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I just pop in in the Hungarian WP to offer one or two photos and one idea that no one needs to share but that might help to make Wikipedias grow faster and become less cultural biassed.

From my point of view it makes good sense to write very short stubs in national Wikipedias that link to longer articles in Wikipedias in other languages, as there are for instance many Hungarians who understand English but prefer to use the Hungarian WP. In that case it is helpful for them if they learn that there is no meaningful article in Hungarian yet, but one in English (or French, German etc.)

Let us say you look up rune stone [1], what is da:Runesten fi:Riimukivi sv:Runsten de:Runenstein. If I'm interested in rune stones it makes good sense to look at the foreign language articles, even if I don't understand that language. But it would be very difficult for me to find out that I should look at fi:Riimukivi and de:Bildsteine auf Gotland de:Bautastein and so on without these links. Therefore I think it makes sense to put in some articles concerning foreign cultures that are more of a link than very good information for themselves. Always in mind that as soon as possible they should be improved.

I add four pages as example (As I don't know any Hungarian at all, they are not even stubs!):

User:Cethegus/Rune stone User:Cethegus/Reichskristallnacht Vitruvius

For contact: de:Cethegus

Bauhaus, Wittenberg, Philipp Melanchthon, Nordhausen, Heidelberg, Johann t’Serclaes Tilly,