Vita:Black Lives Matter
Új téma nyitásaBlack Lives Matter Logo in different languages
[szerkesztés]Please help to translate the Black Lives Matter Logo for this wikipedia (:hu:wiki): File:Black Lives Matter logo.svg
Translate the text BLACK LIVES MATTER from english to the language of this wikipedia: Magyar
- The translation must be divided into three lines
- The translation must be given in the following format: (LINE1)(LINE2)(LINE3)
- Give numbers in brackets for number of line
- The translation must be in capital letters
- It is no problem if a line consits of more than one word
- The expression LIVES:
- The expression LIVES appears in yellow letters over black background, this expression must be marked in bold
- Depending on the language, the expression LIVES is in line1, line2 or line3
- Examples
- English: (1 BLACK)(2 LIVES)(3 MATTER)
- German: (1 SCHWARZE)(2 LEBEN)(3 ZÄHLEN)
Please give a translation as described. Then I will create the corresponding logo and make it available.
Thank you --Mrmw vita 2020. június 7., 20:32 (CEST)
- Dear Mrmw! You dont need to translate, this English slogen known in Hungary too.
- I cannot find repeated translation in the Hungarian news. The hungarian movement also use the English slogen (yet).
- Our cultural background makes not possible to translate easily. The point is the "black life" may means "bad faith". So to avoid subtle and open racism we should use "Afro-amerikai" - but nobody did because too long for a slogan. Also the plural - singular match has multiple choice. And so on.
- So better to keep the original.
- Regards Rodrigó ⇔ 2020. június 8., 01:17 (CEST)
- i canceled this request as there are to many difficultis and missunderstandings in translation in other languages - i wont create logos
- thanks for your help
- orginal request
- --Mrmw vita 2020. június 8., 20:16 (CEST)
@Mrmw: I am a translator (among other things). Word order and using or ommitting definite or indefinite articles make a huge difference here. If you translate the slogan literally and word-by-word than the result (Fekete életek számítanak) is bad Hungarian and means nothing actually. Rightists in Hungary prefer translations which suggest the meaning "only black lives matter", for example "a fekete életek számítanak" where the emphasys is on the subject rather than the predicate, which also potentially implies "only".
Therefore I've just inserted a better translation: "Számítanak a fekete életek" which puts the emphasis on the predicate (számítanak = matter, plural 3rd person) thus avoiding the possibility of implying "only".
Peyerk vita 2021. január 10., 08:23 (CET)
[szerkesztés]A szócikk elfogadhatalan állapotban van. Egyáltalán nem átfogó jellegű. Teljesen hiányoznak a 2020-as zavargások, és azok hatása az amerikai társadalomra, miközben részletesen tárgyal egy budapesti tűntetést, amelről nem derül ki, hogy mikor volt. Wikizoli vita 2021. január 10., 14:54 (CET)