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[szerkesztés]- A Rasszizmus és Intolerancia Elleni Európai Bizottság (ECRI):
- A Rasszizmus és Intolerancia Elleni Európai Bizottság (ECRI):
- 88. Az ECRI azonban továbbra is sajnálatát fejezi ki a rendőrség által az olyan kisebbségi csoportok tagjaival szemben elkövetett bántalmazás és erőszakos cselekmények miatt, mint pl. a romák és az állampolgársággal nem rendelkezők. Nem kormányzati források szerint az ilyen megnyilvánulások különféle formákat öltenek, a rasszista jellegű inzultusoktól az önkényes letartóztatásokon keresztül a komoly fizikai bántalmazáson át egészen a jogtalan lőfegyverhasználatig. 2003.harmadik országjelentés
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- Archív roma zene hangszer nélkül 2 perc
- Egyiptom - Lacho drom - nem youtube!
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[szerkesztés]- románia?
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- tyson magyar
- "majorca" UK-balkan
- makedonija
- majorca
Gyakori források
[szerkesztés]- Diósi Ágnes: Cigányúton (Budapest, 1988.)
- Bari Károly: Cigány folklór in: Romano kalendari 2001. (Budapest, 2001.)
- Fraser, sir Angus : A cigányok (Budapest, 1996.)
- Liégeois, Jean-Pierre : Romák, cigányok, utazók (Budapest, 1994.)
- Prónai Csaba (szerk.): Cigány világok Európában (Budapest, 2006.)
- Tomašević, Nebojša-Đurić, Rajko: Cigani sveta (Beograd, 1988.)
- Марушиакова, Елена - Попов, Веселин: Циганите в Българија (София, 1993)
- Csemer Géza: Habiszti (Budapest 1994.)
- Sárosi Bálint: Cigányzene (Budapest 1971.)
- Magyar Néprajzi Lexikon
- Gonda János: Jazz. Történet, elmélet, gyakorlat (Budapest, 1965.)
- Matisz László: Hoztuk magunkkal, ottvan a génjeinkben (Amaro Drom 2004/1)
- Matisz László: Létezik-e romadzsessz? (Amaro Drom 2003/11)
[szerkesztés]- cob
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- románc
- 7 húros gitár
- kalyi jag
- hidrellez
- ederlezi sofi marinova
- romániai gyerekek
- nane coxa
[szerkesztés]- Nemzetközi bibliográfia a cigány nyelvű könyvekről
- Romológiai bibliográfia szlovén nyelvű
- Cigány nyelvű bibliák
[szerkesztés]- 1. ** Soravia, Giulio. 1978. Schizzo tagmemico del dialetto degli Zingari di Reggio Calabria con
vocabulario [Tagmemic sketch of the Gypsies of Reggio Calabria with a vocabulary]. Lacio Drom 14 (2/3): 1-77. <a grammatical sketch of the Calabrese Romani dialect with a vocabulary, published in a special issue of the Italian Journal Lacio Drom> {grammar, academic, Italy, Italian}
- 4. ** $D$ Igla, Birgit. 1996. Das Romani von Ajia Varvara: Deskriptive und historisch-vergleichende
Darstellung eines Zigeunerdialekts. (Osteuropa-Institut an der FU Berlin. (Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen, Bd. 29). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. xi + 313 pp. {grammar, texts, vocabulary, scholarly} {Greece, German, Germany}
- 6. Ion, Ionel & Marianne Costion-Ion. 1997. Aritmetic| în Limba Rromani/ Manual Bilingv, Clasa I.
Aritmétika. Clasa I/Jekhto Klàsa [arithmetics in the Romani language. Bilingual manual, First Class]. Târga Mures: Editura Pro Europa. 92 pp. <bilingual Romani Magyar, or Romani- Roumanian> <order from: Fundatia Phoenix, [#40]-094-542282> Colour ill. {children, Arithmetics, school book} {Romanian, Hungarian, Roumania}
- 7. * Cortiade, Marcel. 1990. Stuart Manns Wörterbuch des albanischen Romanes. Giessen:
Tsiganologische Studien I. 43 pp. <Southern Vlax> {dictionary, scholarly} {Albania, Germany, English, German, Albanian}
- 8. $V$ Cortiade, Marcel. 1989. Gramatika e Gjuhes Rroma [Grammar of the Romani language].
Tiranë: the author. 179 pp. <in Albanian> {grammar} {Albanian, Albania}
- 124. ** $S$ Malikov, Jašar. 1992. Cigansko-b|lgarski Re…nik [Gypsy-Bulgarian
disctionary]. Sofia: Fondacija Otvoreno obštestvo. 96 pp. {dictionary} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 125. $A2$ ** Slavov, Atanas. 1999. Gypsy-English/English-Gypsy Dictionary. New York: Hippocrene Books. 229 pp. ISBN 0-7818-10775-1. {dictionary} {USA, English}
- 9. Acton, Thomas. 1972. Mo Romano Lil. London: Romanestan Publications. 36 pp. (Gypsy
Council School Book) several editions B/W drawings almost each page, bilingual Angloromani-English, children {children, reading book, B/W drawings} {Britain}
- 10. Acton, Thomas & Donald Kenrick. 1984. Romani Rokkeripen To Divvus. The English
Romani Dialect and Its Contemporary Social, Educational and Linguistic Standing. London: Romanestan Publications. {dictionary, texts, adults, children, stories, also scholarly articles} {Britain, English}
- 11. ** Borrow, George. 1982 [1874]. Romano Lavo-Lil. Word-Book of the Romany or, English Gypsy
Language. With specimens of Gypsy Poetry, and an Account of Certain Gypsies or Places Inhabited by them, and of Various Things relating to Gypsy life in England. London: John Murray. 178 pp. <reprinted several times; Reprint 1982. Gloucester: Alan Sutton> <also available on net:> {vocabulary, Romani-English} {Britain, English}
- 12. Dawson, Robert. 1996. The Vocabulary of the Gypsies and other Traditional Travellers of
Derbyshire. Collated and edited by Robert Dawson. 40 pp. <publ. Address; Robert Dawson, 188 Alfreton Road, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5JH, England, UK> {Romani-English, word list} {Britain, English}
- 13. $A$ Dawson, Robert. 1998. The Vocabulary of the Gypsies and other Traditional Travellers of
Derbyshire. Collated and edited by Robert Dawson. 46 pp. <second edition 1999><publ. Address; Robert Dawson, 188 Alfreton Road, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5JH, England, UK><Romani-English> {dictionary} {Britain, English}
- 14. Dawson, Robert. n.y. Word List. <list of 500 words, for easy cut-out>. Published by Robert
Dawson. <publ. Address; Robert Dawson, 188 Alfreton Road, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5JH, England, UK> {words, cards, children} {Britain, English}
- 15. $a$ ** Dawson, Robert & Pauline Duval. 1998. Millennium Romani. Lichfield: Bogey Hole
Press. 32 pp. ISBN 0-9529199-1-5. <publisher: 23 Dam Street, Lichfield, WS13 6AE England> <author: Robert Duval, 188 Alfreton Road, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5JH} {dictionary, B/W illustrations, line drawings} {Britain, English}
- 16. Duval, Pauline & Robert Dawson. 1998. Counting 1 to 20. English, Romani, German, French.
Lichfield: Bogey Hole Press. 32 pp. ISBN 0-95291999-4-x. (publisher: 23 Dam Street, Lichfield, WS13 6AE England; author: Robert Duval, 188 Alfreton Road, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5JH} {dictionary, children} {Britain, English}
- 17. $P$ Essex County Council Education. 1995. Traveller Alphabet. Chelmsford: Essex County
Council Education. 64 pp. <publisher=s address: Essex County Council Education Department, Information Services, Publications, PO Box 47, Chelmsford CM1 1LD><illustrations by several children> <word list Traveller language - English, English - Traveller language in back> {ABC book, color drawings, children} {Britain, English}
- 21. $A2$ ** Hoadley, Michael. 2000. The Eildon Tree: Romany Language and Lore. Cheveley,
Berks: Capel Bann Publishers. 152 pp. ISBN 186163097-2<includes a dictionary pp. 93-120, and proverbs and phrases pp. 121-122> <publisher=s address: Capel Bann Publishers, Freshfields, Cheveley, Berks, RG20 8TF, England, UK> {texts, dictionary} {Britain, English}
- 22. Kenrick, Donald S. & T. Wilson. 1979. An English Romani word book. London: Romanestan
Publications. <this list has been incorporated into Acton & Kenrick (eds.), item 10 CHK>
- 26. * Smart, B.C. & H.T. Crofton. 1875. The dialect of the English Gypsies. London: Asher & Co.
302 pp. <reprint 1968. Detroit: Gale Research Co.> {grammar, texts, vocabulary} {Britain, USA, English}
- 76. $V$ Kepeski, Krume & Šaip Jusuf. 1980. Romani gramatika - Romska gramatika.
Skopje: Naša Kniga. 220 pp. <in Macedonian and Romani, facing pages> <RC-182> {grammar, Arli, Macedonia, Dñambazi, schoolbook}
- 90. ** Boretzky, Norbert. 1993. Bugurdñi. Deskriptiver und historischer Abriß eines
Romani-Dialekts. Osteuropa-Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin. Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.xi + 203 pp. {grammar, Bugurdñi, scholarly} {German, Germany}
- 91. ** $D$ Boretzky, Norbert & Birgit Igla. 1994. Wörterbuch Romani-Deutsch-Englisch
für den Südosteuropäischen Raum. Mit einer Grammatik der Dialektvarianten. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. xxi + 418 pp. <with German and English index> {grammar, dictionary, Yugoslavia, scholarly} {Germany, German, English}
- 92. $A2$ ** Petrovski, Trajko & Vone Velickovski. 1998. Makedonsko-Romski Re…nik.
Romsko-Makedonski Re…nik. Makedonsko-Romano i Romano-Makedonsko Alavari. [Macedonian-Romani Dictionary. Romani-Macedonian dictionary]. Skopje: Vorldyk. 496 pp. <, Erli, Arli, Bugurdñi, Romani-Macedonian> {dictionary} {Macedonia, Macedonian}
- 93. * Paspati, Alexandre G. 1870. Études sur les Tchinghianés ou Bohémiens de l'Empire
Ottoman. Constantinople: Koroméla.652 pp. <reprint 1974. Osnabrück: Biblio/ Zeller>. {dictionary, grammar, scholarly} {Greece, Turkey, French}
- 94. ** Paspatis, A.G. 1995. Meleti peri ton Atsigganon kai tis Glossis afton [memoir on the
Gypsies and their language]. Athens: Ekati. 123 pp. <originally published 1857 in the periodical Pandira 8> <2 page introduction by Jiannis Milios> <Greece, Turkey> {grammar} {Greece, Greek}
- 96. ** $530$ Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1998. DicÛionar Rrom (Spoitoresc) - Român. BucureÕti:
Editura . 144 pp. ISBN 973-26-0535-9 [Biblioteca Rroma: nr.2] <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel./Fax 2243628.><Spoitor Dialect> {Spoitor, dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 116. ** Chaushev, Ali. 1995. Tsigansko-B|lgarski Re…nik [Gypsy-Bulgarian dictionary].
