Vita:Cigány ábécé
Új téma nyitásaDevanagri, mint roma abc
[szerkesztés]A cikk hivatkozik a roma wikire, amelyen használni látni véli a devanagri írást. Nos a roma wikin csak egyetlen felhasználó erölteti ezt, Desiphral, akit az angol wikiröl már kitiltottak.
Devanagari is not used in Romani except by a handful of individuals
[szerkesztés]I proposed in a last edit to remove the Devanagari stuff, I hope I did it properly. Devanagari has only been used very occasionally in the past for writing Romani, but is now highly promoted by "Desiphral" who formatted the Romani Wikipedia. See the English article on Romani orthography, the discussion page, as well as It's a gross misrepresentation of the reality to present this script on par with the other scripts in use. In addition the Devanagari keyboard gives it a kind of prominence. A fair representation would be (and I edited the English version this way):
- to mention real, albeit minority scripts: Greek, Arabic (ref. Bakker-Kyuchukov 2000)
- to mention other scripts: Andrzej Mirga, Devanagari, as "of academic interest only" (ref. Ian Hancock, 2008, RADOC website)
- to mention recent promotion of Devanagari especially because of the Romani Wikipedia visibility, but as it is, a proposition by some individuals, not endorsed by any Roma organisations and language planning projects to this day.
Unfortunately I'm not competent in Hungarian to make these mentions.