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Szerkesztő:Hirannor/Aljakszandr Litvinovszki

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Aljakszandr Litvinovszki
Aljakszandr Litvinovszki Fotó: Szjarhej Zsdanovics
Aljakszandr Litvinovszki
Fotó: Szjarhej Zsdanovics
Életrajzi adatok
Született1962május 1. (62 éves)
 Belorusz SzSzK, Minszk
Híres műveiMesék a varázslatos fáról
Pelléas és Mélisande
Stabat Mater

Aljakszandr Fjodaravics Litvinovszki (belarusz nyelven: Аляксандр Фёдаравіч Літвіноўскі, gyakori angol átírással: Alexander Litvinovsky, 1962. május 1., Minszk, Belorusz Szovjet Szocialista Köztársaság –) fehérorosz klasszikus zeneszerző.



1987-ben diplomázott a Fehérorosz Állami Zeneakadémián. 1987 óta a Fehérorosz Rádió- és Televíziótársaság zenei szerkesztője. 1991 óta tagja a Fehérorosz Zeneszerzők Szövetségének.




Mű címe Eredeti címe Műfaji kategória Hangsor Szöveg Keletkezés Bemutató Megjegyzés
Perpetuum Mobile és Passacaglia Perpetuum Mobile and Passacaglia zongoradarab 1981
Concertino-Barocco Concertino-Barocco szvit vonószenekarra 1982
Esküvő Вяселле (Vjaszelle)
Зборная Суботка (Zbornaja szubotka)
Stabat Mater Stabat Mater kantáta, mezzoszopránra és kamarazenekarra
Mesék a varázslatos fáról Казкі пра чароўнае дрэва
Pelléas és Mélisande szvit vonószenekarra 2019 Maurice Maeterlinck azonos című drámája nyomán

1982 "Concertino-Barocco", suite for string orchestra 1985 Sonata for violin and piano 1987 "Krewa", symphonic fresco 1987 "Wedding" ("Wiaselle"), cantata for soloists, mixed choir and symphony orchestra 1988 "Gathering Saturday" ("Zbornaja Subotka"), cantata for soloists and mixed choir 1990 "Francisk", mistery for bass and symphony orchestra 1990 "Zbieg" for flute, oboe, violin, cello and piano 1991 "Wir" for the French horns quartet 1991 "Intavolatura", suite for guitar (CD) 1992 "Tabulatura Vilnensis", cycle of pieces for chamber ensemble 1993 "Ul" for string quintet (CD) 1993 Electronic compositions: "Ra", "Night Bells", "Styx"," Fairy of Tides", "Suspense" 1995 "Gregorianica", missa for male choir 1996 "Hymnes de Saint-Martin" ("Oculis Et Manibus", "Au Milieu Des Nuages") for mixed choir 1996 "To God’s Mother" ("Da Maci Bozaj"), cantata for soloists, mixed choir and chamber orchestra (CD) 1997 "Filix", sonata for flute and guitar (CD) 1997 "Heart of Jesus" ("Serca Jezusa"), cantata for mixed choir and chamber orchestra (CD) 1998 "Stabat Mater", cantata for mezzo-soprano and chamber orchestra (CD) 1998 "Songs for Christmas" ("Pesni na Bozaje Naradzennie"), cantata for soloists, mixed choir and symphony orchestra (CD) 1998 "Rondo Ricercari", triptych for flute and guitar (CD) 1999 "Consort Lessons", suite for chamber orchestra (CD) 1999 "Faron" for clarinet (CD) 2000 "Taurus" for wind orchestra 2001 "Tales of the Magic Tree", cycle of pieces for string orchestra (CD) 2001 "In-Ta-Vo-La-Tu-Ra", electroacoustic performance 2001 "Ballads of Faron", electroacoustic remix 2002 "Canzonetta" for tuba (or cello/oboe/bassoon/bass clarinet) and electronics (CD) 2002 "Calypso", concerto for piano and string orchestra (CD) 2003 "Traffic in Open Sun", cycle of pieces for quartets of homogeneous low wind instruments: tubas, trombones, bassoons (CD) 2003 "Skyscape", suite for wind octet 2004 "Nycta", ballet for electronics 2005 "Raft of Odisseus", concerto for trombone, French horn, trumpet and string orchestra 2006 "My-O-My", 10 electroacoustic compositions (CD) 2008 "Jazz Graffiti", 12 electroacoustic compositions (CD) 2011 "Wedding", music for the stage production by Witold Gombrowicz’s play 2012 "Winterra" for symphony orchestra 2012 "Dziady", music for the stage production based on a poem by Adam Mickiewicz (CD) 2012 "Oedipus Rex", music for the stage production based on the tragedy of Sophocles 2013 "Arabian night", music for the stage production by Roland Schimmelpfennig’s play 2013 "Karlsson-on-the-Roof", music for the stage production after Astrid Lindgren’s book 2013 "The Dance of Death", music for the stage production by August Strindberg's play 2014 "Ribbons on the Corners", music for the stage production by Gregory Oster's play 2014 "The Golden Key", music for the stage production by Alexej Tolstoj's fairy tale 2014 "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids", music for the stage production based on the folk tale 2014 "The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats, suite for violin and string orchestra 2015 "Narmahnar", music for the stage production by Mykola Kulish's play "Folk Malahy" 2015 "Le Grand Cahier", music for the stage production after Agota Kristof's novel 2015 "Le Grand Cahier", suite for string orchestra 2015 "Puss in Boots", music for the stage production after Charles Perrault's fairy tale 2015 "Puss in Boots", suite for trumpet and piano 2015 "The Snow Queen", music for the stage production after Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale 2016 "The Lower Depths", music for the stage production by Maxim Gorky’s play 2017 "Small Demon", music for the stage production based on the novel by Fedor Sologub 2017 "Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish", music for the stage production based on the poem by Alexander Pushkin 2017 "New Land", music for the stage production based on the poem by Yakub Kolas 2017 "Snow White", music for the stage production based on the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm 2018 "My Dad’s a Birdman", music for the stage production based on the play by David Almond 2018 "Journey to the Land of Ants", music for the radioshow based on the play by Tatyana Mushinskaya 2018 "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", music for the stage production based on the novel by Mark Twain 2018 "Cherry Orchard", music for the stage production based on the play by Anton Chekhov 2018 "The Boy Who Swam with Piranhas", music for the stage production based on the play by David Almond 2018 "Inclusion", music for the documentary film 2018 "The Great Journey of Prince Nicholas Christopher Radziwill Orphans", music for the documentary film 2019 "Cherry Orchard", suite for piano and chamber orchestra 2019 "Pelleas and Melisande", music for the stage production based on the play by Maurice Meterlink 2019 "Munchausenshow", suite for symphony orchestra 2019 "Arpadio", vocalise for mixed choir 2020 "My Dad's a Birdman", suite for piano and chamber orchestra 2020 "Master Cat", suite for trumpet and string orchestra 2020 "The Adventures of Prantish Vyrvich, a Scalar and a Spy", music for the radioshow based on a novel by Ludmila Rubleuskaya


  • Beraszceny, Szvjatlana Ivanavna. Aljakszandr Litvinovszki: foglalkozása - zeneszerző (Аляксандр Літвіноўскі: прафесія - кампазітар). Minszk: Kavcseh (2017). ISBN 978 985 7185 03 0 
  • Aladava, Radaszlava Mikalajevna. Fehérorosz enciklopédia (Беларуская энцыклапедыя), 9. kötet. ISBN 985 11 0155 9 (9. köt.), ISBN 985 11 0035 8 (Össz.) (1999) 



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