Studii Romani 2: 149-158. <brief dictionary, published in periodical. Also 141-150, in Romani-English version><a basket-makers dialect (Sepedñi/Košnicari, different from the Sepe…ides dialect listed elsewhere)> {dictionary} {Bulgaria}
- 121. $A2NOT$ ** Kyuchukov, Hristo. 1993. U…eben Bålgaro-Romski rechnik [compact
Bulgarian - Romani glossary]. Sofia. UNICEF. 53 pp. {Vlax, Erli, Xoraxano} {dictionary} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian}
- 131. ** Halwachs, Dieter W. 1996. Morphologie des Roman. Basisgrammatik der Romani-
Variante der Burgenland-Roma. (Arbeitsbericht 3 des Projekts Kodifizierung und Didaktisierung des Roman). Oberwart: Verein Roma. 91 pp. {grammar, scholarly} {Austria, German}
- 132. ** $D$ Halwachs, Dieter W. 1998. Amaro vakeripe Roman hi. Unsere Sprache ist
Roman. Texte, Glossar und Grammatik der burgenländischen Romani-variante. Klagenfurt: Drava. 240 pp. {grammar, texts, lexicon} {Austria, German}
- 133. Halwachs, Dieter W., Gerd Ambrosch, unter Mitarbeit von Ursula Glaeser,
Katharina Martens & Michael Wogg. 1998. Lexikon des Roman (Arbeitsbericht 7 des Projekts Kodifizierung und Didaktisierung des Roman). Oberwart: Verein Roma. 83 pp. {dictionary} {Austria, German}
- 134. ** Halwachs, Dieter W., Gerd Ambrosch, unter Mitarbeit von Ursula Glaeser,
Katharina Martens & Michael Wogg. 1999. Wörterbuch Roman - Deutsch. (Arbeitsbericht 7a des Projekts Kodifizierung und Didaktisierung des Roman). Oberwart: Verein Roma. 100 pp. {dictionary} {Austria, German}
- 136. ** $?$ Halwachs, Dieter W., with Gerd Ambrosch, Katharina Deman &Ursula
Glaeser. 2002. Burgenland-Romani. München: LINCOM. 82 pp. {grammar} {Germany, English}
- 138. ** Halwachs, Dieter W., U. Glaeser, K. Martens & C. Purr. 1996. Lehrerkommentar
zum Lehrbuch "Amen Roman Siklojas" [comments for teachers regarding the textbook AAmen Roman Siklojas@]. (Arbeitsbericht 4 des Projekts Kodifizierung und Didaktisierung des Roman). Oberwart: Verein Roma. <Internet: http://wwwgewi.> {grammar} {Austria, German}
- 144. * Campuzano, R. 1848 [1980]. Orijen, usos y costumbres de los jitanos y diccionario de
su dialecto. Madrid, 1848. 2nd edition, 1851. <Facsimile reprint, Madrid 1980: Helioduro><Caló>Spanish> {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish}
- 145. Caritas Diocesana. 1975. Los gitanos. Diccionario español-gitano. Barcelona:
Secretariado Gitano. chk - pp. {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish}
- 146. * García, José Antonio Plantón. 1993. Aproximación al Caló. Chipi Cayí. Málaga:
Junta de Andalucía, Consejeria de Asuntos Sociales, Delegación Provincial. 62 pp. {grammar} {Spain, Spanish}
- 147. $F$ ** Jung, Christof. 1972. Wortliste des Dialekts der Spanischen Zigeuner. (Caló-
Spanisch-Deutsch). Mainz: Flamenco-Studio 1972. Sonderdruck No. 3. 58 pp. {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish}
- 148. ** Llorens, Maria Jose. 1991. Diccionario Gitano. Un Estudio profundo y veraz acerca
de esta controvertida y peculiar raza, encaminado hacia un mejor conocimiento por parte del resto de la sociedad. Madrid: A.L Mateos. 297 pp. <this is a copy of Tineo Rebolledo's dictionary of 1900, with no acknowledgement> <Caló>Spanish> {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish}
- 149. Moreno Castro, P. & J.C. Reyes. 1981. Diccionario gitano caló-español, español-caló.
Jean. {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish}
- 150. ** Pabanó, R.M. 1915 [1980]. Historia y Costumbres de los Gitanos. Barcelona:
Muntaner y Simón. <facsimile reprint 1980. Madrid: Ediciones Giner> CALO 42 {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish}
- 151. *? Rebolledo,Tineo J. 1900 [1988]. A Chipicalli (la Lengua Gitana). Granada:
Imprenta de F. Gomez de la Cruz. 247 pp. <reprint Cadiz 1988: University of Cadiz, 311 pp.> {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish}
- 152. * Quindalé, Francisco de. 1867. (pseud. of F. Sales Mayo). 1867. Diccionario
Gitano.... Madrid: Oficina Tipográfica del Hospicio. 76 3 + 76 p. <reprinted 1909><Caló>Spanish> {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish}
- 153. * Sales Mayo, Francisco de. 1869. Los Gitanos, su historia, sus costumbres, su dialecto
con un vocabulario caló-castellano. Madrid: Tipografico de Hospicio. <Revised reprint 1870, Madrid: Libreria Suárez>< Facsimile Reprint, Madrid 1979: Heliodoro, Bibliofilia y Arte><see also Quindalé> {grammar, dictionary} {Spain, Spanish}
- 154. ** Torrione, Margarita. 1987. Diccionario caló-castellano de Don Luis Usoz y Rio. Un
Manuscrito del siglo XIX. Perpignan: Université de Perpignan, CRILAUP. 61 pp. {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish}
- 158. Ramidez-Heredia, Juan. 2001. Angluno Pustik pa Vakeripen Romano-Kalo [first book
on the Romano-Kalo language]. Barcelona: Union Romani. {grammar, teaching book} {Spain, Spanish}
- 161. ** Calvet, Georges. 1982. Lexique Tsigane. Dialecte des Erlides de Sofia. Paris:
Publications Orientalistes de France. 110 pp. <ordering address: L=Asiathèque, Publications Orientalistes de France, INALCO, 2, rue de Lille, 75343 Paris, France> <dictionary Romani-French, with French index> {dictionary} {France, French}
- 166. ** $118$ Slavov, Atanas. 1999. Gypsy-English/English-Gypsy Dictionary. New York:
Hippocrene Books. 229 pp. <combines features of Sofia Erli and Sliven dialects> {dictionary} {USA, English}
- 172. $A$ ** Anaptyksiaki Karditsas ANKA. 1997. Ellino-Tsigganiko Glossari. Mia
apopeira jia Ellino-Tsigganiko Glossari ston tsigganiko oikismo tin Sofadin. Karditsa: Anka. 193 pp. ISBN 960-91039-0-1.<ordering address: <ordering addres: Anaptiksiakí Karditsas A.E., Artesianou 5 & Kolokotrini, 43100 Karditsa. Tel. 0441-42363/ 26345, Fax: 0441-71636> {dictionary Greek-Romani, in Greek letters} {Greece, Greek}
- 173. Exarchos, Giorgios. 2001. Mikro Tsigganiko Lexiko tis glossas Romani:
tsigganiko-Elleniko & elleno-tsigganiko [small Gypsy lexicon of the Romani language: Gypsy-Greek & Greek-Gypsy]. Athens: Medousa. 149 pp. ISBN 960-701487-1.
- 174. ** Liapis, Antonis. 1998. Glossario tis Romani, opos ti miloun i musulmani Roma tis
ellinikis Thrakis elleno-Romano [dictionary of the Romani language as spoken by the Muslim Roma in Greek Thrace (Greek Romani)] Komotini: Antonis Liapis. 157 pp. {dictionary} {Greece, Greek}
- 175. $A$ ** Sidéri, Athina, Fitini Tsuknída & Sofia Kozioú. 1999 [2]. Tsigganiko
Glossari. Tsiggano-Elliniko. Ellino-Tsigganiko [Gypsy Dictionary. Greek-Romani. Romani- Greek]. Karditsa: Anaptiksiakí Karditsas A.E. 175 pp.ISBN 960-86494-0-4. <grammar sketch pp. 11-17; Romani-Greek 19-93; Greek-Romani 94-174> <second printing 1999; year of first printing unknown> {dictionary}<ordering addres: Anaptiksiakí Karditsas A.E., Artesianou 5 & Kolokotrini, 43100 Karditsa. Tel. 0441-42363/ 26345, Fax: 0441-71636> {some B/W portrait photographs} CHK dialect {Greek, Greece}
- 230. Šajnovi…, Rajko. 1991. Pripomo…ek za: Dolenisko-Romska Nare…ja. Romani „hip.
Novo Mesto: the author. 1-125, 1-14. 1-5, 1-4 pp. CHK SLOVENIAN {dictionary, grammar} {Slovenia, Slovenian}
- 243. Soravia, Giulio. 1977. Dialetti degli Zingari Italiani. [Dialects of the Italian Gypsies].
Pisa: Centro di Studio per la Dialettologia It. 5; Pisa: Pacini. 141 pp. (Profilo dei dialetti italiani 22, a cura di Manlio Cortelazzo). <disc in pocket> <discussion on and examples of Sinti, Vlax, Lovari, Abruzzi, Havati as spoken in Italy> {grammar, texts} {Italy, Italian}
- 244. $A2$ ** Soravia, Giulio & C. Fochi. 1995. Vocabolario sinottico delle lingue zingare
parlate in Italia <synoptic vocabulary of the Gypsy dialects in Italy>. Roma: Centro Studi Zingari/Bologna: Istituto di Glottologia. 208 pp. <Centro Studi Zingari, Via dei Barbieri 22, 00186 ROMA, Italia> {dictionary} {Italy, Italian}
- 245. ** $K$ Granqvist, Kimmo. 1999. Suomen Romanikielen Käänteissanasto. Reverse
Lexicon of Finnish Romani. Helsinki: KTKT (Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus [Domestic Languages Institute). vii + 111 pp. {dictionary, scholarly} {Finland, Finnish}
- 246. ** ## $A$ $S$ Hedman, Henry. 1996. Sar me sikjavaa Romanes. Romanen
Kieloppias [how to learn Romani Romani. Romani grammar]. Helsinki: Opetus Hallitus.
- 243 pp. ISBN 951-719-614-8.
{grammar, children, adults, illustrations, colour, drawings} {Finland, Finnish}
- 249. ** ## $D$ Koivisto, Viljo. 1994. Romano-Finitiko-Angliko Laavesko Liin. Romanisuomi-
englanti sanakirja. Romany-Finnish-English dictionary. Helsinki: Kotimaisten Kielten Tutkimuskeskuksen Julkaisuja 74. Painatuskeskus. ISBN 951-37-1363-6. <Publisher=s address: Research Inst. for the Languages of Finland/ Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (KKTK), Sörnäisten rantatie 25, FIN-00500 Helsinki, Finland/Suomi> {dictionary} {Finland, Finnish, English}
- 258. * Thesleff, Arthur. 1901. Wörterbuch des Dialekts der finnländischen Zigeuner. Acta
Societatis Scientarum Fennicae 29 (6). Helsingfors: Finnischen Literatur Gesellschaft. 125 pp. {dictionary, scholarly} {Finland, Finnish}
- 259. * Valtonen, Pertti. 1972. Suomen Mustalaiskielen Etymologinen Sanakirja
[Etymological dictionary of the Finnish Gypsy language]. Helsinki: Suomalais Kirjallisuuden Seura. 138 pp. {dictionary, scholarly} {Finland, Finnish}
- 271. ** Barthélémy, André. n.d. Zhanes Romanes? Manuel de Conversation Tsigane
(Dialecte Kalderash). Paris: A. Barthélémy. 95 pp.CHK: available from Etudes Tsiganes? <book and tapes were available from Etudes Tsiganes in Paris> {teaching book, adults} {France, French}
- 272. $V$ Barthélémy, André. 1983. Grammaire du tsigane kalderash. Paris: A.
