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The following terms are used in American football and Canadian football. See also: wiktionary:Category:Football (American)

n-m defense
a defense with n down linemen and m linebackers, such as:
a defense with 3 linemen, 3 linebackers, and 5 defensive backs. Often called a 3-3 stack.
3-4 defense
a defensive formation with 3 linemen and 4 linebackers. A professional derivative in the 1970's of the earlier Oklahoma or "50" defense, which had 5 linemen and 2 linebackers. The 3-4 outside linebackers resemble "stand-up ends" in the older defense.
4-3 defense
a defensive formation with 4 linemen and 3 linebackers. Several variations are employed. First used by coach Joe Kuharich.
4-4-4 Defense
Infamous defense, coined by coach and color commentator John Madden when referring to a penalty having 12 men on the field.
4-6 defense
(pronounced four-six defense) a defense with four (4) down linemen and six (6) linebackers
46 defense
(pronounced forty-six defense) a formation of the 4-3 defense (four linemen and three linebackers) in which three defensive backs (the two cornerbacks and the strong safety) crowd the line of scrimmage. The remaining safety, which is the free safety, stays in the backfield. It is also known as the "Bear" defense because it was popularized by Buddy Ryan while coaching for the Chicago Bears. Not to be confused with the 4-6 (four-six) defense.
50 defense
a once popular college defense with 5 defensive linemen and 2 linebackers. Also known as the "Oklahoma Defense," it is structurally very similar to the 3-4.
Air Raid
an offensive philosophy derived from the West Coast Offense but adapted to the shotgun formation. In this offense the running game is heavily de-emphasized while the quick pass, medium pass, and screen game are highly developed.
a play called by the quarterback at the line of scrimmage to change the play that was called in the huddle.
see audible
automatic first down
for several of the most severe penalties, including pass interference and all personal fouls, a first down is rewarded to the offensive team even if the yardage of that penalty is less than the yardage needed for a first down.
A position behind the offensive line, or behind the linebackers on defense.
A player who does not start the game, but comes in later in relief of a starter.
a defensive maneuver in which one or more linebackers or defensive backs, who normally remain behind the line of scrimmage, instead charge into the opponents' backfield. However, in the 3-4 defense, one linebacker typically rushes the passer with the three down linemen. This is not considered a blitz. If an additional linebacker is sent, bringing the total number of rushers to five, it is a blitz.
when a player obstructs another player's path with his body.
blocking sled
a heavy piece of practice equipment, usually a padded angular frame on metal skids, used for developing strength and blocking techniques
an offensive play predicated upon misdirection in which the quarterback pretends to hand the ball to another player, and then carries the ball in the opposite direction of the supposed ballcarrier with the intent of either passing or running (sometimes the quarterback has the option of doing either). A naked bootleg is a risky variation of this play when the quarterback has no blockers pulling out with him. Contrast with scramble, sneak, and draw
the box
an area on the defensive side of the ball, directly opposite the offensive linemen and about 5 yards deep; having 8 players in the box means bringing in a defensive back, normally the strong safety, to help stop the offensive team's running game
a player position on offense. The center snaps the ball.
Canadian "center"
the 10-yard long chain that is used by the chain crew to measure for a new series of downs.
see audible
chuck and duck
a style of offense with minimal pass protection requiring the Quarterback to "chuck" the ball then "duck" to avoid a defensive lineman.
an illegal block in which the victim is blocked from the back and below the waist; the penalty is 15 yards. Originally, clipping was defined as any block from the back, but is now restricted to blocks below the waist. Other blocks from the back are now punished with 10-yard penalties.
coffin corner
the corner of the field of play. A punter, if he is close enough, will often attempt to kick the ball out of bounds close to the receiving team's goal line and pin them back near their own end zone.
a defensive assignment. On outside runs such as the sweep, one defensive player (usually a cornerback or outside linebacker) is assigned to keep the rusher from getting to the edge of the play and turning upfield. If executed properly, the rusher will have to turn upfield before the play calls for it, giving the linebackers a better chance of stopping the play for little or no gain.
cornerback (CB)
a defensive back who lines up near the line of scrimmage across from a wide receiver. Their primary job is to disrupt passing routes and to defend against short and medium passes in the passing game, and to contain the rusher on rushing plays.
a running play in which the running back will take a step in the apparent direction of the play (ie, the direction the line is moving), only to get the handoff in the other direction. Weak side linemen will sometimes pull and lead the back downfield (sometimes called a counter trap), but not necessarily. The play is designed to get the defense to flow away from the action for a few steps as they follow the linemen, allowing more room for the running back.
crackback block
an illegal block delivered below the opponent's waist by an offensive player who had left the area of close line play and then returned to it, or was not within it at the snap. The term is also used to describe a legal block (delivered from the front, or from the side with the offensive player's helmet in front of the blocked player) by a wide receiver on a player who lined up inside of him.
