photographers.

Volume 2, #6 (2022)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 13., 18:40 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
162059 Mészáros Mészáros Attila Attila Mészáros (1951–2022) was Czech astronomer of Hungarian origin. He was a member of the Astronomical Institute of Charles University in Prague from 1984. Mészáros dealt with cosmology, the large-scale structure of the universe and γ-ray bursts. He was an excellent lecturer with a fresh sense of humor.

Volume 2, #5 (2022)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 13., 17:31 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
511955 Katalinkarikó Karikó Katalin Katalin Karikó (b. 1955) is a Hungarian-American biochemist. Her work, related to messenger RNA technology in immunology, was instrumental in the development of mRNA vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
549229 Bánjános Bán János János Bán (b. 1955) is a Hungarian actor. He was a founding member of the famous Katona József Theater, Budapest, and is one of the most popular foreign actors in Czech and Slovak films. His most memorable performance was in the 1985 Czechoslovak cult comedy, Vesničko Má Středisková (My Sweet Little Village).
560388 Normafa Normafa Normafa is a popular tourist area in Budapest, not far from the Konkoly Observatory's headquarters. It is located in the Buda Hills, and is mainly known for its panoramic scenery.
566631 Svábhegy Svábhegy Svábhegy is a part of the 12th district of Budapest. The Konkoly Observatory was built here in the 1920s, which was mostly referred to as the Svábhegy Observatory before the Second World War.
590739 Miloslavov Annamajor (Miloslavov) Miloslavov (Hungarian: Annamajor) is a village and municipality in the Senec District, Bratislava Region, in western Slovakia, close to the Hungarian border. The village was first mentioned in historical records in 1332–1337.

Volume 2, #4 (2022)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 13., 07:36 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
446957 Priellekornélia Prielle Kornélia Kornélia Prielle (1826–1906) was a Hungarian stage actress who was engaged at the National Theatre from 1861 until her death. She was the first actor to be honored by being a Perpetual Member of that theatre.

Volume 2, #3 (2022)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 16:43 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 2, #2 (2022)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 13., 07:04 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
546275 Kozák Kozák Danuta Danuta Kozák (b. 1987) is a Hungarian sprint canoeist, who won six gold, one silver and one bronze medals at four Olympic Games between 2008 and 2021. He also won fifteen gold medals at World Championships, and seventeen gold medals at European Championships.

Volume 2, #1 (2022)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. október 2., 11:32 (CEST)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
257211 Kulizoli Kuli Zoltán Zoltán “Zoli” Kuli (b. 1977) is a Hungarian physicist, amateur astronomer and the head of the technical department of the Konkoly Observatory. He was a lead designer in the reconstruction of the Schmidt telescope at Piszkéstető Observatory, which allowed the installation of a large-format CCD-camera to the telescope.
257212 Rózsahegyi Rózsahegyi Márton Márton Rózsahegyi (b. 1979) is a Hungarian environmental researcher, science communicator and amateur astronomer. As a project manager at Konkoly Observatory, he played an essential role in installing a large field-of-view camera to the Schmidt telescope at Piszkéstető, which gave a new momentum to the NEO search program.
541618 Magyaribéla Magyari Béla Béla Magyari (1949–2018) was a Hungarian pilot, aeronautical engineer, and the backup cosmonaut of the Soyuz 36 mission. He was also president of the Hungarian Astronautical Society, a member of the Hungarian Astronomical Association, and worked for the Hungarian Space Office.
541691 Ranschburg Ranschburg Jenő Jenő Ranschburg (1935–2011) was a Hungarian psychologist, writer, and science popularizer. He did a lot for children, and tried to eliminate rigid, paralyzing dysfunctional rules in parenting.
544325 Péczbéla Pécz Béla Béla Pécz (b. 1961) is a Hungarian physicist and material scientist. He introduced aberration-corrected electron microscopy in Hungary. His main contribution was the development of various GaN-based devices and two-dimensional InN thin films.
549744 Heimpál Heim Pál Pál Heim (1875–1929) was a Hungarian pediatrician and university professor. After he received his medical degree, he specialized in treating babies and children. He organized a network of nurses for babies, who became known as the “Heim Sisters”. Pál Heim Children's Hospital in Budapest is named after him.
562446 Pilinszky Pilinszky János János Pilinszky (1921–1981) is one of the greatest Hungarian poets of the post-war period. He is best remembered for his poems of the 1950s which bear witness to the horrors of the Second World War and mid-twentieth century Europe.
563716 Szinyeimersepál Szinyei Merse Pál Pál Szinyei Merse (1845–1920) was the first true colorist in the history of Hungarian painting. He was one of the most influential figures in Hungarian art, and consistently, comprehensively and innovatively implemented modern ideas in painting.
577881 Pálinkáslibor Pálinkás Libor Libor Pálinkás (b. 1965) is a Slovak amateur astronomer and a passionate observer of the night sky, especially deep-sky objects. He makes a significant contribution to the UMa Astronomical Association activities.
578164 Rerrichbéla Rerrich Béla Béla Rerrich (1881–1932) was a Hungarian architect and landscape designer, whose reforms led to a new way of designing public green spaces in Hungary. His most famous work is the building complex around Dóm Square in Szeged town, which was built between 1929 and 1932.