Barthélémy. 53 pp. {grammar} {France, French}
- 274. $V$ ** Barthélemy, André. N.d. (2000). îanés Romanés? 40 Romani lessons
(Romani-English) . 103 pp. No place, no publisher. <distributed by Western Canadian Romani Alliance, c/o Mario Ines-Torres, P.O. Box 1617,Darcy B.C, V0N1L0 Canada, email:; price: ca. 20 dollars, with tape> {teaching book, adults} {Canada, English}
- 275. Barthélémy, Abbé Yoska. 1988. Dictionnaire du Tsigane Kalderash. Ligny: the
author. 202 pp. (Romani > French) {dictionary} {France, French}
- 276. ** Boretzky, Norbert. 1994. Romani. Grammatik des Kalderaš-Dialekts mit Texten
und Glossar. Osteuropa Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin. (= Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen 24). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. xiv + 299 pp. ISBN 3-447-034990- 4. <material from Serbia> {grammar, texts} {German, Germany}
- 285. ** $V$ Demeter, R.S. & P.S. Demeter. 1990. Cygansko-russkij i russko-cyganskij
slovar' (kelderarskij dialekt) / Gypsy-English dictionary (Kalderash Dialect) [Russian- Romani and Romani-Russian Dictionary] (ed. by L.N. Cherenkov). Moskva: Russkij Yazyk. <also contains a Romani-English diactionary><Russian Kalderash> {dictionary} {Russia, Russian}
- 288. $D$ Cech, Petra, Christiane Fennesz-Juhasz, Dieter W. Halwachs, Mozes F.
Heinschink, Gerd Ambrosch, Katharina Deman & Barbara Schrammel. 2003. Wörterbuch des Kalderaš-Romani. Teil 1. Romani-Deutsch-Englisch. Graz/Wien: Romani Projekt. 168 pp. (Arbeitsbericht 6 des Romani-Projekts, hrsgg. Von Dieter W. Halwachs). {dictionary} {Austria, English, German}
- 289. $D$ Cech, Petra, Christiane Fennesz-Juhasz, Dieter W. Halwachs, Mozes F.
Heinschink, Gerd Ambrosch, Katharina Deman & Barbara Schrammel. 2003. Wörterbuch des Kalderaš-Roman. Teil II. Deutsch-Romani. Englisch-Romani. Graz/Wien: Romani Projekt. 193 pp. (Arbeitsbericht 6 des Romani-Projekts, hrsgg. Von Dieter W. Halwachs). {dictionary} {Austria, English, German}
- 290. $D$ Gjerdman, Olof & Erik Ljungberg. 1963. The language of the Swedish
coppersmith Gipsy Johan Dimitri Taikon. Grammar, Texts, Vocabulary and English wordindex. Uppsala/Copenhagen: Lundequistska Bokhandeln/Ejnar Munksgaard. 455 pp. {grammar, text, dictionary} {Sweden, English}
- 292. Kenrick, Donald & Ronald Lee. 1969-1973. Learn Romani B A Correspondence
Course in 20 Lessons. London: Romani Institute <see also Roma (1974) 1 (1): 58 B Roma (1983) 7 (1): 54>. <published in book form 1985. Learn Romani. Lessons> Chandigarh: Roma Publications>. {teach yourself book} {English, India}
- 297. ** Matras, Yaron. 1994. Untersuchungen zu Grammatik und Diskurs des Romanes:
Dialekt der Kelderaša/Lovara [studies on grammar and discourse of Romani: dialect of the Kalderash/Lovara]. Berlin/Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 256 pp. {grammar, scholarly} {Germany, German}
- 302. ** $532$ Sar|u, Gheorghe & Corneliu Colceriu. 1998. DicÛionar român - rrom
(c|ld|r|resc), Õi DicÛionar rrom- (c|ld|r|resc) român [Dictionary Romani (Kalderash) - Romanian and Dictionary Romanian - Romani (Kalderash)]. Bucuresti: Editura Kriterion, 147 pp. ISBN 973-26-0506-5. <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel./Fax: 2243628> < based on Ioan Cibu=s dictionary of 1932> {dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 326. * Toropov, V.G. 1994. Krymskij dialekt tsiganskogo jazyka [The dialect of the Krim
Gypsies]. Ivanovo: Ivanovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet/Nobaor Knigi Ocytsyssrvlen. 32 pp. {texts, grammar} {Russia, Russian}
- 327. * Toropov, V.G. 1999. Slovar= jazyka Krymskix cygan [dictionary of the language of
the Krimean Gypsies], ed. by Lev Tcherenkov. Ivanovo: Ivanovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet. 48 pp. {dictionary} {Russia, Russian}
- 333. $A$ ** Manuš, Léksa, J~nis Neiland & K~rlis Rudevi….1997. „ig~nu-Latviešu-
Ang·u un Latviešu-„ig~nu V~rdn§ca [Romani-Latvian-English and Latvian-Romani dictionary]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC. ISBN 9984-04-548-X. 352 pp. <grammar sketch in Latvian only> {dictionary, grammar} {Latvia}
- 343. ^307b $D$ Cech, Petra, Christiane Fennesz-Juhasz, Dieter W. Halwachs, Mozes F.
Heinschink, Gerd Ambrosch, Katharina Deman & Barbara Schrammel. 2003a. Wörterbuch des Lovara-Romani (Lovari). Lovari-Deutsch-Englisch. Deutsch-Lovari. Englisch-Lovari. Graz/Wien: Romani Projekt. 186 pp. (Arbeitsbericht 5 des Romani- Projekts, hrsgg. Von Dieter W. Halwachs) {dictionary} {Austria, German, English} LOVARI 74
- 344. * Cech, Petra & Mozes F. Heinschink. 1998. Basisgrammatik. (Arbeitsbericht 1 des
Projekts "Kodifizierung der Romanes-Variante der Österreichischen Lovara@). Red. D. W. Halwachs. Vienna/Wien: Romano Centro. 103 pp. <version 1a.: 1999> {grammar} {German, Austria}
- 345. ** Cech, Petra & Mozes F. Heinschink. 1999. Wörterbuch. Arbeitsbericht 3 des
Projekts Kodifizierung der Romanes-Variante der österreichischen Lovara. Red. D.W. Halwachs. Vienna/Wien: Verein Romano Centro. 50 pp. {dictionary} {German, Austria}
- 347. $A2$ $S$ ## *? Choli Daróczi, Jószef & Feyér Levente. 1984. Romano-Ungriko
Cino Alavari. Cigány-Magyar Kisszótár. Ungriko-Romano Cino Alavari. Magyar-Cigány Kisszótár [Small Romani-Hungarian/ Hungarian-Romani dictionary]. Budapest: Tudományos IsmeretterjesztÅ Társulat/ Cigány IsmeretterjesztÅ Munkabizottsága. 114 pp. ISBN: 963 412 288 4. RC 399. {dictionary} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 348. $S$ ## ** Choli Daróczi Jószef & Feyér Levente. 1988. Zhanes Romanes? Cigány
Nyelvkönyv [Do you know Romani? Gypsy language book] Budapest: Magyarországi Cigányok Kulturális Szövetsége. 204 pp. ISBN: 963 01 8993 3. {teaching book, grammar} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 360. Hutterer, Miklós & Gyula Mészáros. 1967. A lov~ri cigány dialektus leírô nyelvtana.
Hangtan, szóképzés, alaktan, szótár [Descriptive grammar of the Lov~ri dialect in Hungary. Phonology, word-formation, morphology, glossary]. Budapest: Magyar Nyelvtudomány Társaság Kiadványai 117. 94 pp. {grammar, dictionary} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 391. $V$ Rostás-Farkas, Györgyi & Ervin Karsai. 1991. Cigány-Magyar, Magyar-Cigány
Szótár [Romani-Hungarian, Hungarian-Romani dictionary]. Budapest: Kossuth Könyvkiadó. 318 pp. ISBN 963-09-3495-7. <publisher=s address: Kossuth Konyvkiado, 1366 Budapest, V. Steindl Imre Utca 6, Hungary> <spelling p. 9-11; Romani- Hungarian 13-130; Hungarian-Romani 131- 293. Grammar 297-319> <reprinted 2001 by the same publisher>
- (Lovar=skij Dialekt). Okolo 4000 Slov. [Romani words. Gypsy-Russian and Russian-Gypsy
Dictionary (Lovari dialect). 4000 words]. Moscow: Apostrof. 192 pp. ISBN 5-94155- 009-X. <publisher=s address: Apostrof, 123308, g. Moskva, ul. Zhorge, 1. Tel. (095)195-2064> <scholarly, adults. Romani and Russian in Cyrillic. A few song texts. Russian-Romani, Romani-Russian> <history and etymology: 8-19. Romani-Russian: 23-92. Russian- Romani 93-152. Romani song texts in Roman, and Russian translation on facing pages pp. 153-183> {dictionary, scholarly, songs} {Russia, Russian}
- 402. Vajda Imre. 1993. Zsánav ábá te ginav. Olvasókönyv. Ábécés olvasókönyv az általános
iskola I. Osztálya számára [I can read. Textbook for reading. ABC textbook for students of Grade I] Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó. 150 pp. ISBN 963 18 5022 6. <Lovari Romani and Hungarian on facing pages. Hungarian spelling. Contents varied> {children, ABC book, colour illustration} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 413. Jean, Daniel & André Barthélémy. 1970. Special issue on Manouche. Glossaire de
Gadškeno manuš. Etudes Tsiganes 16 (1): 68 pp. {dictionary} {France, French}
- 414. ** $D$ Valet, J. 1974. Vocabulaire des Manouche d'Auvergne. Deuxième édition
1986. Clermont-Ferrand: J. Valet. 190 pp. <ordering address for Valet=s works: J. Valet, 2 rue de la Parlette, Clermont Ferrand 63, France> {dictionary} {France, French}
- 416. ** $D$ Valet, J. 1984. Grammaire du Manouche. Clermont-Ferrand: J. Valet. 37
pp. {grammar} {France, French}
- 419. ** Valet, J. 1991. Grammar of `Manush' as it is spoken in the Auvernhe. In Peter
Bakker & Marcel Cortiade (eds.). In the Margin of Romani. Gypsy Languages in Contact. 106-131. <translation of Valet 1984> {grammar} {Netherlands, English}
- 422. ** Sailley, Robert. 1979. Vocabulaire fondamental du tsigane d'Europe. Paris:
Maisonneuve et Larose. 57 pp. <Romani > French> {dictionary} {France, French}
- 423. ** Wolf, Siegmund A. 1960. Groβes Wörterbuch der Zigeunersprache (romani tsiw).
