Ez egy lezárult megbeszéléseket / befejezett projekt anyagát / aktualitását vesztett felvetést / megvalósult tervezet korábbi stádiumát stb. tartalmazó archív közösségi lap. Ne változtass rajta. Ha fel akarsz éleszteni egy itt szereplő megbeszélést, vitát, az aktuális lapon, illetve annak hiányában a Kocsmafalon tedd! |
Kiemelt szócikkek listázása
Megoldható lenne ennek a listának Wikidata-segítségével való elkészítése, frissítése? Bencemac A Holtak Szószólója 2018. március 22., 15:55 (CET)
- Igen, sőt. Rajta vagyok az ügyön. – Máté (vitalap) 2018. március 22., 17:04 (CET)
- Sziasztok! Nem lehetne ezt a lapot létrehozni WD-n? Azt akkor minden közösség tudná használni. Üdv, – OrsolyaVirágHardCandy 2018. március 22., 17:28 (CET)
- Első körben itt van: Szerkesztő:Máté/fa. Még kell egy kis finomhangolás (a simplewiki linkek rosszul jelennek meg, a kiemeltség a magyar/angol esetben nem jelölődik csillaggal, viszont a további kiemelt cikkek listájában megjelennek), de ezekre majd sort kerítek. Egyébként semmi akadálya, hogy egy nemzetközi változatot is készítsek a Wikidatára. – Máté (vitalap) 2018. március 22., 17:39 (CET)
- A simplewiki és map-bmswiki linkek javítva (remélem a többi wikikód összhangban van a nyelvkódokkal), a többire egy kicsit várni kell. – Máté (vitalap) 2018. március 22., 18:04 (CET)
- Wow! :O Ez gyors volt, köszönöm! Még egy kérés: az első oszlopba be lehetne tenni egy számsort? Tudod, # ? Köszi, – OrsolyaVirágHardCandy 2018. március 22., 18:07 (CET)
- A magyar és angol listában megjelöltem a kiemelteket csillaggal, illetve az összes nyelvet felsoroló listában itt-ott egyik-másik link kétszer szerepelt, azt is javítottam. Így alapvetően Dani listájához képest az a különbség, hogy az angol és magyar link szerepel az utolsó oszlopban is (ez kiszűrhető, ha szükség van rá), illetve az utolsó oszlop linkjei nem mindig ábécérendben szerepelnek, és néha önkényesen meg is változhat a sorrendjük (ezt is ki lehetne küszöbölni, de sokat bonyolítana a dolgon, és nem hiszem, hogy megéri az energiabefektetést). – Máté (vitalap) 2018. március 23., 10:10 (CET)
hogyan is nevezzelek...
Beleakadtam ezekbe... lehet, hogy az egyébre kéne vinni, de gondoltam első körben: állami szerv (Q1469597) (árvácska) és állami szerv (Q327333) (ami a kormányhivatal szócikkel áll összeköttetésben) - jól van ez így?... némileg megzavart, hogy pl. az OTI wd-paramétereként mit is adjak meg.... végül az utóbbi mellett döntöttem, de sommásnak érzem. Fauvirt vita 2018. március 23., 15:59 (CET)
Én semmiképpen nem nevezném kormányhivatalnak, az állami szerv sokkal helytállóbb, már csak azért is mert sok egyéb mellett a kormányhivatalok is állami szervek azoknak egy alosztályát képezik. Szerintem az OTI egy egészségpénztár (Q563787) és egy állami szerv (Q1469597) . Az utóbbinak rendesen ki kell tölteni az állításait. Egyébként a kormányhivatal véleményem szerint tévesen van belinkelve a állami szerv (Q327333) -be mivel ott az általam ismert nyelvek mindegyikében a felügyeletek, hatóságok stb. szerepelnek. Texaner vita 2018. március 23., 17:10 (CET)
Köszönöm! Segítesz esetleg rendezni? Ha addig nem előz meg senki, akkor éjjel vagy holnap megcsinálom (legalábbis az Országos Társadalombiztosító Intézet (Q50840899)-t.. a többihez (közigazgatás) nem értek.) Fauvirt vita 2018. március 23., 18:45 (CET)
Filmek azonosítóval
Sok-sok filmnek van azonosítója, de nincs még magyar címkéje. Nem lehetne a alapján a hiányzó magyar címkéket átimportálni? Esetleg a leírásba mehetne a leírás vagy alcím is. pl.: név: Híd két part között; leírás: francia romantikus dráma, 95 perc, 1999.
