Vita:Ramstein légi támaszpont
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Legutóbb hozzászólt Dunee 14 évvel ezelőtt a(z) Nevek témában
[szerkesztés]Ha a légibázis neve Ramstein, akkor az együttes neve miért lett Rammstein? misibacsi*üzenet 2010. március 28., 10:46 (CEST)
„ | At the 1988 Ramstein airshow, Italy's aerobatic team caused a massive air disater during a display. Thirty spectators and three pilots were killed as planes collided into each other and tumbled on fire into the crowd. 60 more were injured. Though they did change the spelling by adding an 'M,' Rammstein got their name from this incident, as their first song, 'Rammstein' is actually about the aircrash. Literally translated, Rammstein means "Ramming Stone," quite an apt name, considering their style of music. | ” |
- Én ezt találtam. Dunee
msg 2010. március 28., 17:05 (CEST)