Wortschatz deutscher und anderer europäischer Zigeunerdialekte. Mannheim: Bibliografisches Institut 287 pp. <Facsimile Reprint Hamburg 1987, 1993: H. Buske Verlag> {dictionary} {Germany, German}
- 428. * Karlsen, Ludvig. 1993. Romani-folkets ordbok. Tavringers Rakripa. De Reisendes
Språk [dictionary of the Romani people. Language of the Travellers. Romani- Norwegian-English]. Oslo: Pinsevennens evangeliesenter. 154 pp.<Romani- Norwegian-English, 22-54; Norwegian-Romani-English, 54-85; Romani-Norwegian- English, 87-89; sentences Romani-Norwegian-English, 91-96; Bible text in Lovari, pp. 99-109; Romani-Norwegian-English from Sundt, 109-134; English-Romani from Iversen, 135-152; refs. 153-154> {dictionary, texts} {Norway, Norwegian, English}
- 437. Rozwadowski, Jan M. 1936. Wörterbuch des Zigeunerdialekt von Zakopane. Mit
Einleitung, Ergänzungen und Anmerkungen von Edward Klich. S»ownik Cyganów z Zakopanego. Z Wst“pem, Uzupe»nieniami i uwagami E. Klicha. Kraków: Polska Akademja Umiej“tnoÑci. XXV + 91 pp. (Prace Komisji Orjentalistycznej/Mémoires de la Commission Orientaliste No. 21). <Central dialect> {dictionary, texts, adults, scholarly} {Poland, Polish}
- 441. * Rishi, W.R. 1974. Multilingual Romani Dictionary. Chandigarh: Roma
Publications. 65 pp. <Russian, English, Punjabi, Hindi, French> {dictionary} {India, Russian, English, Punjabi, Hindi, French} 442. Rishi, W.R. 1980. Romani-Punjabi-English conversation book. Patiala: Language Department, Punjab University. 111 pp. <English, Punjabi (Roman, Gurmukhi)> {grammar, education} {India, English} 443. * Rishi, W.R. 1981. Romani-Punjabi-English Dictionary. Patia, Punjab: Language Department, Patalia University. 187 pp. <grammar pp. 161-184> {dictionary} {India, Punjabi, English}
- 458. ^395-I $527$ ** Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1992. Mic dicÛionar rom-român [Small
dictionary Romani-Roumanian]. Bucharest: Kriterion. 173 pp. ISBN 973-26-0312-7. <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel./Fax.: 2243628> <several Roumanian varieties covered: Kalderash, Zlatari, Ursari, Vlax> {dictionary}
- 460. ^395J ** ## $528$ Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1994. Limba Rromaní. Manual Pentru
Clasele de înv|Û|tori romi ale Ôcolilor Normale [the Rromani language. Textbook for the Roma teachers from the pedagogical academies]. 241 pp. BucureÕti: Editura Didactic| Õi Pedagogic|. Tel. 6139289/ Fax 3122885> {schoolbook, teacher guide} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 461. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1994. Manual de limba rromani [manual of the Romani
language]. BucureÕti: Editura Didactica si Pedagogica R.A. 241 pp. <available from Aven Ametza, Vasile Ionesco, tel. 2243642> <revised 2000 as Curs de Limba Romani> {grammar} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 464. ^395L ** ## $530$ Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1998. Dictionar Rrom (Spoitoresc) -
Român. Bucuresti: Editura Kriterion. 144 pp. Isbn 973-26-0535-9 [Biblioteca rroma: nr.2] <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest. Tel./fax: 22463628> {dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 465. ^395N [533] ## ** Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2000. DicÛionar Rrom-Român. Dikcionàro
Rromano-Rumunikano [Dictionary Romani-Roumanian]. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Dacia. 232 pp. <ordering address: Dacia, tel/fax: #40-64-429675.> {dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 466. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2000. Ghid de conversaÛie român-rrom [conversation guide
Roumanian-Romani]. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion. 260 p. <vocabulary, <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania, tel. 2243628>
- 473. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2002. Limba Rromani (morfologie Õi sintax|). BucureÕti: CREDIS/
Universitatea BucureÕti. 232 pp. {grammar} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 474. Sar|u, Gheorghe et al.. 2000. DicÛionar Român-Rrom. Lexicul rrom modern, rar Õi
vechi) [Dictionary Roumanian-Romani. Lexicon of modern, rare and old Romani]. BucureÕti: Editura Vanemonde. 268 pp. {dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 475. ^395M ## ** $532$ Sar|u, Gheorge & Corneliu Colceriu. 1998. DicÛionar rrom
(c|ld|r|resc) - român Õi DicÛionar român-rrom (c|ld|r|resc) [Dictionary Romani (Kalderash) - Roumanian and Dictionary Roumanian - Romani (Kalderash)]. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion, 147 pp. ISBN 973-26-0506-5. (Biblioteca Rrom| Nr. CHK) <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel./Fax. 2243628> {dictionary, grammar} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 477. ^395P $535$ $A2$ ** Sar|u, Gheorghe & Murvai László. 2002. Vocabular
Trilingu Român-Maghiar-Rrom Illustrat. Pentru uzul înv|Û|torilor de la clasele I cu elevi rromi [illustrated trilingual vocabulary Rumanian-Hungarian-Romani. For teaching in classes with Rom pupils]. 99 pp. N.P.: Editura Vanemonde. ISBN 973-85501-0-6. <1800 pictures with words. Introduction in English and Romanian. Pronunciation guide in Romanian p. 10. Full colour drawings Picture dictionary pp. 11- 70. Vocabulary Romanian-Hungarian-Romani pp. 71-85. Vocabulary Hungarian- Romanian-Romani pp. 86-99> <ordering address: UNICEF, Str. Olari 23, Sector 2, BucureÕti, Romania; Ministerul EducaÛiei Õi Cercet|rii, str. G-ral Berthelot nr. 30, BucureÕti, cod. 70738 România. Fax: 00401-310.42.15 / 00401-3300513. Email:> {dictionary, children, schoolbook} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 478. ^395Q[536] Sar|u, Gheorghe, Camelia Stanescu, Mihaela Zatreanu (trad.).
1998. Manual de comunicare în limba rromani, cl. I, BucureÕti: Editura Didactica Õi Pedagogica. 138 p. <Distribution: Editura Didactica si Pedagogica. Fax: 3122885> {children, schoolbook} {Roumania, Roumanian}
- 486. ** Hancock, Ian F. 1990. A Grammar of the Hungarian-Slovak (Carpathian,
Bashaldo, Rumungro) Romani language. Manchaca: International Romani Union. Viii+ 25 pp. {grammar, vocabulary} {USA, English}
- 487. Romano Rácz, Sándor. 1994. Kárpáti cigány - magyar, magyar - kárpáti cigány szótár
és nyelvtan [Carpathian Romani-Hungarian, Hungarian-Carpathian Romani dictionary and grammar]. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó. 141 pp. <Romani-Hungarian dictionary pp. 13- 53; Hungarian-Romani 55-101. Grammar in Hungarian, history: 103-139> {dictionary, grammar} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 490. * Barannikov, A.P. 1933. The Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy Dialects.
Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. 2 Volumes. Volume 1: Survey of the Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy dialects. 1-108 pp. Volume 2: Gypsy Texts. 109-226 pp. <translated from Russian><also Vlax dialects> {grammar, texts} {USSR, Russia, English}
- 491. Barannikov, A.P. 1933. Ukrainski ta pivdenno-rosiyiski tsyganski dialekty [The
Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy dialects]. Leningrad: Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. {grammar, texts} {USSR, Russia, Russian} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 493. $S$ Mahotin Dñura. 1993. Adñutipe pre Romani Shib [help for the Romani
language]. Tver: Poligraph reklamizdat. 56 pp. ISBN: -. Russia. <ordering address: Oblasnoj club Tverski Tzigan ARomýngro lav@, 14 Vagjanova St., 170044 Tver, Russia> <Cyrillic, Russian B Romani glossary pp- 47-54> <see also Makhotinn under Russian Romani> {B/w illustrations, religious text, grammar} {Russia, Russian}
- 494. Pankov, N.A. 1938. Ortografichesko slovario vaš romane školy. Moscow: GUPI.
CHK pp. {dictionary, grammar, spelling}
- 496. Sergievski, M.V. 1931. Cyganski Jazyk, kratkoje rukovodstvo po pravopisaiju i po
grammatike [Gypsy Language. A short manual for Romani grammar and orthography]. Moskva: Centraljnoe Izdateljstvo Narodov, S.S.S.R. 88 pp. {grammar} {USSR, Russia, Russian}
- 497. * $R$ Sergijevskij, M.V. & A.P. Barannikov. 1938. Cygansko Russkij Slovar. ...
okolo 10,000 slov c prilozheniem grammatiki tsiganskogo jazyki [A Romani-Russian Dictionary. ca. 10,000 words, with supplementary grammar]. Moscow: Inostrannix i Nacional=nix Slovarej/GUPI. 191 p. <reprinted 1981 New York: Chalidze Publications; out of print><dictionary of South Russian and Ukrainian Romani> {dictionary, scholarly} {USSR, Russia, Russian}
- 498. Ventcel, T.V. 1964. Cyganskij jazyk (Severnorusskij dialekt) [The Gypsy language
(North Russian dialect)]. In: V. M. Beskrovnyj (ed.) Jazyki Narodov Azii i Afriki. Moskva: Izd. `Nauka'. 106 pp. {grammar, scholarly} {USSR, Russia, Russian}
- 499. Ventcel, T.V. 1983. The Gypsy language. Moscow: Nauka. 108 pp.
{grammar, scholarly} {USSR, Russia, English}
- 500. $K$ * Wentzel, Tatjana. 1980. Die Zigeunersprache (Nordrussischer Dialekt).
Leipzig: Verlag Enzyklopädie. 164 pp. <translation of Ventcel 1964> {grammar, scholarly} {USSR, Russia, German}
- 501. * Cech, Petra & Mozes F. Heinschink. 1996. Sepe…ides-Romani.
Unterschleissheim/München: Lincom Europa. (Languages of the World LW/M 106). {grammar} {Germany, English}
- 502. ** Cech, Petra & Mozes F. Heinschink. 1999. Sepe…ides-Romani. Grammatik, Texte
und Glossar eines türkischen Romani-Dialekts. (= Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen, 34.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 234 pp. {grammar, texts, dictionary} {Germany, German}
- 503. $A2$ ** Caccini, S. 2001. La lingua degli Shinte rosengre e altri scritti [the language
of the Sinti Rosengre and other writings]. Rome: CISU. {grammar, dictionary, texts} {Italy, Italian}
- 504. ** Holzinger, Daniel. 1993. Das Rómanes - Grammatik und Diskursanalyse der
Sprache der Sinte (= Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, Sonderheft 85). Innsbruck: Verlag des Instituts für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck. 336 pp. {grammar} {Germany, German}
- 505. Holzinger, Daniel. 1995. Romanes (Sinte). Unterschleissheim/München: Lincom
Europa. Languages of the World. Materials LW/M 105. 45 pp. {grammar} {Germany, English}
- 506. ** Reinhard, Michael D. 1976. Die Sprache der Deutschen Zigeuner. Mömbris:
Eberwein-Feik. 62 pp. {Sinti, grammar} {Germany, German}
- 507. * Soravia, Giulio. 1981. Vocabolario Sinto delle Venezie. Special issue of Lacio Drom
17(4/5). 43 pp. <word list Romani-Italian-English-German of the Venice Sinti dialect. Also grammatical commentary> {dictionary} {Italian, Italy}
- 508. * Sowa, Rudolf von. 1898 (1902). Wörterbuch des Dialekts der Deutschen Zigeuner.
Leipzig: Deutsche Morgenlandkundliche Gesellschaft. <reprinted 1966. Nendeln: Kraus Reprint> {dictionary} {Germany, German}
- 516. ** $D$ Formoso, Bernard & Georges Calvet. 1987. Lexique Tsigane: dialecte sinto
piémontais. Paris: Publications Orientalistes de France. 141 pp. <ordering address: L=Asiathèque, Publications Orientalistes de France, INALCO, 2, rue de Lille, 75343 Paris, France> <dictionary Romani-French, with French index. Entries with example sentences> {dictionary} {France, French}
- 517. $K$ ** Franzese, Sergio. 1985. Il dialetto dei Sinti Piemontesi, note grammaticali e
glossario [The dialect of the Sinti Piemontesi, grammatical notes and glossary}. Torino: Centro Studi Zingari. 132 pp. <grammar p. 1-127; Romani-Italian vocabulary 28-71; Italain-Romani 72-124; texts + translation 125-131> {dictionary, grammar} {Italy, Italian}
- 518. Franzese, Sergio. 2002. Grammatica di Sinto Piemontese (lingua Romani [Zingara] ).
