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John Gibbon

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John Gibbon
Elhunyt1718 (88-89 évesen)[1]
TisztségeNorroy and Ulster King of Arms
IskoláiJesus College

John Gibbon, Esquire (London, 1629. november 3. – London, 1718.) angol heraldikus és genealógus.



Dorchesterből származott. Alapiskolai neveltetése liberális szellemű volt, de élete derekán, családja többi tagjához hasonlóan, ő is tory nézetű volt. A Cambridge-i egyetem Jesus kollégiumának hallgatója volt, de nem fejezte be a tanulmányait, majd nemesi ifjak házitanára volt a Worchestershire-i Allesboroughban, Thomas Lord Coventry házában. Katonaként és utazóként sokfelé megfordult. Megtanult franciául és spanyolul. Egy időt Jersey szigetén töltött, megfordult Németalföldön, sőt 1659-ben eljutott az amerikai angol Virginia gyarmatra is. A heraldika iránt valószínűleg akkor kezdett érdeklődni, amikor látta az indiánok harci díszre festett testét és jelképeit, miközben harci táncukat járták. Tetovált testükön és festett pajzsaikon ismerős jelképeket, cölöpöket és pólyákat vélt felfedezni ("The dancers, were painted some party per pale, gul and sab, some party per fesse of the same colours…" ) ami annyira megragadta, hogy azt írta, hogy a heraldika természetes módon beleívódott az emberi faj értelmébe. ("At which I exceedingly wondered; and concluded that heraldry was ingrafted naturally into the sense of human race. If so, it deserves a greater esteem than now-a-days is put upon it.") A címertant így mintegy a filozófia egyik területének tekintette.

Amerikai útját követően megnősült és Londonban telepedett le. 1668-ban (más források szerint 1671-ben) a College of Arms perszevantja lett, Blue Mantle hivatali névvel, mely tisztet haláláig, közel ötven éven át viselt. Az asztrológiai klub tagja volt, úgy vélte, hogy a sorsot a csillagok határozzák meg, melyen sem jó, sem rossz cselekedet nem tud változtatni. II. Károly uralkodása alatt írásaival a konzervatív oldalon részt vett a politikai harcokban, Duke of York ügyében, a republikánusok ellen, akiket szívből megvetett. Bosszúja a legdémonibb címeradományaiban is megnyilvánult. A whigek győzelme után egy időre fel is függesztették a hivatalából, míg eskü alatt meg nem tagadta nézeteit.

Gibbon Blazonium Latinum (London, 1662) című művét 1962-ben Cecil R. Humhrey-Smith adta ki újra. Késői műve az Introductio ad Latinam Blazoniam, London, 1682.

Heraldikai műve

  • GIBBON, John. INTRODUCTIO AD LATINAM BLASONIAM. An Essay to a more Correct Blason In Latine than formerly hath been used…the Arms of all the Kingdoms of Europe, and the greatest Princes and Potentates thereof: Together with many other Illustrious and Ancient Houses both of England and other Countries. London, 1682
  • Introductio ad Latinam blasoniam : an essay to a more correct blason in Latine than formerly hath been used by John Gibbon, Publisher: Canterbury (Kent) : Achievements, 1963
  • Introductio ad latinam blasoniam an essay to a more correct blason in latine than formerly hath been used : collected out of approved modern authors, and describing the arms of all the kngdoms [sic] of Europe, and of many of the greatest princes and potentates thereof : together with many other illustrious and ancient houses both of England and other countries : no work of this nature extant in our English tongue, nor, absit gloriari, of its method and circumstances in any foreign language whatsoever by John Gibbon Publisher: London : Printed by J.M. for the author …, 1682
  • Introductio ad Latinam blasoniam : an essay to a more correct blason in Latine than formerly hath been used by John Gibbon Publisher: London : Printed by J. M. for the author, and are to be sold by J. Crump, B. Billingsley and A. Churchill, 1682



Összesen 22 műve ismert. A fontosabbak:

  • Day-fatality, or, Some observations of days lucky and unlucky penn'd and publish'ed whil'st His present Majesty, the most serenc king, James II was Duke of York, persecuted by the excluding party, and retir'd into the Low-Countries : presaging many great things, some whereof are wonderfully come to pass, and particularly made good, in his peaceable inthronization, and his speedy quashing two notable rebellions, headed by two persons, eminent for military conduct, one in England, the other in Scotland, and by whom greater things are yet to be done by John Gibbon, 2 editions published in 1686 in English and held by 102 libraries worldwide
  • Introductio ad latinam blasoniam an essay to a more correct blason in latine than formerly hath been used : collected out of approved modern authors, and describing the arms of all the kngdoms [sic] of Europe, and of many of the greatest princes and potentates thereof : together with many other illustrious and ancient houses both of England and other countries : no work of this nature extant in our English tongue, nor, absit gloriari, of its method and circumstances in any foreign language whatsoever by John Gibbon 2 editions published in 1682 in English and held by 101 libraries worldwide
  • Unio dissidentium heir apparent and presumptive made one by John Gibbo (Book) 3 editions published in 1680 in English and held by 99 libraries worldwide The nature of justification opened in a sermon on Romans V. 1 by John Gibbon( Book ) 3 editions published in 1695 in English and held by 87 libraries worldwide Day-fatality, or, Some observation of days lucky and unlucky concluding with some remarques upon the fourteenth of October, the auspicious birth-day of His Royal Highness, James Duke of York by John Gibbon 4 editions published between 1678 and 1679 in English and held by 27 libraries worldwide
  • Prince-protecting providences, or, A collection of some historical passages relating how several princes and personages (born for great actions) have had miraculous preservations : made publick upon occasion of the late memorable (and miraculous) deliverance of His Royal Highness, James Duke of York by John Gibbon 3 editions published in 1682 in English and held by 20 libraries worldwide
  • Flagellum Mercurii anti-Ducalis, or, The author of the dis-ingenuous Touch of the times brought to the whipping-post to prevent his coming to the gallows by John Gibbon 5 editions published in 1679 in English and held by 19 libraries worldwide
  • Introductio ad latinum blasoniam. An essay to a more correct blason in latine than formerly hath been used. Collected out of approved modern authors, and describing the arms of all the Kingdoms of Europe, and of many of the greatest princes and potentates therof : together with many other illustrious and ancient houses both of England and other countries. No work of this nature extant in our English tongue, nor (absit gloriari) of its method and circumstances in any foreign language whatsoever by John Gibbon 1 edition published in 1682 in English and held by 16 libraries worldwide
  • The nature of justification opened in a sermon on Romans V. 1. By Mr. Gibbons, sometime preacher at Black-Fryers, London by John Gibbon 2 editions published in 1695 in English and held by 8 libraries worldwide
  • Edovardus Confessor redivivus. The piety and vertues of holy Edward the Confessor reviv'd in the sacred Majesty of King James the II. Being a relation of the admirable and unexpected finding of a sacred relique, (viz. the crucifix) of that pious prince; which was found in Westminster-Abby, (the place of his interrment) 622 years succeeding; and is since worn sometimes by his present Majesty. With a comment thereon. Previous to which relation, are recited many wonderful casual discoveries; all of them being presagious, or very effective by John Gibbon 2 editions published in 1688 in English and held by 4 libraries worldwide