– B.Zsolt vita 2018. március 26., 10:54 (CEST)
- Sok-sok filmnek rossz központozással van a címe a, vagy eredeti címmel van fent (pl. mert nem került magyar forgalomba) így ha lehetséges volna az import, akkor is óvatosan kellene bánni vele. Viszont a adatbázisa jogvédett, a Wikidata pedig CC0 licencű, így először valakinek, akinek vannak megfelelő jogi ismeretei, is rá kellene bólintania, hogy ez rendben van-e. Illetve találni valakit, aki technikailag is kivitelezni tudja. Egyébként jelenleg 28 658 ilyen elem van. – Máté (vitalap) 2018. március 26., 11:02 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #305
- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Putnik, Okkn. Welcome on board!
- Closed request for comments: Former ATE
- Events
- Upcoming: 1st Workshop on Quality of Open Data, Berlin, July 18–20 (submission deadline May 27)
- Upcoming: EuropeanaTech and Wikidata Workshop Day for GLAMs, Rotterdam (NL), Monday 14 May. A day of GLAM-related workshops around Wikidata and Structured Commons, for beginners and advanced users.
- Press, articles, blog posts
- SPLASHes in Wikidata, by Egon Willighagen
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- report about items with identical birth and death dates updated
- Relator, a tool to improve family relations in Wikidata
- Descendants check: consistency across multiple generations
- Due to Easter Monday, the next issue of the Weekly Summary will be sent on Tuesday, April 3rd. Until that day, feel free to add information in there
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: prerequisite, relevant qualification, derivative work, alternate names, test method
- External identifiers: Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women, SPLASH, Behind the voice Actors video games ID, Hungarian MP identifier, UK Provider Reference Number, Norwegian war sailor register ID, Wikitribune category, Scottish Rugby Union men's player ID, Scottish Rugby Union men's sevens player ID, Scottish Rugby Union women's player ID, IDA place ID, PRS Legislative Research MP ID, Thésaurus de la désignation des objets mobiliers ID, Thésaurus de la désignation des œuvres architecturales et des espaces aménagés ID, Kinoliste ID, Women’s Elite Rugby ID, TMDb TV series id, TMDb person id, place ID, Scottish Rugby Union women's sevens player ID, RKDlibrary ID, Statistics Canada Geographic code, Biographical Dictionary of Georgia ID, DBA ID, Hungarian public body ID, ruchess ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: had part, METAR code, Zulassungszahlen, Analog or derivative of, GHS labelling elements, en opposition à, output method
- External identifiers: film ID, person ID, Orthodox Encyclopedia Online ID, National Thesis Number, Deutsche Biographie Identifikator, Welsh Rugby Union IDs (women's XV and men's 7s)
- Query examples:
- Airports named after a person, color-coded by gender (source)
- Movies that Wikidata knows about and that have a German title that implies that someone or something doesn't answer (source)
- Software developed by people/organizations that have archival material at the ComputerHistory museum (source)
- Most common eponyms of French departments (source)
- Newest database reports: HOLBY CI+Y episode list, list of 2-part episodes
- Newest properties:
- Development
- New search code for Wikidata merged. You may notice the improvement in the search results output for Wikidata item. However, new code for search is not enabled, only new results format. The search code will be enabled next week.
- Improving formatting of language and lexical category in diff for Lexemes (phab:T189679)
- Allow to remove a Form (phab:T189675)
- Translate the grammatical feature properly on Lexemes (phab:T189143)
- Investigate and fix a bug on Lexemes when undoing an edit (phab:T187215)
- Progress on refactoring the table wb_terms (phab:T189777, phab:T188993, phab:T188279)
- Fixing an error on the caching of the constraint checks (phab:T189842)
- Improving the performance of a table in the database (phab:T180834)
- Improving the way we're building dumps (phab:T177550)
- Investigate on improving Lua functions (phab:T143970)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Cirill betűs adat az onfoboxban
A Tinder című cikk infoboxában kijavítaná valaki a cirill betűs dátumokat? Nekem nem sikerült. – Majális vita 2018. április 1., 07:43 (CEST)
- Javítottam az aktuális verzióra. Bencemac A Holtak Szószólója 2018. április 1., 08:58 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #306
- Events
- Talk by Morane Gruenpeter and Katherine Thornton, presented at LibrePlanet 2018 about software metadata in Software Heritage and Wikidata. Video of the talk. Slides for the talk.