Volume 1, #13 (2021)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 13., 07:47 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
464745 Péterrózsa Péter Rózsa Rózsa Péter (1905–1977) was a Hungarian mathematician, high school teacher, science communicator, full professor of the Eötvös Loránd University, and corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She is best known as the “founding mother” of recursion theory.

Volume 1, #12 (2021)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. október 2., 12:18 (CEST)[válasz]


Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
166028 Karikókatalin Karikó Katalin Katalin Karikó (b. 1955) is a Hungarian biochemist, whose research has been the development of in vitro-transcribed mRNA for protein therapies. Her work includes the scientific research of RNA-mediated immune activation, resulting in the co-discovery of the nucleoside modifications that suppress the immunogenicity of RNA.
337700 Korpás Korpás Gabriel Garbiel Korpás (b. 1958) is a longtime member of the Astronomy Club Nové Zámky in Slovakia. As an expert on Greek mythology, he captivates visitors with stories about the constellations of the northern sky.
378920 Vassimre Vass Imre Imre Vass (1795–1863) was a Hungarian geodesist, cartographer and speleologist. He is best known for the exploring and mapping the Baradla Cave, which is the most significant and longest cave in Hungary.
541550 Schickbéla Schick Béla Béla Schick (1877–1967) was a Hungarian-born American pediatrician. In 1913, he developed the Schick test, a skin test used to determine whether or not a person is susceptible to diphtheria. A massive five-year campaign, coordinated by him, virtually eliminated diphtheria is the U.S.
541565 Gucklerkároly Guckler Károly Károly Guckler (1858–1923) was a Hungarian forester, who is best known for the reforestation of the Hármashatár hill in Budapest. Because of the huge firewood demand of the capital, the hillsides were almost completely cleared. He planted undemanding pine trees to stabilize the ground before starting to replant native forest.
541571 Schulekfrigyes Schulek Frigyes Frigyes Schulek (1841–1919) was a Hungarian architect, full professor at the Technical University of Budapest, and a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His most famous work, the Fisherman's Bastion in Budapest, is one of the most important symbols of the capital city.
541582 Tóthimre Tóth Imre Imre Tóth (b. 1957) is a Hungarian astronomer, whose main field of research is solar system object including main-belt asteroids and comets. He is best known for modeling cometary comae and determining the size of cometary nucleii based on HST observations.
541587 Paparó Paparó Margit Margit Paparó (b. 1950) is a Hungarian astronomer and a pioneer of ground-based and space-born observations of pulsating variable stars in Hungary. Her main field of research is the study of multimode-pulsator and pulsating stars in binary systems. She was the discoverer of the SN 1976C.
541776 Oláhkatalin Oláh Katalin Katalin Oláh (b. 1948) is a Hungarian astronomer. She has worked extensively on binary stars, stellar activity, stellar-activity cycles, stellar spots and differential rotation. She founded the stellar activity research group at the Konkoly Observatory and has been a leading scientist in the field.
542246 Kulcsár Kulcsár Győző Győző Kulcsár (1940–2018) was a Hungarian fencer who won four gold and two bronze medals in épée at four Olympic Games between 1964 and 1976. He also won three world titles with the Hungarian team. After retiring from competitions he worked as a fencing coach, his trainees include two Olympic champions.
543914 Tessedik Tessedik Sámuel Sámuel Tessedik (1742–1820) was a Slovak Lutheran pastor, school founder, teacher and economic writer. He was a rural developer and a distributor of acacia and alfalfa in Hungary. Both his theoretical and practical pedagogical work served to introduce the pedagogical ideas of the Enlightenment.
545784 Kelemenjános Kelemen János János Kelemen (b. 1951) is a Hungarian astronomer whose main fields of research are the observation of GRB afterglows, comets and minor planets. He mounted the first CCD camera on the Schmidt telescope at the Piszkéstető Station, and he has discovered dozens of flare stars and several numbered minor planets.
546025 Ábrahámpéter Ábrahám Péter Péter Ábrahám (b. 1964) is a Hungarian astrophysicist. His main research fields are stellar and planetary formation, including protoplanetary disks and young stellar objects. He was the director of the Konkoly Observatory from 2010 to 2015.
547599 Virághalmy Virághalmy Géza Géza Virághalmy (1932–2019) was a Hungarian physicist and the head of the technical department of the Konkoly Observatory between 1972 and 1999. During his career he built several photoelectric photometers and a polarimeter, and he introduced regular CCD observations at the Piszkéstető Station.
549663 Barczaszabolcs Barcza Szabolcs Szabolcs Barcza (1944–2021) was a Hungarian astronomer and honorary professor at the Eötvös Loránd University, who studied radiative transfer in stellar and terrestrial atmospheres. Generations of astronomers learnt basic astronomy and the physics of stellar atmospheres from him.

