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Pimpinellus is derived from Pimpinella, the herb Anise, which has the botanical name Pimpinella anisum. Its odor and taste remind one of Christmas, Anise cookies and home-made Anise candies as well as the the hot herbal tea, which is good for a sore throat.
See my Audios, Videos and Photos!
Hello, my given name is Burkhard, but my name in Wikipedia is Pimpinellus. I live in Munich, Germany and am active in Wikimedia and Wikipedia. As such, I enthusiastically support the goal, by means of Wikipedia, to collect knowledge and to make it available to everybody.
- …is a member of the Wikimedia-Chapters which support free information in Switzerland, in Austria and in Germany
- ...began his activities in Wikipedia at the german “Stammtisch” in San Francisco,
- ...wrote his first WP-article in the English Wikipedia,
- ...and dedicated his first article in the German Wikipedia to a californian plant,
- ...organized, together with Doc Taxon, the initial workshop for the Munich-Wikipediaspace in cultural center of the city of Munich .
- ...established, together with colleague DerHexer, the WP Space Munich, the WikiMUC
- ...formalized the goals of WikMUC in the course of applying for support from the german WM-Chapter, the transfer was on 11. April, 2016.
- …meets with Wikipedians and new authors in Munich in the State Library, in the Alpine Museum, und in Meeting Rooms sponsored by the City of Munich,
- ...participated regularly in “Stammtischen”, most often in Augsburg, München und Innsbruck,
- ...initiated, together with Haeferl, Beppo, Roman, Didi, Flo, in Salzburg in January 2016 the 5-country project WikiAlpenforum/WAF,
- ...established the first Workshop of the WAF in Europe, together with Xanonymus and Wikipedians from AT, CH, DE, FR and IT in the WP editions in German, Italian, French, and English.
- active in the Wikipedia film and tv-redaktion and represented together with Kurt Jansson , the Wikipedia Community at the first Round Table discussion with the Public Broadcasting System.
- ...photographs with Canon and Leica and has uploaded more than 16 000 photos and audios to Wiki Commons,
- a fan of libraries and has initiated cooperation with the Bavarian State Library and the smaller State Libraries in Bavaria,
- …is opposed to „Paid Editing“ and started in August 2018 his rejection of any personal financial support from WMDE-e.V.,
- ...voices his opinions in "KURIER" the german WP-Hauspostille on topics which are of importance for the Wikipedia-Community, here and here also in english.
- ... generally, his contributions mostly written in cooperation with co-authors are listed here,
- happy and proud to have received from the Wikipedia-Community the Wiki Owl in recognition of his engagement.
What a serendipity! Just before the Corona pandemic struck, I returned from a 60 day expedition retracing the steps of Alexander von Humboldt from Cuba to Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico and on to Washington, D.C. Here is my travelreport, in text and with photos.