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Making women more visible online—with Wikidata tools by Sandra Fauconnier on WMF's blog
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- if you're working with Lua modules, you can give input here about new functions
- you can still fill this page if you encounter a problem with suggester ranking
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: National Governors Association biography URL, key press, number of clubs, analog or derivative of, in opposition to
- External identifiers: Biographical Dictionary of Georgia ID, DBA ID, Hungarian public body ID, ruchess ID, World Para Snowboard athlete ID, METAR code, Orthodox Encyclopedia ID, Amphibians of India ID, National Thesis Number (France)
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: maximum operating temperature, minimum operating temperature, maximum non-operating temperature, minimum non-operating temperature, Специальное звание или классный чин, member of the crew of, service life, Gens, Code of Household Registration and Conscription Information System, Wikipedia glossary entry, assistant director, choral conductor, lighting designer, sound designer, projection designer, video designer, stage crew member, number of representations, talk show guest, adaptation or arrangement of, revival or touring version of
- External identifiers: DNV GL Vessel register ID, Behind the voice Actors person ID, Identifier of object at, Digital Typhoon ID, Territographie ID, Chile Rugby player ID, Directory of Open Access Journals ID, Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online ID, Researchmap ID, OpenEdition Books ID, KIT Linked Open Numbers ID, Animated Knots ID
- Sparsely used properties created >3 months:
- Deleted properties: P1124 (teu), P3484 (name shares origin with), P4990 (Statistics Canada Geographic code)
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: pilot and first episodes of television series
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Work on a script to generate MassMessage target lists (phab:T190812)
- Test validity of Wikidata IDs in Lua modules (phab:T143970)
- Rename Lua functions in old naming scheme (phab:T190382)
- More work on wb_terms table (phab:T188992)
- More work on logging autopatrol actions (phab:T184485)
- Include checksums in dumps (phab:T190457)
- Add mobile edits to Grafana (phab:T191111)
- Allowing to remove a Form from a Lexeme (phab:T173332)
- Fixing bugs on Lexemes (phab:T189185)
- Checking permissions for actions on Lexemes
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Törpe víziló
Sziasztok! A Törpe víziló kiemelt szócikkhez most egyetlen interwiki sem társul, mivel más azonosító alatt szerepl, mint a többi. Én sajnos nem tudom (nem engedi) törölni, és a többihez ( hozzáírni. Kérlek segítsetek! Köszönöm, JSoos vita 2018. április 6., 21:43 (CEST)
- A Wikifajokon a régi és az újabb tudományos nevén is van oldal róla, ezért nem lehet összevonni a két elemet. A magyar cikket átkötöttem a többi Wikipédia-szócikket is tartalmazó elemhez. – Máté (vitalap) 2018. április 6., 23:00 (CEST)
(volt már amikor sikerült, de már elfelejtettem...)
Köszi! JSoos vita 2018. április 6., 23:27 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #307
- Events
- Role of Wikimedia in the era of Open Science, Barcelona, April 16th
- Wikidata meetup in Berlin, April 20th. Please sign up if you want to attend (the meetup takes place in the venue of the Wikimedia Conference)
- Wikidata workshop in Paris, April 20th
- Wikidata for science workshop in Paris, April 23rd
- Wikidata meetup in Zürich, April 25th
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Some improvements have been made on the search results
- The administrative territorial entities of the Ottoman Empire are now largely complete. They include the elayets, vilayets and their sanjaks.
- A new version of Denelezh, a tool to monitor the gender gap in Wikidata, has been released, including a new methodology to produce the data (explained at the top of the main page and in the documentation), and an overview of the gender gap by Wikimedia project.
- Items now contain an average of 9 statements.
