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Modul:Sports table/Volleyball

A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából

Sports table/Volleyball[mi ez?] • [dokumentáció: mutat, szerkeszt] • [tesztek: létrehozás]

-- Style for football tables
local pp = {}
function pp.header(t,Args,p_sub,pos_label,group_col,VTE_text,full_table,results_header_txt)
	-- Load relevant modules
	local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
	-- Create table header
	-- Pre stuff
	local team_width = Args['teamwidth'] or '170'
	local sort_text = ''
	local sort_table_val = Args['sortable_table'] 	or 'no'
	if yesno(sort_table_val) then sort_text = 'sortable' end
	local show_played = true
	local hide_played_val = Args['hide_played'] 	or 'no'
	if yesno(hide_played_val) then show_played = false end
	-- Custom header
	local group_head_text = Args['group_header'] or '<abbr title="Group">Grp</abbr>'
	table.insert(t,'{|class="wikitable '..sort_text..'" style="text-align:center;"\n')            			-- Open table
	-- Initialize
	local tt = {}
	tt.count = 0 		-- Up by one after every call
	tt.tab_text = t		-- Actual text
	-- Actual headers
	tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,pos_label)										-- Position col
	-- Add group header
	if full_table and group_col then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,group_head_text)							-- Group col
	tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,team_width,'Csapat'..VTE_text)						-- Team col
	if show_played then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Mérkőzések">M</abbr>')			-- Matches played col
	if full_table then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Győzelem">Gy</abbr>')				-- Win col
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Vereség">V</abbr>')				-- Loss col

	tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Pontok száma">Pont</abbr>')			-- Points col
	if full_table then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Nyert szettek">Sz+</abbr>')	    -- Sets won col
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Vesztett szettek">Sz–</abbr>')		-- Sets lost col
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,36,'<abbr title="Szettarány">SzA</abbr>')		-- Set ratio col
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,'<abbr title="Szerzett pontok">P+</abbr>')	-- Setpoints won col
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,'<abbr title="Kapott pontok">P–</abbr>')	-- Setpoints lost col
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,36,'<abbr title="Pontarány">PA</abbr>')	-- Setpoint ratio col
 	if full_table then
		tt.count = tt.count+1
	return tt
function pp.row(frame,t,Args,p_sub,notes_exist,hth_id_list,full_table,rand_val,team_list,team_code_ii,ii_start,ii_end,ii_fw,bg_col,N_teams,ii,ii_show)
	-- Build the inner parts of individual rows
	-- Sub-module usage
	local mm = require('Module:Math')
	local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
	-- Get custom/default options for in table
	local bwin_points = tonumber(Args['bwinpoints'])			or 3
	local swin_points = tonumber(Args['swinpoints'])			or 2
	local sloss_points = tonumber(Args['slosspoints'])			or 1
	local bloss_points = tonumber(Args['blosspoints'])			or 0

	-- Get some input
	local bigwins = tonumber(Args['bwin_'..team_code_ii])		or 0
	local smallwins = tonumber(Args['swin_'..team_code_ii])		or 0
	local biglosses = tonumber(Args['bloss_'..team_code_ii])	or 0
	local smallosses = tonumber(Args['sloss_'..team_code_ii])	or 0
	local setswon = tonumber(Args['sw_'..team_code_ii]) 		or 0
	local setslost = tonumber(Args['sl_'..team_code_ii])		or 0
	local setpointswon = tonumber(Args['spw_'..team_code_ii]) 	or 0
	local setpointslost = tonumber(Args['spl_'..team_code_ii])	or 0
	local s_pts = tonumber(Args['adjust_points_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['startpoints_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
	local hth_local = Args['hth_'..team_code_ii]				or nil

	-- default values for win3/4/5 and loss3/4/5 unless override
	local win_points = {0,0,
		tonumber(Args['win3points']) or bwin_points,
		tonumber(Args['win4points']) or bwin_points,
		tonumber(Args['win5points']) or swin_points
	local loss_points = {0,0,
		tonumber(Args['loss3points']) or bloss_points,
		tonumber(Args['loss4points']) or bloss_points,
		tonumber(Args['loss5points']) or sloss_points

	-- Then calculate some values
	local matches = bigwins + smallwins + biglosses + smallosses
	local points = bwin_points*bigwins + swin_points*smallwins + sloss_points*smallosses + bloss_points*biglosses + s_pts
	local wins = bigwins + smallwins
	local losses = biglosses + smallosses
	-- Optional automatic calculation of wins, losses, sets won, and sets lost
	local auto_sets = false
	local double_set_count = false
	for k=3,5 do
		local wink = tonumber(Args['win'..k..'s_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
		local lossk = tonumber(Args['loss'..k..'s_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
		if (wink > 0) or (lossk > 0) then
			if auto_sets == false then
				if (setswon > 0) or (setslost > 0) or (wins > 0) or (losses > 0) then
					double_set_count = true
			auto_sets = true
		wins = wins + wink
		setswon = setswon + 3*wink
		setslost = setslost + (k-3)*wink
		points = points + win_points[k]*wink