Dizionario Italiano - Sinto Piemontese - Inglese - Francese (e registri inversi) (su cd-rom). 64 pp. Mol/Price with CD-ROM: 35 Euro. <order from: > <Italian- Sinti-English-French dictionary> {grammar, dictionary} {Italy, Italian, English, French}
- 529. Berky, J., J.St. Prokop & M. Stojka. 1996. Slovensko-rómsky, rómsko-slovenský
slovník [Slovak-Romani, Romani-Slovak dictionary]. Bratislava: Štúdio -dd-. 636 pp. ISBN 80-967263-9-0. <grammar/gramatika pp. 5-61, pp. 325-377; Slovak-Romani pp 64-324, Romani-Slovak 379-636> {dictionary, grammar} {Slovakia, Slovak}
- 544. Hübschmannová, Milena. 1976. Cikánština [Gypsy language]. Ústi nad
Labem/Prague: Krayský Pedagog (Regional Pedagogical Institute). 51 pp + 46 pp. {grammar} {Czech Republic, Czech}
- 545. Hübschmannová, Milena. 19??. Základy Romštiny [basic Romani]. CHK YEAR,
PUBL, PP, ETC. {grammar}
- 553. $F$ ** Hübschmannová, Milena, Hana Šebková & Anna ðigová. 1991. Romsko-
…eský a …esko-romský kapesní slovník [Romani-Czech and Czech-Romani pocket dictionary]. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství. 651 pp. {dictionary} {Czech Republic, Czech}
- 557. $A2$ ** Koptová, Anna. 1995. Rom…ina do vrecka [Slovak-Romani dictionary].
Košice: Pezolt. 254 pp. RC-400 CHK SLOtransl. <publ. Address: Pezolt, Holubyho 27, 04001 Košice, Slovakia> {dictionary} {Slovakia, Slovak}
- 562. Lípa, JiÍí. 1963. PÍíru…ka cikánštiny [Manual of the Gypsy language]. Praha: Státní
pedagogické nakladatelství. 156 pp. {grammar}
- 582. * Šebková, Hana & Edita ðlnayová. 1998. Nástin mluvnice slovenské romštiny (pro
pedagogické ú…ely) [An outline of the grammar of Slovak Romani (for the purpose of teaching)]. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyn v Ústí nad Labem, Fakulta pedagogická. 124 pp. {grammar} {Czech Republic, Czech}
- 583. ** $P$ Šebková, Hana & Edita ðlnayová. 1999. RomaÁi …hib. U…ebnice slovenské
romštiny [Romani language. Textbook of Slovak Romani]. Praha: Fortuna. 269 pp. ISBN 80-7168-684-0. <illustrated by Mirošlava Jakešová> <> {grammar, children, adults, B/W illustrations} {Czech Republic, Czech} {Czech Republic, Czech}
- 590. ** $F$ Bible. Bible Stories. 1992. Bçh mluví ke Svým Dtem/ O Del vakerel ke
Peskere „ave [God speaks to His children]. Prague: Czech Bible Society. 183 pp. ISBN 80-900881-4-7. RC 409. <ordering address: Czech Bible Society, Soukenicka 15, 11000 Prague 1, Czech Republic><translated by Vlado Oláh> <in both Czech and Slovak dialects><bilingual Czech/Slovak on left side, Romani on right side> {colour drawings as illustrations. Colour cover. For children} {Czech Republic, Czech}
- 591. N.N. 1995. Deloreskere …have/ Boñie deti [God=s children]. Bratislava:
Vydavatel=stvo Don Bosco. ISBN 80-85405-31-8. 78 pp. <ordering address: Don Bosco, Mileti…ova 7, 82108 Bratislava> <bilingual Slovak - Romani; religious; drawings in coloured ink, full colour cover. Non-Romani content or illustrations> {Czech Republic, Czech}
- 592. ** ## Bible. John. 1997. O Evangelijum le Janustar. Czech Bible Society. 64 pp.
ISBN 80-85810-13-1. <translated by Vladimír Oláh and Ivana Kultová> {some B/W illustrations; colour cover> <ordering address: „eská biblická spole…nost, Soukenická 15, Praha 1, Czech Republic> {Czech Republic, Czech}
- 593. ^498b Bible. Fragments. 1998. Miri Jekhto Biblija. Andro Obrazki. Moja Prvá Biblia
v obrázkoch vo východoslovenskej róm…ine [my first East Slovak Romani]. Bratislava: Medzinárodná biblická spolo…nost-Slovensko. Ca. 150 pp. ISBN 80-7131- 035-2> <publisher=s address: Medzinárodná biblická spolo…nost-Slovensko, P.O. Box 51, 81499 Bratislava, Slovakia> <illustrators: Richard & Frances Hookovcov> {full colour cover, full colour illustrations, Christian} {Slovakia, Slovak}
- 594. $A2$ ## ** Bible. Apostles. 2000. Pal oda, so kerenas le Devleskere Bi…hade. Skutky
Apoštolç. Romsko-„eské Vydaní, do romštiny pÍeloñeno Íeckého originálu, s pÍihlédnutím k …eskému ekumenickému pÍekladu. O PATÌENO vysvtlivkami a slovníkem [Acts of the Apostles. Romani-Czech edition translated into Romani from the Greek original with consideration of the Czech ecumenical translation]. Praha: G plus G. 144 pp. ISBN 80- 86103-43-9. <bilingual Slovak Romani-Czech; glossary of special words pp. 39-143. <translated by Vlado Oláh and Ivana Kultová> <illustrated with 10 B/W woodcuts> {Czech Republic, Czech}
- 629. * $D$ Johansson, Roger. 1977. Svensk Rommani. Med etymologiska och grammatiska
kommentarer av Gösta Bergman och Erik Ljungberg samt förord av Adam Heymowski [Swedish Romani. With etymological and grammatical comments of Gösta Bergman and Erik Ljungberg and a preface of Adam Heymowski]. Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi 55. Uppsala: Ab Lundequistska Bokhandeln.<Rommani-Swedish, with example sentences> {academic, dictionary} {Sweden, Swedish}
[szerkesztés]- 23. Lavengro [= Edward Ayres]. 1973. The Gypsy. Poems and Ballads. 96 pp. <poetry, most in
English, some in Angloromani> {poetry, ill. B/W & colour; Romani content} {Britain, English}
- 24. Odley, Tom. 2002. Romani lav gilya : an anthology of Romani poetry & song / by O Tom
Odley Publisher: Chatham : T. Odley. 92 pp. ISBN: 0-9542680-0-8 <poems mostly in English, with Romany glossary>.<ordering address: T. Odley, 41, Caulkers House, Shipwrights Avenue, Chathem, Kent, ME4 5JN, UK. Tel. +44-1634-306233. Email:> <also available a CD, Nidi Gilya, with eight traditional songs; 10 pounds> {poetry, dictionary}
- 31. Acton, Thomas (ed.). 1971. The Romano Drom Song Book. Oxford. 20 pp. <later new edition:
see Stanley 1986> {song book, musical notation} {Britain}
- 32. $V$ Baliƒ, Sait, et al. 1984. Jaga. Vatre [fires]. Yugoslavia. Leskovaƒ: Bujanovac: XI smotra
kulturnih dostigniƒa Roma SR Srbije. 94 pp. RC-402 <bilingual Romani-Serbocroatian> {poetry, drawings, photographs, anthology, bilingual Serbocroatian-Romani, facing pages, Latin script, Serbocroatian} {Serbocroatian, Yugoslavia}
- 33. $S$. Romane Poetongi Antologia. 1995. Balogh Attila, Banga Dezider, Daróczi Jozsef, Copoiu
Peter, Demeter Istvan, Demeter Romka, Djurich Rajko, Dragana Stefanovich, Tamislav Pretar, Shtefan Gurbat, Gynla Horvath, Shaban Ilias, Jagat Sandra, Jermoshkin Sergej, Hontalan József, Holomková Emili, Maksimov Mateo, Leksha Manush, Nagy Gusztáv, Nikolich Jovan, Osztojkán Béla, Raffy Lajos, Ráczlajós, Rigó József, Spinelli Santino, State Carmen, Szepesi Jozsef, Zsolt Csanya, Vinkova Nina. 1995. Romane Poetongi Antologia./ Anthology of Gypsy poets/ Ciganyok Költök Versei. Budapest: Ariadne Foundation. 209 pp. ISBN: 963 045684-2. <anthology with English and Hungarian Translations on same page. Romani translators : Jozsef Choli Daroczi, Gustav Nagy><illustrated by Peli Támas, Szentandrássy István & Gügy Ödön> {poetry, B/w drawings} {English, Hungarian, Hungary}
- 34. Bari, Károly. 1996. Madarak Aranyhegedán. Európai Cigäny KöltÅk és ïrök mávei [books of
European writers written about Gypsies]. Budapest: Romano Kher. 434 pp. ISBN 963-85408 3 4 <ordering address: Romano Kher, 1151 Budapest, Ënekes u. 10/B, Tel/Fax: 307-6397/306-68- 11>. <text in Hungarian, some in Romani; many dialects> {poetry, stories, fiction. Adults} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 37. Bello, Silvio & Fadil Cizmic (eds.). 1992. Romane krle: voci zingare [Romani voices].
Roma: Sensibili alle foglie. 251 pp. chk is it in Romani?
- 38. Constantinescu, Barbu. 2000. Probe de limba Õi literatura rromilor din România
[Instances of languages and literature of the Roma in Roumania]. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion. 240 pp. (Biblioteca Rrom|/ Romani bibliotèka 6). <edited by Gheorghe Sar|u, Corneliu Colceriu, Dana Dudescu, and others. Preface Adina Potochin> ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel.
- 40-2243628><Vlax, Gurbet, Kalderash>
{poetry, texts, adults} {Roumanian, Roumania}
- 45. International Romani Calendar. 1998. <distribution: Central Books, Calendar,
P.O. Box 14874, London NW1 OWF, England, UK. Tel. 0181.986.4854, fax 0181.533.5821> {anthology, poetry} {Britain}
- 51. $V$ Lundgren, Gunilla. 2002. Bi Kheresko bi Limoresko. Utan Hus utan grav.