- Item Q2937606, created 5 years ago, got its first statement
- New tool: The property explorer sorts and displays properties per category (developed by Stevenliuyi based on a suggestion from Micru)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Wikimedia project focus list, complies with, special rank, last update, test taken, test score, activity policy in this place, choral conductor, gens, lighting designer, number of representations, sound designer
- External identifiers: DNV GL Vessel register ID, Behind the voice Actors person ID, Territographie ID, Prazdne Domy building ID, Welsh Rugby Union women's player ID, Welsh Rugby Union men's sevens player ID, Digital Typhoon typhoon ID, Digital Typhoon cyclone ID, Chile Rugby player ID, Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online ID, Code of Household Registration and Conscription Information System (Taiwan)
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: majority opinion, KMC Heritage Building Grade, accreditation, Number of spoilt votes, Number of blank votes, Number of abstentions, greater than (2), subdomain URL, International Classification for Standards, Wind speed, Wikimedia outline, list combines topics
- External identifiers: Authorea Author ID, Lambiek Comiclopedia ID, FOGIS ID, Behind the voice Actors character ID, KIT Linked Open Numbers ID, Harvard designation, Yahoo Answers category, UMAC ID, Internet Adult Film Database film ID, Adult Film Database film ID
- Sparsely used properties created >3 months:
- Berlinische Galerie artist ID (P4580), Kulturelles Erbe Köln object ID (P4582), Argentinian Historic Heritage ID (P4587), National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials ID (P4591), Mountain Project ID (P4592), arXiv author ID (P4594), post town (P4595), NIOSH Publication Number (P4596), monomer of (P4599), Lives of WWI ID (P4601)
- Query examples:
- Timeline of weather satellites (source)
- Map with lighthouses all over the world (source)
- Number of articles about humans by gender on Welsh Wikipedia (source)
- List of French rivers with different names and SANDRE ids on Sophox (SPARQL endpoint querying OpenStreetMap and Wikidata) (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Differences between range constraints now work only if both properties are present (phab:T185480)
- Work on a new constraint unit which defines which units are alowed for a given property (phab:T164372)
- Make the Special:ConstraintReport easier to understand (phab:T188728)
- Work on a Lua function which checks if an item is a subclass of or instance of another item (phab:T179155)
- Started deleting old autopatrolled from the loggin table (phab:T190447, phab:T184791)
- More work on setting up permissions for Lexeme (phab:T189480)
- Fixing a bug about removing the last Lemma (phab:T189185)
- Disabling the possibility to move a Lexeme (phab:T189481)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #308
- Events
- Role of Wikimedia in the era of Open Science, Barcelona, April 16th (slides of Andy Mabbett's keynote)
- Wikidata meetup in Berlin, April 20th. Please sign up if you want to attend (the meetup takes place in the venue of the Wikimedia Conference)
- Wikidata workshop in Paris, April 20th
- Wikidata for science workshop in Paris, April 23rd
- Wikidata meetup in Zürich, April 25th
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- GLAM wiki Conference (November 2018 in Tel Aviv): you can now apply for a scholarship. You can still make submissions for the program until end of April.
- Lua function to get Wikibase entity by site link: mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForTitle (thanks Tpt!) (ticket)
- Wikidata:FactGrid#Problems and more, a brief status report of the FactGrid Project on Friday 13, April 2018
- Should OpenStreetMap use Wikibase to store data on tags? (Discussion on OSM wiki)
- Prop explorer UI can now be translated using Tool Translate.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: talk show guest, GHS hazard pictogram, GHS hazard statement, GHS precautionary statement, number of abstentions, number of spoilt votes, number of blank votes, International Classification for Standards, towards, supervisory board member
- External identifiers: Researchmap ID, Animated Knots ID, film ID, person ID, National Library of Korea Identifier (KRNLK), Lambiek Comiclopedia ID, AmphibiaWeb Species ID, Plants of the World online ID, FOGIS ID, Authorea author ID, Rosetta Code ID, Church of Sweden ID, Harvard designation, UMAC ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: French standard sizes for oil paintings, operating temperature, non-operating temperature, reference value, ILI ID, Portable Game Notation, SNOMED CT identifier, Mercalli intensity, fault type, fault, areas affected