  1. a sharp change of direction by a running player. Also called a cutback.
  2. see "cut blocking" below
cut blocking
a blocking technique in which offensive linemen, and sometimes other blockers, block legally below the waist (i.e., from the front of the defensive player) in an attempt to bring the defenders to ground, making them unable to pursue a running back for the short time needed for the back to find a gap in the defense. The technique is somewhat controversial, as it carries a risk of serious leg injuries to the blocked defenders. The NFL's Denver Broncos are especially famous (or infamous) for using this technique.
dead ball
a ball which is no longer in play.
defensive back
a cornerback or safety position on the defensive team; commonly defends against wide receivers on passing plays. Generally there are 4 defensive backs playing at a time; but see nickel back and dime back.
defensive end (DE)
a player position on defense who lines up on the outside of the defensive line.
defensive tackle (DT)
a player position on defense on the inside of the defensive line. When a defensive tackle lines up directly across from the center, he is known often as a nose tackle.
defensive team
the team that begins a play from scrimmage not in possession of the ball.
dime back
the second extra, or sixth total, defensive back. Named because a dime has the same value as two nickels.
direct snap
a play in which the ball is passed directly to the presumed ball carrier by the center. Contrast with an indirect snap play in which the ball is first handed to the quarterback, who will then pass or hand it to the eventual ball carrier. Also used to refer to formations that use a direct snap, such as the single wing.
double reverse
a play in which the ball reverses direction twice behind the line of scrimmage. This is usually accomplished by means of two or three hand-offs, each hand-off going in an opposite direction as the previous one. Such a play is extremely infrequent in football.
Some people confuse the double reverse with a reverse, which is a play with two hand-offs instead of three.
double wing
a formation with two tight ends and two wingbacks.
one of a series of plays in which the offensive team must advance at least 10 yards or lose possession. First down is the first of the plays; fourth is the last down in American, and third in Canadian, football. A first down occurs after a change of possession of the ball, after advancing the ball 10 yards following a previous first down or after certain penalties.
down lineman
a player stationed in front of his line of scrimmage and who has either one (three-point stance) or two (four-point stance) hands on the ground.
draw play
a play in which the quarterback drops back as if to pass, then hands off to a running back or runs with the ball himself. Contrast with scramble
  • A continuous set of offensive plays gaining substantial yardage and several first downs, usually leading to a scoring opportunity.
  • A blocking technique - "drive block" - in which an offensive player through an advantaged angle or with assistance drive a defensive player out of position creating a hole for the ball carrier.
drop kick
a kick in which the ball is dropped and kicked once it hits the ground and before it hits it again; a half-volley kick.
dual threat quarterback
a quarterback who is skilled at both passing and rushing the ball. These quarterbacks may be difficult to defend against since the defensive team cannot focus on one threat to the exclusion of the other.
eligible receivers
players who may legally touch a forward pass. On the passer's team, these are: the ends (see below), the backs, and (except in the NFL), one player in position to take a hand-to-hand snap, i.e. a T quarterback; provided the player's shirt displays a number in the ranges allowed for eligible receivers. All players of the opposing team are eligible receivers, and once the ball is touched by a player of the opposing team (anywhere in American, or beyond the lines of scrimmage in Canadian football), all players become eligible.
an illegal action by a player: to cross the line of scrimmage and make contact with an opponent before the ball is snapped, or to line up offside and remain there when the ball is put in play.
a player position, either on offense or defense -- see linemen.
end around
a play, often confused with a reverse, where the quarterback hands the ball off to a wide receiver . The receiver motions/moves into the backfield as the ball is snapped to take the handoff and runs around the opposite end from where he lined up.