Romska Sånger och dikter [without a house, without a grave. Romani songs and poems][Romane poeme thaj gilja]. Stockholm: Wahlstrom & Widstrand. 132 pp. <bilingual Swedish-Romani> <anthology of songs and poems, with Swedish translations. Many B&W photo illustrations. Poets: Jószef Balogh, Dezider Banga, Károly Bari, Jorge Bernal, Mihalj Berta, Hans Calderas, Monica Caldaras, József Choli Daróczi, Rajko Djuriƒ, Marina Dolgiras, Ros-Mari Tan Jancovich, Tera Fabianová, Malik Faltin-Frederiksson, Dimiter Golemanov, Ian Hancock, Nadia Hava-Robbins, Baki Hasan, Jonny Ivanovitch, ðarko Jovanoviƒ, Erland Kaldaras, Valdemar Kalinin, Dragan Kuzhicov, Stefano Kuzhicov, Gregory Dufunia Kwiek, Masio Kwiek, Leif Larsen, Ramela Limaovska & Anita Selmanoviƒ, Leksa Manuš, Matéo Maximoff, Mariella Mehr, Ruña Nikoli-Lakatos, Ivan Nikolizsson, Diana Nyman, M & M Osmani, Papusza, Margita Reiznerová, Jasmine og Birger Rosengren, Katarina Taikon, Nadja Taikon, Rosa Taikon, Jaqueline Tan-Jonsson, Sandra Tan-Mercowich, Sterna Weltz-Ziegler> {songs, poems} {Sweden, Swedish}
- 63. $V$ ## Stojko, Steva et al. 1999. Kali „irikli. Der Schwarze Vogel. Geschichte in
Romanes und Deutsch [the black bird. Stories in Romani and German translations] Köln/Cologne: Rom e.V. & Rromano Pero. 125 pp. ISBN 3-9803118-8-0. RC-980. <authors: Ruñdija Russo Sejdoviƒ, Steva Stojko, Hanci Briher, Aladin Sejdic, etc.> {stories} {Germany, German}
- 104. Makhotin, Dz. & A. Kuliyev. 1992. Romane Paramy…i [Romani stories]. Baku,
Azerbaijan: Vattan. CHK PP, ISBN <tales in Baltic Romani and Lovari> {fairy tales} {Azerbaijan}
- 105. Makhotin. Dz. 2001. So te phenav me? [what can I say?]. Tvier, Russia: Compon
Folicum. CHK pp., CHK, CHK monolingual <poetry in Baltic Romani and Ukrainian Romani (Plashchunytko)> {poetry} {Russia}
- 237. Gyurkó, A & J.H. Kovács (eds.). 1999. Das Buch der Ränder. Roma-Lyrik aus
Ungarn. Klagenfurt: Wieser Verlag. 165 pp. <publishers address: Wieser Verlag, Ebentaler Strasse 34b, A 9020 Klagenfurt/Celovec, Austria/Österreich. Tel. 0043- 463.370.36; Fax: 0043-463-376-35. Email: Homepage:> <bilingual Romani-Hungarian- German; translations from Hungarian into German by Andrea Gyurkó; translations from Hungarian into Romani by Endre Bihari & J. Choli Daróczi. Anthology of poetry. Romani-German on facing pages. Poetry. English-based spelling> <poets: J. Choli Daroczi, Horváth Gyula, Mónika Kalányos, Kovács Jószef Hontalan, Gusztáv Nagy, Jószef Nagy, Jószef Rigó, Zsolt Szolnoki Csanya> {poetry} {Austria, German}
Vallási könyvek
[szerkesztés]- 27. ** Bible. Luke 15. 1973. Shavved then got latchered. Lost and Found. London: British and Foreign Bible Society. 4 pp.<publ. Address: British and Foreign Bible Society, 146 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4BX, England, UK>.<Romani andEnglish in facing columns> {Britain, English}
- 28. Bible. Fragments. 1979. A Kushti Lav. Good news for you. Bible Society.{Britain}
- 29. Bible. Fragments. 198? More kushti lavs. London: Bible Society/BFBS. 16 pp. ISBN 0-564-080888.{drawings: black & yellow}Britain}
- 30. $F$ ** N.N. 1985. Kushti Bokkengro [the good shepherd]. London: Scripture Gift Mission. 14 pp. <free from Scripture Gift Mission, Eccelston Street, London SW1W pLZ> {Britain}
- 25b Bible. NT fragments. 1995. The drom. The way. London: Scripture Gift Mission International.14pp. <'The Prodigal Son' and others verses from the New Testament><trandlated into Angloromani by Thomas A. Acton and others> <English and Angloromani> Britain, English
- Serbez, Šeyh-ül-Ülema Fazli. 2002 (2nd edition). Dñenetesk=ere Bah…e. Skope: Teološki Islamski Tarikatski Visoko-obrazoven Centar. <prayers and extracts from the Qoran> {Islam, religious} {Macedonia}
- 224. Dimiƒ, Trifun. 1995. Lil Ramosarimako also contains religious material. See above nr. 176 CHK
- 225. $R$ Bible. John. 1989. Sumnalo Evanpelje Isusko Hristosko e Jovanostar. Belgrade: Biblijsko Društvo. 94 pp. <translated by Trifun Dimiƒ> <distribution: United Bible Societies, University of Aberden, Cromwell Tower, Aberdeen AB9 2UB, Scotland> {Britain}
- 226. Bible. Luke. 1938. O Devlikano Ramope. E Sumnale Lukahtar, nakhadino pe Êromani …hib kater Rade Uhlik, sikamno. Parnoforo [Beograd]: Englezongo thaj Aver Themengo Biblijako Amalipe. 131 pp. <translated by Rade Uhlik> {Britain, Yugoslavia}
- 227. $V$ Bible. New Testament. 1990. Nevo Sovlahardo Cidipe [selection from the New Testament CHK TRANS]. Novi Sad: Dobra est. 292 pp. RC-987 <translated by Trifun Dimiƒ> {Yugoslavia}
- 228. Musli, Hadzi Sain <Shain> Ef.. 2001 (2nd edition). Jâ-Sîn - Jâ-Sîn-i -Serif <Sherif> (Ki Arabadzisko chib). Skopje: CHK publisher. 51 pp. CHK dialect <translation of the Ya-Sin sure of the Qur'an together with acommentary><Arabic text on p. 45-1><Arabadñi dialect> {Islam, religious}{Macedonia}
- 99. Bible. NT. CHK YEAR. Neevo Zakon. CHK
- 89. $R$ Gjuner, Abdula. 1995. Romano Mevlidi thaj Iljanie. [Romani mevlud andprayers]. Oss, Netherlands: Abdulah Gjünler.CHK TRANS.{Netherlands}
- 108. Bible. Matthew. 1996. Evangeliya Matfeyestr. Lithuanian Bible Society. <translatedby V. Kalinin and T. Vojtsiekhovskaya> CHK title {Lithuania}
- 109. ** ## $F$ Bible. Texts and stories. 1996. Dava Lyl vaš tuke. A Letter for You. 64 pp. <translated by Valdemar Kalinin> <Price/Mol: DM 2,20/EURO 1><Ordering address: Gute Botschaft Verlag, Postfach 80, D-35673 Dillenburg, Germany. Tel. 02271/ 81141. Fax 02771 / 81142> < in Cyrillic> {Germany, English}
- 110. $F$ ** ## Bible. Selections. 1998. Drom. London: SGM International. 13 pp. <selected by V. Kalinin> <publisher adress: SGM International, Radstock House, 3 Eccleston St, London SW1W 9 LZ> <in Cyrillic and Romani> {Britain}
- 111. ** $A2$ Bible. John. 1999. Ianostyr Svento Mištophenyben. Dillenburg: Gute Botschaft Verlag. <translated by Valdemar Kalinin> <Cyrillic script> <Price: DM 2,20. Ordering address: Gute Botschaft Verlag, Postfach 80, D-35673Dillenburg, Germany. Tel. 02271 / 81141. Fax 02771 / 81142>{Germany}
- 112. $A2$ ** ## Bible. Matthew. 1999. Evangelia Matejostyr. Baltyko Romani „hib. Dillenburg: Gute Botschaft Verlag. <translated from Greek by Valdemar Kalinin & Kostias Vysockas> <Latin script><Lithuanian Romani> <Price: DM 2,20. Ordering address: Gute Botschaft Verlag, Postfach 80, D-35673 Dillenburg, Germany. Tel. 02271 / 81141. Fax 02771 / 81142> {Germany}
- 113. ** $F$ Bible. NT with Psalms and Proverbs. 2001. Nevo Zavieto/Psalmy/Prit…y. Dillenberg-2: Gute Botschaft Verlag. 563 pp. <glossary Romani-Russian-English, pp. 556-564> <translated by Valdemar Kalinin> <pp. 552-555 on Baltic Roma in Romani> <Cyrillic script> <ordering adress: G.B.V. Verlag, Postfach 80, D-35673 Dillenburg, Germany> {Germany}
- 114. ## Valmiki. No year. Valmiki=s Ramayana. Romani/English translation (abridged) by Leksa Manush. Chandigarh: Roma Publications. 183 pp.