- External identifiers: IRMNG taxon ID, ID, World of Physics identifier, Kunstenpunt people, DOAB publisher ID, ID, IAFD company ID, JAAF ID, Athletics Canada ID, Russian Athletics ID, Polish Athletics Federation ID, Römpp online ID, Pschyrembel Online ID, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ID, ISC event, USGS-ANSS event page, HanCinema drama, ARRS race ID, hpip
- Barely used properties created >3 months:
- National Film Board of Canada movie ID (P4606), AUSNUT 2011–13 Food Group ID (P4618), squadron embarked (P4624), trophy awarded (P4622), EK number (P4627), premiere type (P4634), identity of object in context (P4626), photosphere image (P4640), FoodEx2 code (P4637), Estonian Football Association team ID (P4639)
- Query examples:
- Longest chain of mutual murders (source)
- 6 couples killed each other (source)
- All things named after Leonardo da Vinci (source)
- German municipality pairs with the name pattern -ing/-ingen (source)
- Timeline of early silent movies produced before 1900 (source)
- French citizens with at least 5 Wikipedia pages but not in French (source)
- Newest database reports: family names by soundex, définitions de ville
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Disable Senses in the API for the initial version of the WikibaseLexeme extension (phab:T187198)
- Create a new data type to allow linking to Forms (phab:T165579)
- Fix a bug happening when editing a Form (phab:T187215)
- Enforce permission checks when editing Lexeme (phab:T189480)
- Make not possible to remove the last lemma (phab:T189185)
- Make not possible to move a Lexeme (phab:T189481)
- Implement “Units” constraint (phab:T164372)
- More work on the possibility to pick an item's parent in Lua (phab:T179155)
- Show a thumbnail for image/video/audio properties in statements (phab:T46727)
- Add “no bounds” constraint (phab:T170610)
- Make the “difference within range” constraint not requiring “item requires claim” constraint (phab:T185480)
- New Lua function to test for validity of Wikidata entity IDs (phab:T143970)
- Include checksums in dumps (phab:T190457)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Forráshivatkozás hiba
A Richard Wilbur cikkben a hivatkozások csak a wikidatából jönnek, tehát a jelzett forráshivatkozáshibát is ott kellene javítani. – Majális vita 2018. április 2., 19:25 (CEST)
- Tudunk a hibáról, de sajnos egyenlőre nincs rá orvosság. Az itt leírtak szerint viszont ki tudod szűrni őket. Bencemac A Holtak Szószólója 2018. április 4., 10:38 (CEST)
- Kikommentelve a 446. sort a Modul:Wikidata-ban = reference.snaks['P50'] and formatSnak(reference.snaks['P50'][1], options)
- a hiba megszűnik. Ez azt jelentheti, hogy a Sablon:Cite web sablon ír be valami olyan szövegrészt, ami a második ref összehasonlításakor az elsővel még ott van, tehát úgy érzékeli, hogy különböznek, a renderelt oldalon viszont már nem látszik, tehát akkor már egyformának tűnik. Ez a sor a gyanúm szerint a
- | <nowiki>:</nowiki> }}{{#if: {{{archiveurl|}}}
- lehet azokkal a nowikikkel meg unicode karakterrel. Ki kellene tesztelni, hogy ezt hogy lehet egyszerűbb módon kiíratni. (Pl. a kettőspont és a szóköz is a nowikin belül legyen, vagy mindkettő unicode-ban legyen ott, stb...) – Pzgulyas vita 2018. április 23., 11:16 (CEST)
Hiba javítva. Bencemac A Holtak Szószólója 2018. április 25., 18:49 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #309
- Events
- Past: Wikimedia Conference in Berlin
- Wikibase workshop in Antwerp, Belgium, April 23-25
- WikiWorkshop, a forum bringing together researchers exploring all aspects the Wikimedia projects, in Lyon, April 24th. Seven papers related to Wikidata will be presented.
- Wikidata meetup in Zurich, Switzerland, April 25th
- DDJ Monaco: Wikidata for digital Journalists; Open-Source-Treffen: SPARQL-Workshop, Munich, April 25 and 27
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Old Periodicals, a New Datatype and Spiderfied Query Results in Wikidata by Simon Cobb (National Library of Wales)
- Wikimedia and The Met: A Shared Digital Vision by Katherine Maher and Loic Tallon
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata:Tools has been reorganized and updated, thanks to Pasleim! Feel free to help keeping this page up to date.
- Wikidata:List of properties has also been reorganized and updated.