end zone
the area between the end line (or deadline in Canadian amateur football) and the goal line, bounded by the sidelines.
extra point
a single point scored in a conversion attempt by making what would be a field goal or a safety during general play.
fair catch
An unhindered catch of an opponent's kick. The player wanting to make one must signal for a fair catch by waving an arm overhead while the ball is in the air. After that signal, if he gains possession of the ball it is dead immediately and opponents will receive a fifteen yard penalty for hitting him.
fantasy football (American)
A game in which the participants (called "owners") each draft on their own or with the aid of software [1] a team of real-life NFL players and then score points based on those players' statistical performance on the field.
field of play
the area between both the goal lines and the sidelines, and in some contexts the space vertically above it.
field goal
score of 3 points made by place- or drop-kicking the ball through the opponent's goal other than via a kickoff or free kick following a safety; formerly, "goal from the field".
a player position on offense. A wide receiver who lines up 1 or more yards off the line of scrimmage outside of another receiver. The term is used infrequently in American Football, having been long since replaced by the wide receiver or wideout, with no distinction between whether the receiver is on the line or not.
an area on the field between the line of scrimmage and 10 yards into the defensive backfield, and within 15 yards of the sideline. Running backs often run pass routes to the flat when they are the safety valve receiver.
Flea flicker
a trick play in which a running back laterals the ball back to the quarterback, who then throws a pass to a wide receiver or tight end.
a formation involving three running backs where a fullback is lined up behind the quarterback and two wingbacks are lined up behind the line of scrimmage at both ends of the offensive line.
An arrangement of the offensive skill players. A formation usually is described in terms of how the running backs line up (e.g. I formation, which refers to the half back is lined up about 7 yard deep, and the fullback is lined up about 5 yards deep, both directly behind the quarterback) or how the wide receivers line up (e.g. Trips left, in which three wide receivers line up to the left of the linemen). Frequently, the formation will allude to both, such as with Strong I Slot Right, in which the halfback is lined up 7 yards deep behind the quarterback, the fullback is 5 yards deep behind the guard or tackle on the strong side, and both wide receivers are lined up on the right side of the offensive line. There are rules limiting what is legal in a formation. All five offensive linemen must be on the line of scrimage (a small amount of leeway is given to tackles when lined up for pass protection). Also, there must be one receiver (usually one tight end and one wide receiver) lined up on the line on either side of the offensive line (it doesn't matter how close they are to the tackles, as long as they are on the line), with a total of no fewer than seven players on the line. A receiver who is on the line may not go in motion.
forward pass
a pass that touches a person, object, or the ground closer to the opponent's end line than where it was released from, or is accidentally lost during a forward throwing motion.
four-point stance
a down lineman's stance with four points on the ground, in other words, his two feet and his two hands
free kick
a kick made to put the ball in play as a kickoff or following a safety (the score; "safety touch" in Canadian football) or fair catch.
free safety (FS)
a player position on defense. Free safeties typically play deep, or "center field", and often have the pass defense responsibility of assisting other defensive backs in deep coverage (compared to strong safeties, who usually have an assigned receiver and run support responsibilities).
fullback (FB)
a player position on offense. Originally, lined up deep behind the quarterback in the T formation. In modern formations this position may be varied, and this player has more blocking responsibilities in comparison to the halfback or tailback.
a ball that a player accidentally lost possession of; in Canadian football the term includes muffs.
a surface in space marked by a structure of two upright posts 18 feet 6 inches apart extending above a horizontal crossbar whose top edge is 10 feet off the ground. The goal is the surface above the bar and between the lines of the inner edges of the posts, extending infinitely upward, centered above each end line in American, and each goal line in Canadian football.
goal area
the end zone in Canadian professional football.
goal line
the front of the end zone.
a football field, so called for its markings.
one of two player positions on offense -- see linemen. A 5-player defensive line will have one, and a defensive line of 6 or more players, two guards, while a defensive line of fewer than 5 players has no guard.