		losses = losses + lossk		
		setslost = setslost + 3*lossk
		setswon = setswon + (k-3)*lossk
		points = points + loss_points[k]*lossk
		matches = matches + wink + lossk
	-- Some local vars	
	local hth_string
	local tt_return = p_sub.hth(frame,Args,full_table,hth_id_list,hth_local,notes_exist,team_list,team_code_ii,ii_start,ii_end,rand_val)
	hth_string = tt_return.str
	hth_id_list = tt_return.list
	notes_exist = tt_return.notes_exist
 	-- What to rank the teams by
	local ranking_style = Args['ranking_style'] or 'wins'
	local win_fw, win_string, pts_fw, pts_string
	ranking_style = string.lower(ranking_style)
	if ranking_style=='p' or ranking_style=='pts' or ranking_style=='points' then
		-- Based on points
		win_string = ''
		pts_fw = 'font-weight: bold;'
		pts_string = hth_string
	elseif ranking_style=='none' then
		win_string = ''
		pts_string = ''
		-- Based on wins
		win_fw = 'font-weight: bold;'
		win_string = hth_string
		pts_string = ''
	-- Show games played, sets, and setpoints
	local show_played = not yesno(Args['hide_played'] or 'no')
	local show_sets = yesno(Args['show_sets'] or 'yes')
	local show_setpoints = yesno(Args['show_setpoints'] or 'yes')
	local setpoints_first = yesno(Args['setpoints_before_sets'] or 'no')
	-- Set ratio
	local sratio
	if setslost == 0 then
		sratio = setswon > 0 and 'MAX' or '&mdash;'
		sratio = mm._precision_format(setswon / setslost, 3)
	-- Setpoint ratio
	local spratio
	if setpointslost == 0 then
		spratio = setpointswon > 0 and 'MAX' or '&mdash;'
		spratio = mm._precision_format(setpointswon / setpointslost, 3)
	-- Now that we are done calculating, show actual input values
	if tonumber(Args['bwin_'..team_code_ii] or 0) == nil or tonumber(Args['swin_'..team_code_ii] or 0) == nil then
		wins = '&mdash;'
	if tonumber(Args['bloss_'..team_code_ii] or 0) == nil or tonumber(Args['sloss_'..team_code_ii] or 0) == nil then
		losses = '&mdash;'
	local function numorval(s)
		return s and ((s == '' and 0) or tonumber(s) or s) or 0
	if auto_sets == false then
		setswon = numorval(Args['sw_'..team_code_ii])
		setslost = numorval(Args['sl_'..team_code_ii])
	setpointswon = numorval(Args['spw_'..team_code_ii])
	setpointslost = numorval(Args['spl_'..team_code_ii])

	-- Row building
	if show_played then
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..matches..'\n') 		-- Played
	if full_table then
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..win_fw..bg_col..'" |'..wins..win_string..'\n') 	-- Won
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..losses..'\n') 		    -- Lost
	if points<0 then
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..pts_fw..bg_col..'" | &minus;'..-points..pts_string..'\n')
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..pts_fw..bg_col..'" | '..points..pts_string..'\n')
	if full_table then
		if setpoints_first then
			if show_setpoints then
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..setpointswon..'\n') 	-- SPW
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..setpointslost..'\n')	-- SPL
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..spratio..'\n')   		-- Setpoint ratio
			if show_sets then
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..setswon..'\n') 		-- SW
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..setslost..'\n')		-- SL
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..sratio..'\n')   		-- Set ratio
			if show_sets then
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..setswon..'\n') 		-- SW
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..setslost..'\n')		-- SL
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..sratio..'\n')   		-- Set ratio
			if show_setpoints then
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..setpointswon..'\n') 	-- SPW
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..setpointslost..'\n')	-- SPL
				table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..spratio..'\n')   		-- Setpoint ratio
	local max_sets_per_match = ((tonumber(Args['best_of']) or 5) + 1) / 2
	if ( ((tonumber(setswon) or 0) > (max_sets_per_match*matches)) or ((tonumber(setslost) or 0) > (max_sets_per_match*matches))) then
		table.insert(t, '[[Category:Pages using volleyball sports table with incorrect set points|A]]\n')
	elseif ( ((tonumber(setpointswon) or 0) > 0) and ((tonumber(setpointswon) or 0) < (tonumber(setswon) or 0)) ) then
		table.insert(t, '[[Category:Pages using volleyball sports table with incorrect set points|B]]\n')
	elseif ( ((tonumber(setpointslost) or 0) > 0) and ((tonumber(setpointslost) or 0) < (tonumber(setslost) or 0)) ) then
		table.insert(t, '[[Category:Pages using volleyball sports table with incorrect set points|C]]\n')
	if double_set_count then
		table.insert(t, '[[Category:Pages using volleyball sports table with double set count]]\n')

	return {t=t, notes_exist=notes_exist, hth_id_list=hth_id_list}
function pp.status(Args)
	-- Declare status options
	-- ------------------------------------------------------------
	-- NOTE: If you add to status_code, also add to status_called and status_letters!!
	-- Or functionality will be compromised
	-- ------------------------------------------------------------
	local status_code, status_called = {}
	status_code = {	A='Advances to a further round', C='Champion', D='Disqualified', 
		K='Kiesett', R='Rendező', O='Play-off winner', F='Feljutott', Q='Qualified to the phase indicated',
		K='Kiesett', T='Qualified, but not yet to the particular phase indicated',
		X='?', Y='?', Z='?'}
	status_called = {	A=false, C=false, D=false, E=false, H=false, O=false, P=false,
		Q=false, R=false, T=false, X=false, Y=false, Z=false}
	local status_letters = 'ACDEFKOPQRTXYZ'
	-- Status position (before or after read and default)
	local stat_pos_val = Args['status_pos'] or ''
	local status_position = 'after' 	-- Default location
	stat_pos_val = string.lower(stat_pos_val)
	if stat_pos_val=='before' then
		status_position = 'before'
	elseif stat_pos_val=='after' then
		status_position = 'after'
	-- Read in custom status options
	if Args['status_text_X'] then status_code.X = Args['status_text_X'] end
	if Args['status_text_Y'] then status_code.Y = Args['status_text_Y'] end
	if Args['status_text_Z'] then status_code.Z = Args['status_text_Z'] end
	return {code=status_code, called=status_called, letters=status_letters, position=status_position}

return pp