- Lexicographical data on Wikidata will start at the end of May. Some property proposals are already discussed
- A rate limit for edits and page creation has been set up
- Please give feedback on a first proposal on GLAM metadata and ontology mapping for Structured Data on Commons. This feedback round runs until 4 May.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: fastest lap, cabinet, patronym or matronym for this person, modified version of, unit symbol, wind speed, operating temperature, non-operating temperature, service life, French standard size for oil paintings, boiler pressure, presented in
- External identifiers: IRMNG taxon ID, Handball Bundesliga ID, ID, DOAB publisher ID, ILI ID, World of Physics identifier, Flanders Arts Institute person ID, JAAF ID, Polish Athletics Federation ID, Römpp online ID, Russian Athletics ID, Athletics Canada ID, NVE lake ID, Norsk biografisk leksikon ID, Norsk kunstnerleksikon ID, Store medisinske leksikon ID, Adult Film Database film ID, Yahoo Answers category, Pschyrembel Online ID, FIPS string code for US states, FIPS numeric code for US states, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ID, USGS-ANSS event page, ARRS race ID, HanCinema drama ID, ISC event ID, road number (Estonia), Heritage of Portuguese Influence ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Commercialized from, synonym, translation, antonym, demonym of, item for this sense, pronunciation variety, grammatical gender, grammatical number, etymology, person, areas affected, award category, nature of statement, donation platform, has grammatical gender, has grammatical person, Phonetic pronunciation, medical finding model, landmass, accessed from, research measurement, hyperonym, hyponym, meronym, holonym, troponym
- External identifiers: Swedish Literature Bank, Logainm ID, Wikipedia glossary entry, Réunion des musées nationaux id, Il mondo dei doppiatori ID, FIS speed skier ID, cryptocurrency address, New Zealand Gazetteer ID, Bridge number, HanCinema film, Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures ID
- Scarcely used properties created >3 months:
- Indian Financial System Code (P4635), RCR number (P4645), partition type identifier (P4654), partition table type (P4653), Wiki Aves bird ID (P4664), Buenos Aires legislator ID (P4667), Sjukvårdsrådgivningen Category ID (P4670), tabular software version (P4669), constraint scope (P4680), GEMS Code (P4695)
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: Sports equipment: balls
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Track the number of constraints by type (phab:T191891)
- Include thumbnails in image statements (phab:T46727)
- Install Query Service on Factgrid (phab:T189863)
- Page creation and edit rates (phab:T184948)
- Implement unit constraint (phab:T164372)
- Implement no bounds constraint (phab:T170610)
- Started working on the constraint violation type to restrict to indicate that certain properties can only be used on items or lexemes (phab:T164744)
- Creating a Docker container for QuickStatements (phab:T192079)
- Removed hardcoded demo data in Wikibase Lexeme (phab:T188899)
- New data type for linking to Forms (phab:T165579)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #310
- Events
- Past:
- Wikibase workshop in Antwerp, Belgium, April 23-25
- WikiWorkshop, a forum bringing together researchers exploring all aspects of the Wikimedia projects
- Wikidata meetup in Zurich, Switzerland, April 25th
- DDJ Monaco: Wikidata for digital Journalists; Open-Source-Treffen: SPARQL-Workshop, Munich, April 25 and 27
- Daten in Wikidata einbringen (Bringing data into Wikidata) - Hands-on tutorial within the DINI KIM Workshop 2018
- Upcoming:
- Wikidata workshop in Köln, Germany, on May 5th and 6th
- Wikidata workshop in Vienna, Austria, on May 5th
- Wikidata workshop in Pardubice, Czech Republic, on May 5th
- Past:
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New badge available for sitelinks: good list
- Sitelinks for the new Ingush Wikipedia (inhwiki) can be added
- Support for the second new Gorontalo Wikipedia (gorwiki) is here
- Articles of the third new Lingua Franca Nova Wikipedia (lfnwiki) may be connected
- A Wikidata Telegram group has been created by volunteers
- Constraint Summary script is showing the total amount of constraints reports on the top of an item page
- Contexto is a Wordpress plugin displaying Wikidata info in a hovercard. See demo, you can also let feedback to the developer
- Sixth months before Wikidata's sixth birthday: you can organize a local event
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: fault, member of the crew of, nature of statement