Hail Mary
a long pass play, thrown towards a group of receivers near the end zone in hope of a touchdown. Used by a team as a last resort as time is running out in either of two halfs (usually by a team trailing in the second half). Refers to the Catholic prayer.
a player position on offense. Also known as a tailback.
halfback option play
a trick play in which the halfback has the option to throw a pass or run
halo violation
From 1983 until the end of the 2002 season, in the NCAA (college football) the halo rule was a penalty for interference with the opportunity to catch a kick. The so called halo rule stated that no player of the kicking team may be within two yards of a receiving team player positioned to catch a punt or kickoff (before that person has touched the ball). The rule was abolished beginning in the 2003 season.
(also known as backward pass) a player's handing of a live ball to another player. The hand-off goes either backwards or laterally, as opposed to a forward pass. Sometimes called a "switch" in touch football. (Note different usage of term from its rugby meaning.)
hash marks
lines between which the ball begins each play. The lines are parallel to and a distance in from the side lines and marked as broken lines. If a play is blown dead while the ball is between the hash marks, the ball is spotted where it is blown dead for the following play. If the play ends outside the hash marks, the ball is spotted at the nearer hash mark.
a player listed in a roster or depth chart as a fullback and playing as a hybrid of a fullback and a tight end
a term used by the Penn State football team to refer to the strong safety.
a player who holds the ball upright for a place kick. Often backup quarterbacks are used for their superior ball-handling ability or punters for their ability to catch long snaps.
there are two kinds of holding: offensive holding, illegally blocking a player from the opposing team by grabbing and holding his uniform or body; and defensive holding, called against defensive players who impede receivers who are more than 5 yards from the line of scrimmage, but who are not actively making an attempt to catch the ball (if the defensive player were to impede an offensive player in the act of catching the ball, that would be the more severe penalty of pass interference)
an on-field gathering of members of a team in order to secretly communicate instructions for the upcoming play.
I formation
A formation that includes a fullback and tailback lined up with the fullback directly in front of the tailback. If a third back is in line, this is referred to as a “full house I” or “Maryland I.” If the third back is lined up along side the fullback, it is referred to as a “Power I.”
incomplete pass
a forward pass of the ball which no player legally caught.
inbounds lines
the hash marks.
indirect snap
a play in which the ball is handed to the quarterback rather than thrown directly to the ballcarrier by the center as in a direct snap play. So named because the quarterback acts as an intermediary in relaying the ball to the ballcarrier. Also used to refer to formations that use such a snap, as most modern formations do. Indirect snap formations exploded in popularity after World War II.
  1. of a player's path: relatively close (in reference to the sides of the field) to where the ball was snapped from. Thus, a ballcarrier's path in crossing the neutral zone may be said to be "inside" of an opponent, or an "inside run" in general, and a rushing defensive player may be said to put on an "inside move" or "inside rush".
  2. of the movement of the ball between players: directed toward a player who cuts between a player in the backfield who throws or hands the ball and the place from which it was snapped. Thus, an "inside pass" or "inside handoff". An "inside reverse" (sometimes called a scissors play) is a reverse play via an inside handoff.
intentional grounding
An illegal forward pass thrown beyond the line of scrimmage without an intented receiver and no chance of completion to any offensive player. Intentional grounding is not called in the case of a spike or if the quarterback was outside the tackle box at the time of the pass.
the legal catching of a forward pass thrown by an opposing player.
an offensive package which includes two tight ends, a full back and a half back. Similar to heavy jumbo, in which either the half back or the fullback is replaced by another tight end. Often one or more of the "tight ends" is actually a linebacker (The New England Patriots use Mike Vrabel this way - he has 6 career regular season TDs) or offensive lineman. In the NFL, such a player must report in as an eligible receiver because a lineman or linebacker would not generally wear an eligible number.
as a verb, to strike the ball deliberately with the foot; as a noun, such an action producing a punt, place kick, or drop kick
a free kick which starts each half, or restarts the game following a touchdown or field goal. The kickoff may be a place kick in American or Canadian football, or a drop kick in American football.
kick returner
a player on the receiving team who specializes in fielding kicks and running them back.
a low risk play in which the quarterback kneels down after receiving the snap, ending the play. Used to run out the clock.
a pass thrown to the side or backward. Also called "backward pass" in American football, "onside pass" in Canadian football.
line of scrimmage/scrimmage line
one of two vertical planes parallel to the goal line when the ball is to be put in play by scrimmage. For each team in American football, the line of scrimmage is through the point of the ball closest to their end line. The two lines of scrimmage are called offensive line of scrimmage and defensive line of scrimmage. Often shortened to "line".
