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Vita:Pejoratív jelző

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Legutóbb hozzászólt Mesüge 19 évvel ezelőtt a(z) A Cyrano-probléma témában

1 Abortion on Demand 2 Aid and comfort to the enemy 3 Activist judges 4 Anti-immigrant/anti-immigration 5 Anti-Semite 6 Apparatchik 7 Baby killer 8 Bible-basher or Bible-thumper 9 Big Business Party 10 Bleeding-heart liberal 11 Bloc-head 12 Bloody shirt 13 Blue Dog Democrat 14 Blue Liberal 15 Bolshevik, Bolshevism 16 Borrow and Spend Republican 17 Bourgeois, Bourgeoisie 18 Bushwhacker 19 Capitalist Roader 20 Capitalist Pig 21 Card-carrying member of the ACLU 22 Carpetbagger 23 Champagne socialist 24 Chauvinist Pig 25 Cheese-eating surrender monkeys 26 Chickenhawk 27 Commie, Communist 28 Communist Sympathizer 29 Conchie, conchy 30 Corporate Feudalism or Neofeudalism 31 Corporate Welfare 32 Counter-revolutionary 33 Crypto– 34 Dhimmicrat 35 Dirty Hippy 36 Dixiecrat 37 Dove, Dovish 38 East-coast liberal 39 Environmentalist Wacko, Econazi and Ecoterrorists 40 Extremist 41 Falangist 42 Fascist 43 Fellow Traveller 44 Feminazi 45 Fence-sitter 46 Fiberals 47 Fourth Reich 48 Gay agenda 49 Girlie Men 50 Godless communist 51 Government cheese 52 Government handouts 53 Grit 54 Gun grabber 55 Gun nut 56 Hawk, Hawkish 57 Hitler 58 Homophobe, Heterosexist 59 International Jewish Conspiracy, International Jewry 60 Islamofascism 61 Judeofascism 62 Kangaroo Court 63 Know-Nothing Party 64 Left Coast 65 Limousine Liberal 66 Loony Left 67 Manarchist 68 McCarthyism 69 Moderate 70 Montagnards 71 Muckraker 72 National Socialists 73 Nattering Nabobs of Negativity 74 Nazi 75 Neoconservative, Neocon 76 Neo-confederate 77 Neoliberal, Neoliberalism 78 Orthodox Taliban 79 Outside Agitators 80 Pajamahadeen/Pajamahadin 81 Peacenik 82 Péquiste 83 Pinko 84 Political correctness 85 Poverty pimp 86 Pro-abortion 87 Race-baiter 88 Radical 89 Radical Republican 90 Reactionary 91 Reaganite/Reaganism 92 Red 93 Red Agitator 94 Red Tory 95 Republicrat, Big Business Party 96 Rightist, Rightist Opportunist 97 Ronnie Raygun 98 Rootless cosmopolitan 99 Running dog of the imperialists, Running Dog 100 Scalawag 101 Self-hating Jew 102 Soft on Crime 103 Spoiler 104 Star Chamber 105 Taliban wing of the Republican Party 106 Tax and Spend Liberal 107 Thatcherite/Thatcherism 108 Tory and Whig 109 Traitor 110 Tree hugger 111 Troika 112 Trotskyite 113 Troublemaker 114 Ultraleftist 115 Uncle Tom 116 Useful Idiot 117 Van party or Taxi party 118 Vast right-wing conspiracy 119 Woman hating 120 Worker's Paradise 121 Wowser 122 Yellow Dog Democrat 123 Yellow journalism 124 Young Turk 125 Zionist

A Cyrano-probléma


1. Nagyon tetszik nekem ez a kifejezés: Cyrano-probléma, még sosem hallottam. De: (még) gyengébbek kedvéért talán meg kéne magyarázni.

2. A definició helyesenből talán a helyesent már törölni lehetne.

3. A napokban kifejezés egy hét múlva már nem lesz érvényes.

Szerintem ezek javítandók. Szerintetek? OsvátA. 2005. május 2., 08:40 (CEST)Válasz

Jogos Mesüge 2005. május 2., 11:31 (CEST)Válasz