- External identifiers: Logainm ID, IAFD film ID, Il mondo dei doppiatori ID, Réunion des musées nationaux ID, Swedish Literature Bank AuthorID, FIS speed skier ID, New Zealand Gazetteer place ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: crop, date of first attestation, place of first attestation, Wikidata property example for lexemes, Wikidata property example for forms, Wikidata property example for senses, false-friend, demonym (Lexeme), Allaboutjazz musician ID, homonym, paronym, streetViewUrl, constraint, WikiCFP eventID, WikiCFP conference series ID, Mascot of, program committee member, applies to name, values for this type, items for this type, Maintained by Wikiproject, Amateur Radio Callsign
- External identifiers: Ontario public library ID, Italian School ID, TFRRS athlete ID, Linux Game Database properties, Swedish Literature Bank book ID, ICAA film catalogue ID, Stepwell Atlas ID, OnsOranje player ID, OnsOranje tournament ID, OnsOranje match ID
- Infrequently used properties created >3 months:
- Historic Place Names of Wales ID (P4697), American Art Collaborative object ID (P4692), Arquivo Arq ID (P4694), Argentine deputy ID (P4693), HATVP person ID (P4703), Ent'revues ID (P4706), VOGRIPA ID (P4708), Rugby Canada ID (P4707), title page number (P4714), Conseil de Presse Luxembourg journalist ID (P4698)
- Query examples:
- Timeline of Wikibase instances and WikidataCon events (federated query)
- User-friendly list of news articles by Kim Wall, as linked from the German and English Wikipedia (based on work of fnielsen)
- Places of birth of the European Parliament members (source)
- Obelisks in Rome (source)
- Artists from Cameroon and their places of birth (source)
- Place of birth of people with an ORCID ID (source)
- History of Milano metro stations on a map (source)
- Number of versions, editions and translations by language of work (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on the internal API for Wikibase-Lexeme (phab:T190906)
- Fix some errors happening when editing Lexemes (phab:T192766, phab:T192264)
- Use language code validation for forms representations (phab:T193010, phab:T193011)
- Add badge for good lists to Wikidata (phab:T190976)
- Fix bugs regarding the thumbnails on media statements (phab:T192910, phab:T192601, phab:T192869)
- Investigate on dispatch lag problems (phab:T193349)
- Fix a bug on the watchlist on Wikipedia (phab:T192673)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Nem található, pedig ott van
Nem tudom bekötni a Q52430684 elemhez a ro:Biserica Sfântul Nicolae din Făgăraş cikket, a hibajelzés szerint nem található. Segítene valaki? – Hkoala 2018. május 1., 17:32 (CEST)
Nem lehet, hogy véletlenül romani nyelven akartad bekötni? (Az jön fel elsőként, ha beírod, hogy "ro".) Csigabiitt a házam 2018. május 1., 17:35 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #311
- Discussions
- Events
- Wikidata and GLAM workshop day in the context of the EuropeanaTech Conference, Rotterdam, Monday 14 May 2018
- Wikidata access methods, slides by Dan Scott
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- More than 850 living people' articles from the English Wikipedia which have date of death or place of death on their Wikidata item: manual checks needed. You can also check Category:P570 missing in Wikipedia
- Florian will be improving Wikidata support in the Wikipedia plugin for OpenStreetMap's JOSM editor, for the Google Summer of Code 2018
- Prssanna Desai will work on improvements for the Query Service during Google Summer of Code
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Deutsche Bahn station category, has grammatical gender, has grammatical person, Wikimedia outline, assistant director, island of location, possible medical findings, suggests the existence of, has evaluation, evaluation of, greater than, less than
- External identifiers: Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures ID, Behind The Voice Actors character ID, HanCinema film ID, Italian School ID, Directory of Open Access Journals ID, LGDB game ID, LGDB emulator ID, LGDB tool ID, LGDB engine ID, TFRRS athlete ID, All About Jazz musician ID, Ontario public library ID, Swedish Literature Bank book ID, WikiCFP event ID, WikiCFP conference series ID, ICAA film catalogue ID, Stepwell Atlas ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: IMDA rating, is program committee member of, officialized by, KAVI rating, topographic map, child monotypic taxon, Köppens klimaklassifisering, Möllendorff transliteration, attested, geographic center, season of club or team, sports competition competed at, factorizsation, coastline, forest cover, vehicles per capita, audio transcription