In Canadian football, the line of scrimmage of the defensive team is one yard their side of the ball.
line to gain
a line parallel to the goal lines, such that having the ball dead beyond it entitles the offense to a new series of downs, i.e. a new "first down". The line is 10 yards in advance of where the ball was to be snapped for the previous first down.
a player position on defense. The linebackers typically play 1 to 3 yards behind the defensive linemen and have both run and pass defense responsibilities. However they are often called on to blitz, and in some formations a linebacker may be designated as a "rush linebacker", rushing the passer on almost every play.
a defensive or offensive position on the line of scrimmage.
  • On offense, the player snapping the ball is the center. The players on either side of him are the guards, and the players to the outside of him are the tackles. The players on the end of the line are the ends. This may be varied in an unbalanced line.
  • On defense, the outside linemen are ends, and those inside are tackles. If there are 5 or 6 linemen, the inner most linemen are known as guards. This is rare in professional football except for goal-line defense, but is sometimes seen in high school or college.
live ball
any ball that is in play, whether it is a player's possession or not. The ball is live during plays from scrimmage and free kicks, including kickoffs.
long snapper
a center who specializes in the long, accurate snaps required for punts and field goal attempts. Most teams employ a specialist long snapper instead of requiring the normal center to perform this duty.
loose ball
any ball that is in play and not in a player's possession. This includes a ball in flight during a lateral or forward pass.
man coverage
same as man-to-man coverage
a player on offense who is moving backwards or parallel to the line of scrimmage just before the snap. In American football, only one offensive player can be in motion at a time, cannot be moving toward the line of scrimmage at the snap, and may not be a player who is on the line of scrimmage. In Canadian football, more than one back can be in motion, and may move in any direction as long as they are behind the line of scrimmage at the snap.
man-to-man coverage
a defense in which all players in pass coverage, typically linebackers and defensive backs, cover a specific player. Pure man coverage is very rare; defenses typically mix man and zone coverage.
max protect
a modification used on pass plays (usually combined with a shotgun formation) which keeps the tight end and both backs in behind the line of scrimmage to pass protect rather than run a pass route. This is used in obvious blitzing situations to give the quarterback "maximum protection" in the pocket. Although good for holding off a blitz, it leaves the quarterback with only two receivers to throw to (and therefore only two players for the secondary to defend).
the middle linebacker.
the other middle linebacker in a 3-4 formation.
a loose ball that is dropped or mishandled while the player is attempting to gain possession.
National Football League
the largest professional American football league.
neutral zone
the region between the lines of scrimmage or between the free kick restraining lines
the National Football League
nickel back
an extra, or fifth, defensive back. Named after the coin, worth five cents. Popularized by the Miami Dolphins in the 1970s, now common.
no-huddle offense
a tactic wherein the offense quickly forms near the line of scrimmage without huddling before the next play.
nose tackle
a tackle in a 3-man defensive line who lines up "opposite the center's nose".
offensive team
the team with possession of the ball
  • an infraction of the rule that requires both teams to be on their own side of their restraining line as or before the ball is put play. Offside is normally called on the defensive team.
  • in Canadian football, at the time a ball is kicked by a teammate, being ahead of the ball, or being the person who held the ball for the place kick
one back formation
a formation where the offensive team has one running back in the backfield with the quarterback. Other eligible receivers are near the line of scrimmage.
onside kick
a play in which the kicking team tries to recover the kicked ball.
  • Usually, a type of play in which the quarterback has the option of handing off, keeping, or laterally passing to one or more backs. Often described by a type of formation or play action, such as triple option, veer option, or counter option. Teams running option plays often specialize in them.
