Ugrás a tartalomhoz

Szerkesztő:Lukács Ferenc/próbalap

A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából
Komlóstető suburban area - view from a balcony

Komlóstető one of the suburban part of Miskolc city. Komlóstető covers an area 8,59 km² including Vargahegy. According to the statistic of the Integrated Urban Development Strategy mentioned this suburban area with Vargahegy. Due to its small size closely related to the Komlóstető. Here are the apartment houses and the open built-detached residental areas in common unit.

Later, towards Miskolctapolca, the number of plots increased and then these areas have grown to become garden houses due to the development.

The area is rich in natural resources as flora and fauna. Several natural values can be found here. This area is 25 hectares, it called Poklos tető which is one of the part of natural values of Miskolc city. This part of the city can be relatively simple approached with bus 19 and 67.

There is an untouched meadows still can be found on the plateau and on the south-east side of the hill with smaller patches, ground cherry and with bush forest elements.

Environment culture


There are several indrustrial facilities can be found along the area borders, but the pollution declined significantly in recent years after the rehabilitation and alteration of DAM-Digép area. Some of the small block of flats use solar panels and also more houses have chosen this solution. As a priority problem of the severage disposal to be treated but this solution is in progress.



According to 2001 census, the population of Komlóstető-Vargahegy was 4,680 people which is 2,5% of the population of Miskolc city. 90% of the population lived in Komlóstető, 10% of the population lived in Vargahegy. The population density was 547,2 persons/km² in 2001.

Public services in the town


Komlóstető belongs to the constituency of 16th where the representative is Gazdusné Pankucsi Katalin. The district government deals with the affairs Komlóstető. One elementary school located in the part of the city, and 115 seats are available in the kindergarten. Nursery does not work in town. Postal service is not available here, the nearest post office can be found in Újgyőri főtér. There is not here medical service, two general medical office practices in Vasgyári SZTK (Kerpely Antal u. 1.) where there is a pharmacy. Hospital care is in the Diósgyőri Kórház és Rendelőintézet. The public cemetary located at the foot of Vargahegy.



The Komlóstető Általános Iskola has been hosting cultural events in this area for ages. The first Komlóstető Youth Club has founded in 2012 where the local young people can be relaxed in their free time. There can be found the Lajos the king scouts team number 750.



The KKSK BIKE Park: It is located in center of the Komlóstető area; 2500 m² It aims to be popularized the mountain bike and BMX sports among the youth.

  • Oxygen Factory
  • Miskolc Heat Supply ltd.
  • Husbandry

Komlóstető and surrounding area can be found a number of small farms where horses, sheeps and other farm animals are reared.

Streets of Komlóstető


Post code: 3533

  • Báthory utca
  • Cserfa utca
  • Csermőkei utca
  • Gorkij sor
  • Hengerész utca
  • Komlóstető utca
  • Láditelepi út
  • Lomb utca
  • Magashegy
  • Magyar utca
  • Margaréta utca
  • Nádastó dűlő
  • Nyárfa utca
  • Nyírjes utca
  • Olvasztár utca
  • Orgona utca
  • Örömhegy utca
  • Pajtás utca
  • Puskin utca
  • Sás utca
  • Szántó Kovács János utca
  • Szeder utca
  • Szegedi utca
  • Töbrös utca
  • Vörösbérc utca

Public safety


There are many surveillance cameras were installed to protect the people living and to be ensured the safety of the public space in Komlóstető.

Komlóstető businesses


GUMI-ÉRT BT., 3533 Miskolc, Komlóstető utca 20/A.,

Klíma-Alaszka Kkt., Miskolc, Komlóstető utca 3.,

TRANSZKER Fa Építő és Tüzelőanyag forgalmazó Egyéni Vállalkozás, 3533 Miskolc, Komlóstető utca 2.,

Lovassy P.A.C. Kft., Lovassy Pálinka Akadémia, 3533 Miskolc, Olvasztár utca 14.,

EX-TRA ALARM Vagyonvédelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. - 3533 Miskolc, Szeder u. 54.,