- External identifiers: e-MEC entry, Norwegian war sailor register ship ID, Thesaurus For Graphic Materials, GNOME Wiki ID, Israel Film Fund ID, The New Fund for Cinema and Television (Israel) ID, Cinema Project ID, Chinese Political Elites Database ID, Israeli Movie Testimonial Database Person ID, Israeli Movie Testimonial Database Movie ID, JMA Seismic Intensity Database ID, Portale della Canzone italiana IDs, Trustpilot company ID, Ester ID, Dictionary of Swedish Translators
- Properties lacking use created > 3 months:
- Sign@l journal ID (P4726), INRAN Italian Food ID (P4729), produced sound (P4733), IBM code page ID (P4734), IBM graphic character global ID (P4736), Line Music album ID (P4748), Line Music artist ID (P4747), is proceedings from (P4745), National Historic Ships certificate no. (P4750), Manus Online ID (P4752)
- Deleted properties: Réunion des musées nationaux ID (P5100)
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Allow continuing Wikidata entity dumps (phab:T193688)
- Make sure Wikidata entity dump scripts run for a short amount of time (phab:T190513)
- Add monolingual language code shy (phab:T184783)
- More work on preparing QuickStatements to be run by other parties (phab:T193606, phab:T192079, phab:T192365)
- Expand references with constraint violations (phab:T177970)
- Improving validation of Form representations on WikibaseLexeme (phab:T193011)
- Fixing a bug that replaces a representation by another (phab:T192264)
- Enable finding forms using wbsearchentities API (phab:T191981)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #312
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Adminor
- Events
- Past: GLAM forum in Yerevan, Armenia, 10-12 May 2018
- slides for 'What is Wikidata: How can GLAMs work with Wikidata?' presentation by Andy Mabbett
- A Wikidata workshop was given by Liam Wyatt and appeared at the national Armenian television
- Wikidata workshop day at GLAMwiki conference in Rotterdam, May 14th
- Wikidata workshop in Paris, May 18th
- Next Wikidata IRC office hour: May 29th at 18:00 (UTC+2, Berlin time) on the channel #wikimedia-office
- Past: GLAM forum in Yerevan, Armenia, 10-12 May 2018
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata: a platform for your library’s linked open data by Stacy Allison-Cassin & Dan Scott, in the journal Code4Lib (also posted on Reddit)
- Enriching Reconciled Data with OpenRefine, by Karen Hwang
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New feature for the Query Service: check the location of the browser
- New monolingual code available: shy (Shawiya)
- You can have a look at the draft for the RDF mapping of Wikibase Lexeme
- New feature for the Query Service: check the location of the browser
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: item for this sense, season of club or team, Möllendorff transliteration, geographic center, coastline
- External identifiers: none
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: IGAC rating, taxon described in publication, jockey, Norsk fjordkatalog-ID, Wikidata:Dataset Imports, toponym
- External identifiers: Bugs! artist ID, Bugs! album ID, KKBOX artist ID, KKBOX album ID, Norsk pop- og rockleksikon ID, Odnoklassniki profile ID, Kunstenpunt organisations, Rockipedia artist ID, Rockipedia album ID, Rockipedia label ID, Rockipedia area ID, Norsk historisk leksikon ID, Univ-droit jurist ID, Relationship Science profile ID, D&B Hoovers company profile, Victorian Heritage Register ID, CIVICUS Monitor country entry, FloraCatalana ID
- Underused properties created >3 months:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fix the bug where changes in the watchlist and Recent Changes on Wikipedia should have been shown but were not (phab:T192673)
- Clarify error message for the merge API (phab:T180296)
- Add violation type to restrict which entity types a property can be used (phab:T164744)
- Added a constraint to blacklist values for a property (phab:T183092)
- Fix a bug showing the wrong alias in the edit summary when editing an alias (phab:T190492)
- Fix some bugs related to displaying thumbnails in statements (phab:T193880, phab:T192667, phab:T193499)
- Continue looking into dispatch issues (phab:T194602)
- Working on adding an integer constraint (phab:T167989)
- Preparing to deploy WikibaseLexeme extension on Wikimedia cluster (phab:T168260)
- Making sure that the form ID counter is preserved when clearing the lexeme via the API (phab:T192264)
- Applying the same validation to the language code of the Lemma and the representation (phab:T191504)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!