  • Less often, a play in which a back may either pass or run
opposite of inside
Point After Touchdown. See Extra Point.
the group of players on the field for a given play. For example, the Nickel Package substitutes a cornerback for either a linebacker or a defensive lineman (the latter is referred to as a 3-3-5 Nickel), or the Jumbo package substitutes a wide receiver with a tight end.
pass interference
when a player illegally hinders an eligible receiver's opportunity to catch forward pass.
passing play
a play in which a forward pass is made.
pass protection
the use of blocking by the offensive line and backs to allow the quarterback time and space to throw the ball.
place kick
kicking the ball from where it has been placed stationary on the ground or, where legal, on a tee.
the action between the snap of the ball, and the end of play signaled by the official's whistle for a tackle or out of bounds
the plan of action the offensive team has for each snap, for example a running play or pass play
play action
a tactic in which the quarterback fakes either a handoff or a throw in order to draw the defense away from the intended offensive method
play clock
a timer used to increase the pace of the game between plays. The offensive team must snap the ball before the time expires, or receive a 5 yard delay of game penalty. Currently, the NFL uses 40 seconds (25 seconds after a time out).
playing field
see field of play
an area on the offensive side of the line of scrimmage, where the offensive linemen attempt to prevent the defensive players from reaching the quarterback during passing plays
a place where a player plays relative to teammates, and/or a role filled by that player
prevent defense
a defensive strategy that utilizes deep zone coverage in order to prevent a big pass play from happening downfield, usually at the expense of giving up yards at shorter distances. Often used against Hail Mary plays, or at the end of the game when the defending team is protecting a lead. Disparaged by many fans. John Madden, legendary player, coach, and commentator, has been quoted as saying, "The only thing a prevent defense prevents is a win."
pro set
offensive formation using two backs, lined up side-by-side 2-3 yards behind the quarterback, with one on either side of the quarterback
a term used to describe an offensive lineman who, instead of blocking the player in front of him, steps back and moves down the line("pulls") to block another player, usually in a "trap" or "sweep."
a kick in which the ball is dropped and kicked before it reaches the ground. Used to give up the ball to the opposition after offensive downs have been used, as far down the field as possible.
a kicker who specializes in punting as opposed to place kicking.
quarter defense
defensive formation with seven defensive backs, three down linemen and one linebacker.
quarterback (QB)
an offensive player who lines up behind the center, from whom he takes the snap.
quick kick
an unexpected punt.
a wide receiver.
when a player catches (receives) the ball.
red dog
a blitz.
red zone
the area between the 20 yard line and the goal of the defensive team.
referee (R)
the official who directs the other officials on the field, He is one of seven officials.
restraining line
a team's respective line of scrimmage
at a free kick, the line the ball is to be kicked from (for the kicking team), or a line 10 yards in advance of that (for the receiving team)
an offensive play in which a running back carries the ball toward one side of the field but hands or tosses the ball to a teammate (almost exclusively a Wide Receiver) who is running in the opposite direction. Contrast to an End Around, in which the ball is handed off directly to a Wide Receiver (usually the man in motion), so the direction of the play never reverses.
run and shoot
an offensive philosophy designed to force the defense to show its hand prior to the snap of the ball by splitting up receivers and sending them in motion. Receivers run patterns based on the play of the defenders, rather than a predetermined plan.
running back
a player position on offense. Although the term usually refers to the halfback or tailback, fullbacks are also considered runningbacks.
running play
a play where the offense attempts to advance the ball without passing.
trying to tackle or hurry a player before he can throw a pass or make a kick
a running play
tackling a ball carrier who intends to throw a forward pass. A sack is also awarded if a player forces a fumble of the ball, or the ball carrier to go out of bounds, behind the line of scrimmage on an apparent intended forward pass play. The term gained currency ca. 1970.
  1. a player position on defense -- see free safety and strong safety.
  2. a method of scoring (worth two points) by downing an opposing ballcarrier in his own end zone, forcing the opposing ballcarrier out of his own end zone AND out of bounds, or forcing the offensive team to fumble the ball so that it exits the end zone. A safety is also awarded if the offensive team commits a penalty within its own end zone. After a safety, the team that was scored upon must kick the ball to the scoring team from its own 20-yard line.