- 143. Balika, Gabriel, Andreas Racz (eds.). 1996. Wir beten. Amen molinas. Imádkozunk. Oberwart: Gabriel & Andreas Racz. 54 pp. No ISBN. {prayer book. B/W, ill, Burgenland; texts in Roman, German and Hungarian} {Austria, German, Hungarian}
- 155. Bible. Luke. 1837. Embeo e Majaro Lucas. Brotoboro randado andré la chipe griega, acána chibado andré ó Romanó, o chipe es Zincales de Sesé / El Evangelio segun S. Lucas, traducido al Romani, ó dialecto de los Gitanos de España. Madrid, 177 p. <Second, revised edition, London 1872. <translated by George Borrow> {Britain, Spain}
- 156. Bible. Luke. 1872. Criscoté e majaró Lucas (Evangelium Lucae al romani) o dialecto de los Gitanos de España. London: British & Foreign Bible Society. <translated by George Borrow> {Britain}
- 169. Bible. Luke. 1912. E Devléskoro sfjato lil e Ísus-Xristóskoro dñiipé thai meribé e sfjatoné Lukéstar. London: British and Foreign Bible Society. 101 pp. <translated into Erli by B. Gilliat-Smith> {Britain}
- 170. $V$ ** Bible. NT. 1995. O Neevo Zaveti Amare Devlesko Isus Hristos [the new testament of our Lord=s Jesus Christ]. Sofia: Union of the Church of the Seventh Day adventists. 554 pp. RC-345. <translated by Suljo Metkov> {Bulgaria}
- 171. $A2$ ** Bible. Daniel. 2000. Lil Kataro o Prorokos Daniil [book of the prophet Daniel]. Sofia: Nov Zivot. 46 pp. ISBN 954-719-051-2. <translated from Bulgarian to Romani by Sulyo Metkov><publisher=s address: Nov Zivot Izdatelstvo, ul. Solynska 10, Sofia. Tel. 980.4701. 470457. Email: {colour cover, no illustrations}
- 264. ** $P$ Bible. Mark. 1970. Markusesko Evankeliumos. 63 pp. Helsinki: Kristillisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. <translated by Pertti Valtonen> {Finland}
- 265. $V$ ## Bible. John. 1971. Johannesesko Evankeliumos. Tampere: Finnish Bible Society. 72 pp. RC-554<translated by Viljo Koivisto> {Finland}
- 266. ## Bible. Luke. 2001. Luukasko Evankeliumos. Helsinki: Suomen Pipliaseura. 98 pp. ISBN 951-577-294-X. <translated by Henry Hedman> {Finland}
- 267. ## Koivisto, Viljo. 1970. Deulikaane Tšambibi. Hengeltisiä Lauluja [religious songs]. Helsinki: Mustalaislähetys Ry. Forssa: Forssan Kirjapaino Oy. {hymns, songs, prayers} {Finland}
- 310. ^280a Bible. Matthew. 1979. E lasi viasta Matthew : Romenes Russian Kalderas. Seattle: International Gypsy Publications. [iii],100p ; 22cm, pbk Note: <translated by Loulou Demeter and Ruth Lutka Modrow, edited by Ephraim Mitchell, Miller Mitlo and Jimmy Frank, with Guy Fardi Modrow as biblical consultant> <with introduction,alphabet, glossary> <American Russian Kalderash>{USA}
- 311. ^280b Bible. Matthew. 1979. E lasi viasta Mate: Romenes Russian Kalderas. Seattle: International Gypsy Publications. [iii],100pp. <translated by Stevo Demeter, Tosat Demeter and Ruth Lutka Modrow, with Guy Fardi Modrow as biblicalconsultant> <European Russian Kalderash> <with introduction, alphabet, glossary>{USA}
- 312. $V$ Bible. Fragments. 1982. Cinori Bibla. Kotora la Biblake. Estella: EditorialVerba Divina. 64 pp. RC 781.{Spain}
- 313. ** Bible. Ruth. 1983. E Rut. Stockholm?: Société Biblique Suédoise/ EFS Forläget.16 pp. ISBN 91-7080-589-X. <translated by Matéo Maximoff><with audio tape><Order from: the Swedish Bible Society. Box 412, S-10128 Stockholm, Sweden> <Price: 20 Kroner. Order from: Swedish Bible Society, Box 1235, SE - 751 42 UppsalaSweden. Tel: +(46)-(0)18-186330 , Fax: +(46)-(0)-186331, E
- 314. Bible. Matthew. 1983. E Vorba le Devleski. Seattle: Loulou Demeter and Ruth Modrow. International Gypsy Publications Inc. <publisher adress: PO Box 55336, Seattle, USA> {USA}
- 315. Bible. John. 1984. O Angluno Lil anda o Johannes. 36 pp. Oslo: Det Norske Bibelselskab. ISBN 82-541-0178-7. <translated by Matteo Maximoff><see also under Lovari; the data there are probably more reliable> <some b/W drawings> CHK {Norway}
- 365C Bible. John. 1984. O Angluno Lil anda o Johannes. 36 pp. Oslo: Det Norske Bibelselskab. ISBN 82-541-0178-7. <translated by Nina Josef and Ole Bjorn Saltnes> <some b/W drawings><see also under Kalderash> {Norway} CHK
- 316. ** Bible. John. 1986. Jono. 59 pp. Pierrefitte: Société Biblique Française. <ordering address: Société Biblique Française, B.P. 31, F-93380 Pierrefitte. <difficult words explained on p. 59><translated by Matéo Maximoff><audio tape also available><second edition: 1990><new ordering address: French Bible Society, B.P. 47, 95400 Villiers-le-Bel, France. Tel: +(33)-1-3994-5051, Fax: +(33)-1-3990-5351, E-mail:> {France}
- 317. $A2$ ** ## Bible. Apostles. 1990. Le Apostoli. Crawley: Alliance Biblique Universelle/ No place: Swedish Bible Society. 65 pp. ISBN 3-4386-8090-4. UBS-EPF 1991-1M-560. <monolingual, no illustrations; Acts of the Apostles; glossary ALe Vorbi rudno@ on p. 65><translated by Mateo Maximoff> <Price: 2 EURO. Ordering address: French Bible Society, B.P. 47, 95400Villiers-le-Bel, France; Tel: +(33)-1-3994-5051, Fax: +(33)-1-3990-5351, E-mail:> {France}
- 318. Bible. Psalms. 1994. Gilya Davidoski. Le Psalmi en Kalderas. Villiers-le-Bel: French Bible Society/Société Biblique Française. <translated by M. Maximoff><Price: 75 FF. Ordering address: French Bible Society, B.P. 47, 95400 Villiers-le-Bel, France, Tel: +(33)-1-3994-5051, Fax: +(33)-1-3990-5351, E-mail:> {France}
- 319. ** $P$ Bible. Mark. 1996. Evanghelia pala o Marco. Romaní (dialectul c|ld|rarilor) - român|. Printisardo catar e Societatea Biblic| Interconfesional| anda-i România. BucureÕti. 77 pp. <pilot edition> <translated by George and Ioan Vaida; edited by Donald Kenrick & Paul Ellingworth> <bilingual, Romani-Roumanian on facing pages> {Roumania}
- 320. ** Bible Stories. N.Y. O Ilo Le Manusesko. Romanes Kalderash. Pretoria: All Nations Gospel Publishers [P.O. Box 2191, Pretoria, 0001 R.S.A.]<some b/W illustrations> {South Africa}
- 321. Bible. NT (selections). 1981. Kon si o Jesus? [who is Jesus?]. Pierrefitte: Société Biblique Française/French Bible Society. 24 pp. <translated by M. Maximoff> {France}
- 322. ** Bible. Bible fragments. N.Y. O Lašio Bakriari [the good shepherd]. London: SGM International. 14 pp. <translated by Mateo Maximoff> {colour photo on cover; <order from: SGM International, 3 Eccleston Street, London SW1W 9LZ, England,UK> {Britain}
- 323. ^290b. $R$ Bible. Bible fragments. 1970. O Lasio Pastouxho. London: Société pour la Distribution des Saintes Écritures/ Scripture Gift Mission. 16 pp. <translated by Mateo Maximoff & Donald Kenrick> BW drawings}{Britain}
- 324. $A2$ ** Bible. NT. 1995. E Nevi Vastia. No Place: Alliance Biblique Universelle/Société Biblique Française. 436 pp. ISBN 2-85300-4775. <translated by Mateo Maximoff.><ordering address: French Bible Society, B.P. 47, 95400 Villiers-le-Bel,France, Tel: +(33)-1-3994-5051, Fax: +(33)-1-3990-5351,>{no illustrations}{France}
- 325. Bible. NT. Available online at:
- 337. Bible. John. 1933. Evangel§ben m~ro rask§ro Iisusko Hristosk§ro Joannostir …hindlo.Riga: Britanijas un }rzemju B§beles Biedr§ba. <translated by J. Leimanis>{Latvia}
- 338. $A2$ ** Bible. Luke. 1999. Evangeliben Lukastir. Ani Lotvitko Romani …ib. 1999.R§ga: Latvijas B§beles Biedr§ba. 67 pp. ISBN 9984-564-27-4. <translated by J~nisNeilands, K. Rudevi…s, V. Kalinin> <glossary of unusual words on p. 66, with Romani synonyms and English and Latvian equivalents>{Latvia}
- 406. Bible. John. 1931. O Woyako-Hiro katar o Jesuskasko Christuskasko banasgimmo ä Johannestar. Berlin: Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft. 76 PP. <translated into Lovari by J. Satller and Frieda Zeller> {Germany}
- 407. Bible fragments. No year. Sar te gindis pa Del. Ca. 54 pp. No page numbers, no place, no publisher. Bible fragments. {Colour photos}
- 408. Bible fragments. no year. Sar sas e lumya kana avilo o Jesus. Ca. 22 pp. No page numbers, no place, no publisher. Bible fragments. ill. {comic book, colour photos, colour cover}
- 409. $V$ N.N. Bible. OT. Genesis. No year. A Biblia Világa. La Bibliaki Luma. So kerdasa Del. Amit az Isten Teremtett. O Genzisho. A Teremtés. [the world of the Bible. What God created. Genesis]. CHK PP. RC-280. {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 410. Bible. John. 1984. O Angluno Lil anda o Johannes. 36 pp. Oslo: Det Norske Bibelselskab. ISBN 82-541-0178-7. <translated by Nina Josef and Ole Bjorn Saltnes> <some b/W drawings><see also under Kalderash> {Norway}
- 411. ## Bible. Matthew. 1991. O Svunto Evandyelimo sar o Mathe Ramosardya les. Budapest: Szent István Társulat az Apostoli Szentszék Könyvkiadója. 162 p. ISBN 963- 360-510-5. <translated by Choli Daróczi Jószef><Matthew on p. 7-93; comments Asemnoipe@) on p. 95-156. English-based spelling, explained on p. 161- 162><publisher=s address: Szent István Társulat, 1053 Budapest, Kossuth L. U. 1.> <Mol/Price: 350 forint. Order from: Szent István Társulat, 1053 Budapest, Haller u. 19-21, Hungary, Tel: +(36)-(1)2185-820> {Hungary}
- 412. Bible. NT. 1995. Nyevo Jekhethanipe: Le Shtar Evandyeliumura. Budapest: Szent Istvan Tarsulat. 223 pp. ISBN: 963-85061-0-5. RC 223. <translated by Choli Daroczi Joszef> {Hungary}
- 484. Bible, fragments. 2002. Biblikane teksturenqo kidipen anθ-i rromani ƒhib. Culegere de texte biblice în limba rromani [choice of Bible texts in the Romani language]. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion. 134 pp. <translated by Gheorghe Sar|u>
- 509. Bible. NT (parts). 1911. Paramisa. Amare Raieskr Jezu Christi Du te Meripen. Die Leidensgeschichte unseres Herrn Jesu Christi in der Sprache der Deutschen Zigeuner. 16 pp. <translated by F.N. Finck & B. Gilliat-Smith> {Germany, German}
- 510. ** Bible. Mark. 1912. O Evangelio Jezus Kristusester pala Markus. Berlin: Angliko ta Vaver-Themeskero Biblio-Malapen. 60 pp. <translated into South German Romani by E. Wittich & R. Urban>. {Germany, German} SINTI - LALERE 102
- 511. Bible. Stories/fragments. N.N. 1995. I Morsch mukel peskro them. Marburg: Romanes Arbeit e.V Marburg/ Wycliffe ibelübersetzer/Summer Institute of Linguistics. 19 pp.{B/W illustrations}{Germany, German}
- 512. Bible. Genesis (chapter 18 and 19 verses 1-29). 1996. O Abrahameskro djipen.Marburg, Germany. <translated by Wycliffe-Bibelübersetzer/S.I.L><five parts>{Germany, German}
- 513. Bible. John. 1999. U latscho lab u Jesus Christusestar. Marburg: Romanes-Arbeit. <ordering address: Romanes-Arbeit Marburg, Schwanallee 59, 35037 Marburg, Germany. tel:+49(0)6421-185135> {Germany, German}
- 514. $F$ ** Bible. Mark. 1994. O Latscho Lab o Jesus Christusester. Har o Marko les menge tschinas. Markusevangelium Romanes. Marburg: Romanes-Arbeit. 95 pp. <ordering address: Romanes-Arbeit Marburg, Schwanallee 59, 35037 Marburg,Germany. tel:+49(0)6421-185135> {B/W drawings} {Germany, German}
- 621. Bible. Ephesians. 1993. Lila Efesiange. Tirana: RRomani Baxt. 15 pp. RC 224a. <translated from Greek> {Albania}
- 622. Bible. Psalms. Song of Songs. 1994. Gili pra Gilene, savi [si] e Slomonesqe [song of ongs, which is Solomon=s song]. Tirana: Romani Baxt. <translated from Hebrew by Marcel Cortiade> {Albania}
Folklór antológiák
[szerkesztés]- 35. Bari Károly (collector). 1996. Anthology of Gypsy Folk Songs I-IV. Hungary. Romania.
Budapest: EMI-Quint. 109 pp. <accompanies set of 4 Cds, with texts and comments. Original texts and English translations> {songs, texts, Romani contents} {Romungro, Lovari, Kalderash, Kherutno, Colari, Masari, Kortotari, Ursari} {Hungary, Roumania, English}
- 36. Bari Károly (collector). 1999. Gypsy Folklore. Hungary. Romania. I-X. Privately
published by the author. 350 pp. <accompanies box with set of 10 Cds, with texts and comments. Original texts and English translations; introduction pp. 5-30><texts in Kalderash, Mašari, Kazanji, „ulari, Lovari, Romungro, Kherutno, Korturari, Sinti, Kuzajni, „urari, Drizari, Spoitor, „erhari, Xoraxani, Rudari, English> {songs, texts, Romani contents} {English, Hungary}
- 40. Csenki Imre & Csenki Sándor. 1980. Cigány Népballadák és Keservesek [Gypsy
Folkballads and Lamenting Songs]. Budapest: Europa. 139 pp. {songbook, songs, music, Hungary, Lovari, Romungro, Hungarian translations, scholarly} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 41. ** Davidová, Eva & Jan ðiñka. 1991. Folk Music of the Sedentary Gypsies of
Czechoslovakia. Budapest: Institute of Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 207 pp. ISBN 963-7074-30-9. CHK ADDRESS {songs, translations, music notations, scholarly} {Slovakia, Hungary, Hungarian, English, Slovak}
- 42. $V$ Duriƒ, Rajko. 1980. Romane Garadine Alava. Romske Zagonetke. Littérature
Orale des Balkans [Romani Riddles]. Belgrade: Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts. 91 pp. RC-346.