Volume 1, #11 (2021)



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Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
579513 Saselemér Sas Elemér Elemér Sas (1930–1998) was a Hungarian physicist, teacher and science communicator. His university lectures with spectacular experiments are remembered to this day. He hosted many popular TV series, and his pleasant voice and interesting experiments attracted many spectators among science lovers.

Volume 1, #10 (2021)



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Volume 1, #9 (2021)



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Volume 1, #8 (2021)



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Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
574546 Kondorgusztáv Kondor Gusztáv Gusztáv Kondor (1825–1897) was a Hungarian astronomer, geodesist, mathematician, and corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His main field of research was celestial mechanics, astrometry and astronomical geolocation. He was an active science communicator.

Volume 1, #7 (2021)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 10., 14:21 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
423380 Juhászárpád Juhász Árpád Árpád Juhász (b. 1935) is a Hungarian geologist, one of the most significant figures in the spreading of scientific knowledge in Hungary. During his career, he made a number of geographical films and participated as an expert in geographical-themed popular science series on TV.
469773 Kitaibel Kitaibel Pál Pál Kitaibel (1757–1817) was a Hungarian botanist and chemist. He spent several years investigating flora and fauna in the Carpathian Basin and surrounding mountains. In 1789 he independently discovered the element tellurium. The genus Kitaibelia of mallows was named after him.
474440 Nemesnagyágnes Nemes Nagy Ágnes Ágnes Nemes Nagy (1922–1991) was a Hungarian poet, writer, educator, and translator. She is generally considered to be Hungary's most important woman poet of the 20th century. In 1946 she published her first volume of poetry, but during the 1950s, her own work was suppressed and she worked as a translator.
544618 Bugátpál Bugát Pál Pál Bugát (1793–1865) was a physician, linguist, university professor, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and a language reformer. One of the founders of the Hungarian medical language, he was the first president of the Royal Hungarian Society for Natural Sciences from 1841 to 1844.
545167 Bonfini Antonio Bonfini Italian humanist Antonio Bonfini (1427–1502) was the court historian for Matthias Corvinus, the king of Hungary. Matthias commissioned him to write Hungary's history from the time of the Huns. With this great work, and his other writings and translations, Bonfini exerted a powerful influence on Hungarian historiography.

Nem magyar, de a kisbolygóra rátehető a magyar vonatkozású kategória. Sárneczky gyűjteményéből.

Volume 1, #6 (2021)



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Volume 1, #5 (2021)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. szeptember 10., 08:47 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
541982 Grendel Grendel Lajos Lajos Grendel (1948–2018) was a contemporary Slovakian-Hungarian writer and university teacher. His novels depicted the life and problems of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia.
542026 Kaszásattila Kaszás Attila Attila Kaszás (1960–2007) was a Slovak-born Hungarian actor and singer. He was a longtime member of the Comedy Theatre of Budapest (Vígszínház), and later joined the National Theater. He appeared in many TV films and movies, as well as theater musicals.