    A safety scored during a try scores 1 point and is followed by a kickoff as for any other try.
safety valve
a receiver whose job it is to get open for a short pass in case all other receivers are covered.
the strong side outside linebacker
the running back in the single wing formation
on a called passing play, when the quarterback runs from the pocket in an attempt to avoid being sacked, giving the receivers more time to get open or attempting to gain positive yards by running himself.
screen pass
a short forward pass to a receiver who has blockers in front of him. The receiver in this play is usually a running back, although wide receiver and tight end screens are also used. Although they are both called screen passes, the wide receiver screen and the running back screen are used for very different reasons. In the case of a running back screen, the play is designed to allow the pass rushers by the offensive linemen, leaving the defender out of position to make a play. The play is usually employed to defuse the pass rush in the case of a running back screen. The Wide Receiver screen is a much faster developing play, designed to catch the defense off guard.
see: play from scrimmage
refers to the defensive "backfield", specifically the safeties and cornerbacks. Primarily responsible for pass coverage/defense.
when two or more offensive players move at the same time before the snap. All players who move in a shift must come to a complete stop prior to the snap.
the action of a linebacker or defensive back to blitz
shotgun formation
formation in which offensive team may line up at the start of a play. In this formation, the quarterback receives the snap 5-8 yards behind the center.
  1. one of the lines marking each side of the field
  2. as adjective: on the field near a sideline
side zone
the area between a hash mark and a sideline
single wing
a term used to describe a diverse set of formations, now out of fashion but highly popular between 1906 and World War II, that typically used an unbalanced line, direct snap, and one wingback.
a particularly gruesome tackle or hit.
The area between a split end and the offensive line. A pass receiver lined up in the slot at the snap of the ball may be called a slotback or slot receiver.
the handoff or pass from the center that begins a play from scrimmage.
an offensive play in which the quarterback, immediately on receiving the snap dives forward with the ball. The play is used when a team needs a very short gain to reach either the goal line or the line to gain.
special teams
the units that handle kickoffs, punts, free kicks and field goal attempts.
a play in which the quarterback throws the ball at the ground immediately after the snap. Technically an incomplete pass, it stops the clock. Note that a spike is not considered intentional grounding.
the distance between the feet of adjacent offensive linemen. Said to be wide, if there is a large gap between players, or narrow, if the gap is small.
split end
a player position on offence. A receiver who lines up on the line of scrimmage, several yards outside the offensive linemen. The term is no longer used in American Football, having been long since replaced by the wide receiver or wideout, with no distinction between whether the receiver is on the line or not.
squib kick
a type of kickoff in which the ball is intentionally kicked low to the ground, typically bouncing on the ground a few times before being picked up. This is done in the hopes of preventing a long return, as the ball is often picked up by one of the upmen as opposed to the designated kickoff returner.
a player who is the first to play his position within a given game or season. Depending on the position and the game situation, this player may be replaced or share time with one or more players later in the game. As an example, a quarterback may start the game but be replaced by a backup quarterback if the game becomes one-sided. A running-back may start the game but share time with another running back in specific situations or to provide the opportunity for rest during the game.
the pole attached to the end of the 10-yard chain that is used by the chain crew to measure for a new series of downs -- i.e. the line to gain a new "first down".
stiff-arm or straight-arm
a ballcarrier warding off a would-be tackler by pushing them away with a straight arm.
strong i
a formation wherein the tailback is lined up deep directly behind the quarterback, and the fullback is lined up offset to the strong side of the formation.
strong safety (SS)
a kind of safety on defense, as opposed to a free safety. This is a central defensive back; originally, the term indicated that he lined up on the strong side of the field and covered the tight end. However, the modern usage of the term now indicates a central defensive back with responsibility for run and pass support, slightly favoring run support.
strong side
simplistically speaking, the side of the field (left or right) that has the most players, but it depends on the formations of the teams. When a team uses one tight end, the strong side is the side of the field where the tight end lines up. If the offensive package uses no tight end, or more than one tight end, the strong side is the side of the field with the most offensive players on or just behind the line of scrimmage.
a tactic used by defensive linemen in which they switch roles in an attempt to get past the blockers. Both defenders will start with power rushes, with the stunting defender getting more of a push. The other lineman will then go around him, ideally using him as a pick to get free from his blocker.
a running play in which several blockers lead a running back on a designed play to the outside. Depending on the number of blockers and the design of the play this is sometimes referred to as a "power sweep" or "student-body-right" (or left).
