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A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából
(Szerkesztő:Drugonot szócikkből átirányítva)
Legutóbb hozzászólt Alensha 17 évvel ezelőtt a(z) Rorschach-test témában



Hi! Its not italian wikipedia, play on other wikis if you want! Dorgan 2007. július 27., 23:52 (CEST)Válasz

Hi, please try to reach consensus instead of reverting the page, else it will be protected. regards, – Alensha üzi 2007. július 28., 00:39 (CEST)Válasz

Dear Drugonot,

I know that the pictures are not under copyright, so it would technically be alright to publish any of them in Wikipedia, but I can understand Dorgan's point too (which I have to believe is correct, since he is a psychologist and I am not). Psychologists can provide so much help to people, I respect their work tremendously, and who knows, maybe publishing this image is really damaging test results. Normally I'm against censorship but Wikipedia cannot damage anyone's work under the disguise of "providing information and avoiding censorship".

That being said, the image you want to add to the article is so famous that probably half the world has already seen it, but because of the reasons I mentioned it would be still better to use the replacement image. A compromise could be adding a link to the original image, with a warning that it may harm future test results to see it, and from that point it's the reader's choice whether he wants to see the image or not. (This feature is sometimes used in English wikipedia with images that sensitive people might find offensive.) I added the link to the article yesterday, but right now it is temporarily hidden at one of our users' request, until we know more about the issue.

At a side note, calling other users "trolls" is not helping your cause, also, it is not up to Wikipedia to decide whether the R. test is useless or not :)

I hope this issue will be solved and we can provide information in the article without harming anyone's work.

regards, – Alensha üzi 2007. július 28., 13:19 (CEST)Válasz


Again, it is not Wikipedia's job to decide whether psychology can be called science or not. Also, I don't think Dorgan was lying when he said the pictures are under copyright; copyright laws vary so much in different countries and circumstances that it takes a lawyer to know what's copyrighted and what's not. Dorgan is just taking his job seriously, as many people do.

We have to find a compromise. If I were to take the R. test, and looked it up on Wikipedia beforehand, I wouldn't like it that they show me an image which can harm the results. But people should access information, if they want to and if they acknowledge the possible consequences. Linking from the article should be okay. But this is my personal opinion only; what goes in the article should be agreed upon by the wikipedia community. regards, – Alensha üzi 2007. július 28., 15:31 (CEST)Válasz

Have a nice holiday! I hope we will be able to find some solution to this problem by the time you'll be back. – Alensha üzi 2007. július 28., 17:01 (CEST)Válasz