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Jó szerkesztést és tartalmas szórakozást kívánunk! SyP 2007. július 19., 07:46 (CEST)Válasz

Pjotr Selohonov[szerkesztés]


Hahó, Pasztilla. Please forgive my for not being able to use good Hungarian. Thanks a lot for your help with the article on film actor Petr Shelokhonov (Pjotr Selohonov). He was born to Polish - Ukrainian parents in Belarus, some of his ancestry was Lithuanian and other Baltic nations. In the former Soviet Union he was registered as Belarus national, not Russian, so "orosz" is not perfectly correct for him. It is hard for us today to make a final definition of his nationality, because ethnically he has multiple East European ancestry. Born after the revolution in Belarus, he survived the WWII, but all his original birth documents were destroyed with his home by air-bombing and fire during WWII, and then he ended up in the USSR. In 1945, when he turned 16, the Soviets issued him a passport with a record of nationality: Belarus, but citizenship: USSR; then in 1991 all that became obsolete, his next passport was of "Russian Federation", albeit his ethnic origin never changed! His life was all shaken by history, blow by blow, trauma after another trauma. I am trying to make a good match of his bio in several languages. Discussions about his original name are going on the English Wiki and others. You are very welcome to make further corrections in the Hungarian Wiki. My Hungarian isn't enough to make serious contributions, albeit it is a great fun trying. Your help with my Hungarian is highly appreciated. Üdv, Steveshelokhonov 2007. július 20., 21:20 (CEST)Válasz

Hi, Steve! Thank you for sharing this fascinating story with me. Before amending the article, I've also checked some sources, and found mentionned his nationality to be Soviet. I'll be more than happy to be able to help you, if needed. Pasztilla 2007. július 20., 23:52 (CEST)Válasz
Hi, Pasztilla, Burumbátor, Bennó, and all parties interested. Your help is highly appreciated. You are right about the Soviet citizenship, it was a temporary mask for many people, Petr Shelokhonov (Pjotr Selohonov) had it from 1945 to 1991, it was automatically imposed on people who ended up on the territory of the USSR after WWII, so people of Eastern Europe, including Baltic States and parts of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus were forced into Soviet citizenship. The Soviets mixed all terminology: ethnicity with nationality, and nationality with citizenship. Soviet IDs were confusing, all paperwork was done by Russian-speaking clerks who did not care about individual ethnic details. Stalin and his agents were in total control, so Petr Shelokhonov (Pjotr Selohonov) did not argue with authorities, especially after they punished him for telling political jokes, and his mother was dead without a grave. His old Soviet passport has nationality - Belarus (by his birthplace), citizenship - Soviet (by the country's name), which is now confusing and not completely accurate. In 1991 his nationality and citizenship were changed to Russian, which was not accurate again, because he was born in Belarus, not Russia, his ethnic roots are in Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania, and he always valued his multi-ethnic and multi-cultural identity. He told me many times that he felt trapped in the system of fake countries and propaganda. It is history now, it helps understand that some people in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union survived against all odds.

All ethnic and cultural connections between nations are valuable, such as Petr Shelokhonov's work in two Hungarian movies about Liszt Ferenc, and his personal friendship with the great Hungarian actor Sinkovits Imre and director Keleti Márton. I would like to invite you to participate in the project of making identical articles in several languages, the first project is Petr Shelokhonov's (Pjotr Selohonov) biography. I have it in English and Russian, but my Hungarian is very limited. If you and your Hungarian friends could translate the English biography of Petr Shelokhonov into Hungarian that would be great. After this is done, we can move this experience on to other articles in Wikipedia, in order to eventually overcome discrepancies between languages, and make Wikipedia equally informative in many languages. Üdv,Steveshelokhonov 2007. július 24., 21:06 (CEST)Válasz

A felhasználóneved meg fog változni[szerkesztés]

2015. március 20., 08:42 (CET)


2015. április 19., 10:47 (CEST)