T formation
a classic offensive formation with the quarterback directly behind the center and three running backs behind the quarterback, forming a 'T'. Numerous variations have been developed including the split-T, wing-T, and wishbone-T.
tackle box
the area between where the two offensive tackles line up prior to the snap.
player position on offense farthest ("deepest") back, except in kicking formations. Also often referred to as the running back, particularly in a one-back offense.
when an offensive team fails to gain a first down on the first three plays of a drive, and thus is forced to punt on fourth down.
three-point stance
a down lineman's stance with three points on the ground, in other words, his two feet and one of his hands
tight end
a player position on offense, an eligible receiver ligned up on the line of scrimmage, next to the offensive tackle. Tight ends are used as blockers during running plays, and either run a route or stay in to block during passing plays.
the act of downing the ball behind one's own goal line on a kickoff or punt after the ball had been propelled over the goal by the opposing team. This can be accomplished by one of several ways: the receiving team player catching the ball in the endzone and dropping down to one knee; by the ball touching any part of the endzone; the ball carrying out of the endzone in any way without being possessed by either team. After a touchback, the team that downed it gets the ball at their own 20-yard line.
a play worth six points, accomplished by gaining legal possession of the ball in the opponent's end zone. It also allows the team a chance for one extra point by kicking the ball or a two point conversion; see "try" below.
a basic blocking pattern in which a defensive lineman is allowed past the line of scrimmage, only to be blocked at an angle by a "pulling" lineman. Designed to gain a preferred blocking angle and larger hole in the line.
a formation in which 3 wide receivers are lined up on the same side of the field.
a scrimmage play, from close to their opponent's goal line, awarded to a team which has scored a touchdown, allowing them (and in some codes, their opponents) to score an additional 1 or 2 points; also called "try-for-point", "conversion", "convert" (Canadian), "extra point(s)", "point(s) after (touchdown)" or PAT
two-level defense
a defense with only two, as opposed to the usual three, levels of defensive organization. Generally a much more aggressive defense than normal.
two-point conversion
a play worth two points accomplished by gaining legal possession of the ball in the opponent's end zone, either via a run or pass, after a touchdown has been made; see "try" above
unbalanced line
usually refers to an offensive formation which does not have an equal number of linemen on each side of the ball. Done to gain a blocking advantage on one side of the formation; typically one tackle or guard lines up on the other side of the ball. For example a common alignment would be E-G-C-G-T-T-E.
during a kickoff, every player on the return team is called an "upman" with the exception of the one or two designated kickoff returners, who stand furthest away from the starting point of the kicking team.
a type of option offense using 2 backs in the backfield, one behind each guard or tackle (referred to as split backs), allowing a triple option play (give to either back or quarterback keep).
weak i
a formation wherein the tailback is lined up deep directly behind the quarterback, and the fullback is lined up offset to the weak side of the formation.
weak side
when one tight end is used, the side of the field opposite the tight end. In other offensive packages, the side of the field with the fewest offensive players on or just behind the line of scrimmage.
West Coast offense
an offensive philosophy that uses short, high-percentage passes as the core of a ball-control offense. Widely used but originally made popular by San Francisco 49ers coach Bill Walsh. A main component of the west coast offense is use of all the eligible receivers in the short passing game.
wide receiver
a player position on offense. He is split wide (usually about 10 yards) from the formation and plays on the line of scrimmage as a split end or one yard off as a flanker.
the weak side linebacker
wing back
a player position in some offensive formations. Lines up just outside the tight end and one yard off the line of scrimmage. A versatile position that can be used as a receiver, blocker, and/or runner of reverses.
a formation involving three running backs lined up behind the quarterback in the shape of a Y, similar to the shape of a wishbone.
Term used in play calling that usually refers to the split end, or the wide receiver that lines up on the line of scrimmage. For example, "Split Right Jet 529 X Post" tells the X-receiver to run a post route.
Term usually used in offensive play calling to refer to the tight end. For example, "Buffalo Right 534 Boot Y Corner" tells the Y-receiver to run a corner route.
a term used in offensive play calling that usually refers to the flanker, or the wide receiver that lines up off the line of scrimmage. For example, "Panther Gun 85 Slant Z Go" tells the Z-receiver to run a go (also called a fly or streak) route.
zone defense
a defense in which players who are in pass coverage cover zones of the field, instead of individual players. Pure zone packages are seldom used; most defenses employ some combination of zone and man coverage.
zone blitz
A defensive package combining a blitz with zone pass coveragee. Allows the defense to choose the blitzer after the offense shows formation and pass coverage requirements, and features unpredictable blitzes from different linebackers and defensive backs. Invented by coach Dick LeBeau.

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