Volume 1, #4 (2021)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 12:13 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 1, #3 (2021)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 27., 11:38 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 1, #2 (2021)



Nincs benne magyar név. Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 25., 21:47 (CEST)[válasz]

Volume 1, #1 (2021)



A bulletint átnézte: Bináris ide Kelt: Wikipédia,  2024. augusztus 25., 21:39 (CEST)[válasz]

Név Kat. Névadó Említés Kat. Leírás
345648 Adyendre Ady Endre Endre Ady (1877–1919) was a poet, journalist, short story writer, and one of Hungary's greatest lyric poets. He is best known for his daring works celebrating love, but he also wrote religious and revolutionary poems. His expression was radical in form, language and content.
390743 Telkesmária Telkes Mária Mária Telkes (1900–1995) was a Hungarian-born American physical chemist and biophysicist, best known for her invention of the solar distiller and the first solar-powered heating system designed for residences. She also invented other devices capable of storing energy captured from sunlight.
399565 Dévényanna Dévény Anna Anna Dévény (1935–2017) was a Hungarian physiotherapist and gymnastics trainer. She developed an unique treatment system, which helps to restore the muscle function, and abnormal body positions of babies. The method has helped thousands of children recover in recent decades.
405571 Erdőspál Erdős Pál Pál Erdős (1913–1996) was a Hungarian mathematician, much of whose work centered around discrete mathematics. His work leaned towards solving previously open problems, rather than developing or exploring new areas of mathematics. He published around 1500 mathematical papers during his lifetime.
413233 Várkonyiágnes R. Várkonyi Ágnes Ágnes R. Várkonyi (1928–2014) was a Hungarian historian, cultural historian, and full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Her main field of research was the Rákóczi War of Independence, the Zrínyi Movement, and the Habsburg system. She was the winner of the 1999 annual science communication award.
423433 Harsányi Harsányi János János Harsányi (1920–2000) was a Hungarian-American Nobel Prize laureate economist. He is best known for his contributions to the study of game theory and its application to economics. For his work, he was a co-recipient along with John Nash and Reinhard Selten of the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
461650 Paisdezső Pais Dezső Dezső Pais (1886–1973) was a prominent figure of Hungarian historical linguistics. His special fields were phonology, lexicology, and cultural history, the study of personal names and toponomy. He was the initiator of studies concerning the history of standard Hungarian.
483454 Hosszúkatinka Hosszú Katinka Katinka Hosszú (b. 1989) is a three-time Olympic champion Hungarian swimmer, who specializes in individual medley events. She is a nine-time long-course, and seventeen-time short-course world champion, and has broken 20 world records since 2013.
524638 Kaffkamargit Kaffka Margit Margit Kaffka (1880–1918) was a poet and novelist, one of the most important female Hungarian authors. Her works dealt mostly with two main themes: the decline of the gentry class, and the problems faced by women in an era of major social changes. She died of influenza in the winter of 1918.
541200 Komjádibéla Komjádi Béla Béla Komjádi (1892–1933) was a Hungarian water polo player and coach, known as the father of Hungarian water polo. He coached the Hungary men's national water polo team, and won gold medals at the 1932 Summer Olympics, and the 1926, 1927 and 1931 European Championships.
541627 Halmospál Halmos Pál Pál Halmos (1916–2006) was a Hungarian-American mathematician who made fundamental advances in the areas of logic, probability theory, statistics, operator theory and functional analysis. He is best known for some of his text-books and for his collection of mathematicians' photographs.
541992 Lukácsbéla Lukács Béla Béla Lukács (b. 1947) is a Hungarian theoretical physicist whose research interests are mainly the theory of relativity and cosmology. He is known for his understandable lectures, which are also interesting for the layman. He was the winner of the 2008 annual science communication award of the Club of Hungarian Science Journalists.
543302 Hamvasbéla Hamvas Béla Béla Hamvas (1897–1968) was a Hungarian writer, philosopher, and social critic. He was a great thinker and essayist who integrated Eastern and Western traditions as well as posing many serious questions about the modern age, together with the possibility of resolving them.