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Szerkesztő:Kriszta67/The Young Ones(dal)

A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából
Cliff Richard és a The Shadows
The Young Ones
'We Say Yeah (Gormley, Welch, Marvin)
Megjelent1962. január 11.
Formátum7" kislemez
Felvételek1961. augusztus 11. Abbey Road, London
Hossz3 p 09 mp
KiadóEMI Columbia 45-DB4761
SzerzőSid Tepper, Roy C. Bennett
ProducerNorrie Paramor
Cliff Richard-kronológia
When the Girl In Your Arms is the Girl In Your Heart
The Young Ones
I'm Looking Out the Window

A The Young Ones című kislemez Cliff Richard and The Shadows kislemeze. A dalt Sid Tepper és Roy C. Bennett írta, az 1961-ben készült, azonos című film, a The Young Ones címadó dala, a soundtrack album-on található.

  • Slágerlistás helyezései: #1 (UK), #5 (Canada, CHUM)[1]

1980-tól a címadó dala lett a brit TV-sorozatnak : The Young Ones.

song database


Richard, Cliff and The Shadows - Young Ones, The The mono and stereo recordings are the same take and edit, but different mixes.

This version is exactly the same as the released single version except the orchrestra was not yet added. It is assumed that as the orchestra was added to the film version of the song, Norrie Paramor decided it should be added to the single as well to make it more commercial. This original undubbed version has only appeared as an oddity on a few collections since its original release and in stereo only. The mono version of this song has never been rereleased.

"If you said to me, 'where was the part of your career where you were absolutely the most top and that you've never been the same since?' I would pick The Young Ones. Because we'd made the film and there was a fa-- Really a marvelous reaction. It was so good be part of it because while we were filming it-- We'd only been filming about three weeks at Elstree when this whole studio atmosphere changed. You suddenly became aware that you were part of a property that was going to be fantastic. And there's no doubt in anybody's mind. And as we did it and as we saw rushes, people were coming up and saying, 'we hear the film's fantastic.' And everybody in the studio would turn as we walked into the restaurant, y'know. 'Cause they'd all heard that we were making this film that was going to be marvelous. And I just feel that that was one of the most exciting times of my career. Because when we released the single-- Well, two weeks before we released it, the public had obviously heard and the publicity and the build-up was fantastic. And by the time we released it on a Friday, it had a million pre-sold, y'know, sales. And by Monday morning, which only takes into account Friday and Saturday sales, it was #1. And I've never done anything like that since. And nothing certainly before. And it was just the most fantastic time. And I know that when we did the tour after that, you got the feeling that people were just waiting for that song. When I went to Liverpool, the film had been showing for about five weeks. And the whole audience-- I mean, they seemed to be [unintelligible] the whole time until The Young Ones started. And then they just went-- They just erupted. It's the nearest I've ever been to tears on stage. It's the most moving experience. And I just remember that time as being so special. That was the time when the audience dug me and I dug the audience best of all. That was-- That for me was the absolute peak, The Young Ones." Cliff Richard (1974 - The Music And Life Of Cliff Richard collection)

"Ha megkérdeztek engem, hogy a karrierem során mikor voltam abszolút a topon, ahogy azóta sosem, akkor a The Young Ones időszakát mondanám. Azért mert megcsináltuk a filmet , aminek hihetetlen nagy sikere volt. Annyira jó volt részt venni benne, mert amíg az anyagot vettük fel (úgy volt, hogy mindössze 3 hét alatt vesszük fel), a stúdiónak teljesen megváltozott a légköre. [...] Amikor a kislemez megjelent - 2 héttel korábban -,

"[The Young Ones was] released on a Friday, No. 1 on Monday! Guess I'll never do that again. But I can dream." Cliff Richard (1985 - liner notes for From The Heart album)

"The single version of The Young Ones was also cut at the August [1961] sessions, while the strings were added at a session on 5 December. It is interesting to note that an undubbed version of the song was released, but only overseas, and never in the United Kingdom." Mike Read, Nigel Goodall & Peter Lewry (1995 - The Complete Chronicle) Editor's Note: This statement that the undubbed version was never released in the UK is incorrect. It was released on the original The Young Ones UK LPs (both mono and stereo) and the Hits From The Young Ones UK EP.

"When released as a single this track featured a lush orchestral arrangement provided by The Norrie Paramor Orchestra that was overdubbed at a session on 5 December 1961. Here [on Cliff Richard At The Movies 1959-1974] for the first time on CD, is the original undubbed version as recorded on 11 August 1961." Author Unknown (August 1996 - liner notes for Cliff Richard At The Movies 1959-1974)

"The undubbed version of The Young Ones was discovered on the end of the soundtrack album master reel in 1996. Previously issued on Cliff Richard At The Movies, it is noticeably different to the more familiar UK overdubbed single and album track." Peter Lewry & Nigel Goodall (August 2005 - liner notes for The Young Ones remaster album)

"Sid Tepper and Roy Bennett were songwriters who adjusted well to rock 'n' roll and wrote 21 songs for Cliff... They would go on to write one of his biggest hits, The Young Ones." Nigel Goodall & Peter Lewry (2008 - liner notes for The Early Years album in the ...And They Said It Wouldn't Last! {My 50 Years In Music} set)


Lemez címe Típus Megjelent Ország Kiadó Sorszám [2]
The Young Ones LP 1961. december 15. UK Columbia 33SX 1384 (mono)
The Young Ones LP 1961. december 15. UK Columbia SCX 3397 (sztereo)
Hits From The Young Ones EP 1962. május UK Columbia SEG 8159 (mono)
Wonderful To Be Young LP 1962. május USA Dot DLP 3474 (mono)
Wonderful To Be Young LP 1962 USA Dot DLP 25474 (sztereo)
Cliff Richard At The Movies 1959-1974 as The Young Ones (Original Undubbed Master) CD 1996. július 29. UK EMI 7243 8 52790 2 7 (sztereo)
Do You Want To Dance With Cliff Richard CD 2000. június Franciaország Magic Records 5270942 (sztereo)
The Young Ones as The Young Ones (Undubbed Version) CD 2005. augusztus 22. UK EMI 7243 4 77723 2 0 (sztereo)


Ország Helyezés
Egyesült Királyság 1
Ausztrália 6
Kanada 5





Külső források

  • [1] - A The Young Ones Cliff Richard és a The Shadows előadásában