- 284. ** Demeter, R.S. & P.S. Demeter 1981. Obrazci folklora Cigan-kelderarej [Choice
of Kalderash-Romani folklore]. Moscow: Nauka, Gravnaja Redaktsia Vostochnoj Literaturi. 264 pp. <preface by L. Tcherenkov & B.M. GaÛak> {Kalderash texts from Russia, Hungary, Banat, Serbia, Moldova; also some Lovari and Ursari} {Russia, Russian} {riddles; bilingual Romani-Serbocroatian} {Serbocroatian, Yugoslavia}
- 43. $S$ Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1999. Romane Garadune Lava. Roma Találós Kérdések. Rromani
Riddles. Budapest: Romano Kher/ Cigany Haz. 82 pp. ISBN: 963 03 9429 4. <edited by Melinda Rézmáves>.<ordering address: Romano Kher B 1151 Budapest, Ënekes u.10/b. tel/fax: #36-306-6811. #36-306-6812> <Albanian Romani, Gurbet, Karpati, Romungro, Lovari, Vend, Cerhari> {Riddles, color drawings, children} {Hungary, Hungarian, English}
- 44. Hemetek, Ursula. 1992. Romane ”ila. Lieder und Tänze der Roma in Österreich. Eine
Dokumentation erstellt in Zusammenarbeit mit den Ausführenden. Wien: Institut für Volksmusikforschung and der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst. 82 pp. <plus 60 min. Cassette> {music notations, songs} {Austria, German}
- 55. $S$ Petrovski, Traiko. 2001. Romani Folk Songs from Macedonia. Romski Narodni
Pesni od Makedonija 139 pp. ISBN: 9989-642-33-8. Skopje: Institution of Folklore AMarko Cepenkov@ B Skopje. Folk Creation. Chanson Populaires volume 16. <Anthology, Macedonia, several dialects, text in Romani and in Latin script. Macedonian translation, singers, dates, recorder given} CHK ordering address {songs, musical notation} {Macedonia, Macedonian}
- 56. $D$ Roma Community and Advocacy Centre. 1999. Kanadake-Romane Mirikle
/Canadian Romani Pearls. Toronto: Roma Community and Advocacy Centre. 69 pp. Ill: line and photo=s <ordering address: Roma Community and Advocacy Centre, 122 St. Patrick Street, Suite F-24, Box 114, Toronto, On. M5T 2X8, Canada. Tel. (#1)(416)-588-6288> <Bilingual English/Romani, facing pages. Drawings & photo. {poetry, adults} {Canada, English}
- 57. $V$ Stankiewicz, Stanis»aw. No year. Gila Êomane. Zbiorek Piešni Romskich.
Warszawa: Rom-po-Drom. 58 pp. ISBN 83-902104-0-1. RC-448.<Rom-po-Drom, Bia»ystok, ul. Warszawska 43, Poland><Texts in Yugoslav Romani, Polska Roma, Slovak Romani, Vlax, mixed Russian-Romani, etc.;> {songbook, musical notation} {Poland, Polish}
- 58. ** Stanley, Denise. 1986. The Romano Drom Song Book. London: Romanestan
Publications. ISBN 0-947803-01-7. 40 pp. <songs and music in Angloromani, Caló, English, French, Sinti, Yugoslav Romani, Vlax> <illustrated by Rosy Burke> <Ordering address: Romanestan Publications, 22 Northend, Warley, Brentwood, essex, CM14 5LA.> {children, adults, B/W illustrations, songbook, musical notation} {Britain, English}
- 59. Spinelli, Santino (ed.). Ðungé Lulud|. Fiori Profumati. [Perfumed flowers]. [available
from Them Romano, Via S. Maria Maggiore 12, Lanciano (CH), Italy. Tel & fax:
- 39(0)872-714.760].
{poetry, stories} {
- 64. $V$ $R$ Stojkov, Slavomir. 1989. Cidimata e romane piljendar. Narodna romska
poezija [anthology of Romani poems]. Novi Sad: Društvo Vojvodina za Jezik i Knjiñevnost Roma. 39 pp. RC-407. {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Serbocroatian}
- 180. $R$ Ackoviƒ, Vera. 1993. Vokalna Muzika Roma i Jugoslaviji. Vocal Roma=s Music in
Jugoslavija. Beograd: Rominterpress. 225 pp. <ordering address: Rominterpress, 11050 Beograd, Sluzbeni Put 86a, Jugoslavia. Tel. 00-381-11-3470-736. Fax: 00-381-3244- 526. Email:> <introduction in English and Serbian in Romani. Songs in Romani with Serbian translations> {songbook, musical notation} {Yugoslavia, Serbian, English}
- Cigány Szövegei [The fire-red little snake. The original Romani texts of the earlier
Hungarian volume]. GödöllÅ: Cultural Centre of GödöllÅ/A GödöllÅi mávelÅdési Központ Módszertani Kiadványa.150 PP. <texts from Hungary, Russia and Romania} {texts} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 234. $A2$ ** Bari, Károly. 1990. Le V‘šeski D‘j [the mother of the woods]. Budapest:
Országos KözmmávelÅdési Központ / national Educational Center. 507 pp. <texts from Hungary in several Vlax dialects: Vlax, Masari, Grastari, Drizari, Lovari, Kalderash, Cerhari, „urari> {texts, oral tradition, songs, fairy tales} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 235. *? Bari, Károly. 1996. A Tizenkét Királyfi. Cigány Népmesék.[The twelve young
kings. Gypsy folktales]. 203 pp. Budapest: Romano Kher. ISBN 963 85 408 2 6. <address: 1151 Budapest, Ënekes u. 10/B, Tel/Fax: 307-6397/306-68-1> <Vlax, stories, bilingual Hungarian-Romani facing pages> {oral tradition, texts} {Hungary, Hungarian}
- 236. Benedek Katalin, Angyal Katalin & Cserbak András. 2001. Cigány Mesemondók
Repertoárjának Bibliográfiája [Bibliography of the Repertoire of Gypsy Storytellers]. Budapest: MTA Néprajzi Kutató Intézet. 492 pp. ISBN 963-567-020-6. (Magyar Népmesekatalógus/Catalogue of Hungarian Folktales 10/I ) <catalogue of the ca. 2000 recordings and texts in Hungarian and a variety of dialects in the Folklore Department of the Ethnographic Institute of the Hungarian. Academy of Sciences. Not texts are quoted or analyzed> <available from MTA Néprajzi Kutató Intézet, 1014 Budapest I, Országház u. 30, OR: 1250 Budapest , Pf 29, Hungary> {Hungary, Hungarian}
[szerkesztés]Amit a Damfír szócikkből kigyomláltam: A cigány mitológia
[szerkesztés]A cigány mitológiában mindig is helyet kapott a vámpír, mint vérivó démon. Az indiai mitológiában, amit a cigányok eredetüknél fogva nyilván ismertek, Káli alakja volt az agresszív, pusztító istené, aki megitta ellenfelei vérét, akiket legyőzött, illetve volt egy "blunta" nevű démonjuk is, aki éjszaka járt kint az utcán, és halandókat támadott meg, hogy az életük árán önmagát éltesse. A vámpír maga gyűjtőfogalom volt a cigányoknál, Örményországban például dakhanavarnak hívták, és azt tartották róla, hogy a keresztúton kapja el az éjjeli utazókat. De ismert volt a "mullo" nevű démon, aki ugyancsak a halálból kelt fel, és a közönséges kísértetekkel szemben fizikai teste volt, amellyel szabadon járt és elvegyülhetett az emberek között; rosszindulatú volt és sok bajt kevert.
A damfir-fogalom ugyancsak cigány specialitás, és a temetkezési szokásaikra vezethető vissza. A tradicionális cigány közösségekben, ha valaki meghal, ruháival, ékszereivel együtt temetik el. Sokszor élelmet, széket, asztalt is eltemetnek mellé, a koporsóját pedig úgy alakítják ki, mintha egy fekhely lenne, ugyanis kereszténység ide vagy oda, hittek abban, hogy az elhunytnak arra a túlvilágon szüksége lehet.
Maga a damfir is annak a szüleménye mitológiailag, hogy nem választották el élesen a halált meg az életet, vagyis annak analógiájára, hogy a halottnak szüksége lehet székre, asztalra, lábosokra a túlvilágon, azt is lehetségesnek tartották, hogy a vámpír (mint járkáló, gonosz halott) esetleg visszavágyik az életben maradt kedveséhez.
Hittek a test nélküli szellemekben is, akik visszajártak elrendezni az ügyes-bajos dolgaikat. Elképzelhetőnek tartották, hogy a vámpírrá változtatott nő vagy férfi is visszatér az özvegyéhez és a gyermekeihez. A női vámpírt nemigen lehetett megkülönböztetni egy halandó nőtől, mert ugyanúgy gondot viselt a családjára és a házára, de éjszakánként "kifárasztotta" a férjét, "elszívta belőle az életet". Ez az elképzelés élt tovább John Polidori A vámpír című elbeszélésében is, ez került át Dracula történetébe is, mely szerint Draculát a kastélyában három különböző hajszínű, szépséges vámpírnő vette körül, akik a szeretői voltak - de az oda tévedő halandó férfiakat is "kiszolgálták" szexuálisan, a vérükért/életükért cserébe.
A "vérszívó nő" mítosza mellett persze élénken élt a férfi vámpír képe is, aki az özvegyét vagy halandó kori kedvesét látogatja meg. Míg a vámpír-feleség ugyanúgy folytatta életét, ahogy addig; a vámpír-férj is együtt hált az asszonyával, amelyből születhettek gyermekek is. A fiút damfirnak, a lányt damfirézának nevezték el; és csak a modern folklórban terjedt el az a nézet, hogy a vámpír csak is fiúgyermeket képes nemzeni egy halandó nőnek.
Így maga a damfir szó egy vámpír férfi és egy cigány nő nászából fogant gyereket jelentett. [1]
Sokféle elképzelés keveredik ezen a ponton.
Van, amelyik szerint a vámpírt mindig visszahúzza a szíve az otthonához, ezért kell megölni, mert vámpírrá tenné a családját is, és persze van olyan is, hogy a vámpírt kifejezetten gonosz, túlvilági lénynek hiszik, aki csak használja egy halott ember testét, de az mindenhol "nyilvánvaló" volt, hogy vannak emberek, akiknek egy vámpír volt az apjuk.
A damfírokat és a damfirézákat származásuk különleges, túlvilági szépséggel ruházta fel, és azzal a képességgel, hogy "látja a holtakat", vagyis az apja fajtáját felismeri az emberek között. Vannak etimológiai nyomai annak, hogy a vámpír felkutatásában nem csak a "fia", hanem az "özvegye" és a "lánya"is részt vett.
[szerkesztés]- ↑ Bővebben lásd