Hyalonema | ||||||||||||||
![]() Hyalonema sieboldii
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![]() A Wikimédia Commons tartalmaz Hyalonema témájú kategóriát. |
A Hyalonema az üvegszivacsok (Hexactinellida) osztályának az Amphidiscosida rendjébe, ezen belül a Hyalonematidae családjába tartozó nem.
Családjának a típusneme.
[szerkesztés]A nembe az alábbi 12 alnem és 113 faj tartozik:
- Hyalonema (Corynonema) Ijima, 1927 - 15 faj
- Hyalonema calix Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema clathratum Ijima, 1895
- Hyalonema cupressiferum Schulze, 1893
- Hyalonema depressum (Schulze, 1886)
- Hyalonema grandancora Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema hercules Schulze, 1899
- Hyalonema intersubgenerica Tabachnick, Janussen & Menschenina, 2008
- Hyalonema natalense (Lévi, 1964)
- Hyalonema owstoni Ijima, 1894
- Hyalonema placuna Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema populiferum Schulze, 1899
- Hyalonema rotundum Ijima, 1927
- Hyalonema tenuifusum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema tylostylum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema weltneri Schulze, 1895
- Hyalonema (Coscinonema) Ijima, 1927 - 13 faj
- Hyalonema conus Schulze, 1886
- Hyalonema elegans (Schulze, 1886)
- Hyalonema gracile Schulze, 1886
- Hyalonema indicum Schulze, 1895
- Hyalonema kentii (Schmidt, 1880)
- Hyalonema kirkpatricki Ijima, 1927
- Hyalonema lamella Schulze, 1900
- Hyalonema ovatum Okada, 1932
- Hyalonema pateriferum Wilson, 1904
- Hyalonema polycoelum Lévi & Lévi, 1989
- Hyalonema schmidti Schulze, 1899
- Hyalonema tenue Schulze, 1887
- Hyalonema toxeres Thomson, 1873
- Hyalonema (Cyliconema) Ijima, 1927 - 30 faj
- Hyalonema abyssale (Lévi, 1964)
- Hyalonema apertum Schulze, 1886
- Hyalonema clavapinulata Tabachnick, Janussen & Menschenina, 2008
- Hyalonema coniforme Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema conqueror Tabachnick, Menshenina, Lopes & Hajdu, 2009
- Hyalonema curvisclera (Lévi, 1964)
- Hyalonema drygalskii Schulze & Kirkpatrick, 1910
- Hyalonema eupinnulum (Lévi, 1964)
- Hyalonema globiferum Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema hozawai Okada, 1932
- Hyalonema infundibulum Topsent, 1896
- Hyalonema keiense Ijima, 1927
- Hyalonema lanceolata Tabachnick, Janussen & Menschenina, 2008
- Hyalonema madagascarense (Lévi, 1964)
- Hyalonema martabanense Schulze, 1900
- Hyalonema masoni Schulze, 1895
- Hyalonema molle Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema nicobaricum Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema ovatum Ijima, 1895
- Hyalonema pirum' Schulze, 1895
- Hyalonema polycaulum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema rapa Schulze, 1900
- Hyalonema simile Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema somalicum Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema tasmani (Lévi, 1964)
- Hyalonema tenerum Schulze, 1886
- Hyalonema thomsoni Marshall, 1875
- Hyalonema timorense Ijima, 1927
- Hyalonema tulipa Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema valdiviae Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema (Hyalonema) Gray, 1832 - 7 faj
- Hyalonema intermedium Ijima, 1927
- Hyalonema keianum (Ijima, 1927)
- †Hyalonema parallelum (McCoy, 1844)
- Hyalonema pellucidum Ijima, 1894
- Hyalonema proximum Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema sieboldii Gray, 1835 - típusfaj
- Hyalonema soelae Tabachnick, Janussen & Menschenina, 2008
- Hyalonema (Ijimaonema) Özdikmen, 2009 - 6 faj
- Hyalonema aculeatum Schulze, 1895
- Hyalonema cebuense Higgin, 1875
- Hyalonema clavigerum Schulze, 1886
- Hyalonema globus Schulze, 1886
- Hyalonema heideri Schulze, 1895
- Hyalonema topsenti Ijima, 1927
- Hyalonema (Leptonema) Lendenfeld, 1915 - 10 faj
- Hyalonema acuferum Schulze, 1893
- Hyalonema campanula Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema choaniferum (Lévi, 1964)
- Hyalonema divergens Schulze, 1887
- Hyalonema flagelliferum Ijima, 1927
- Hyalonema lusitanicum Bocage, 1864
- Hyalonema ovuliferum Schulze, 1899
- Hyalonema solutum Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema spatha Tabachnick & Lévi, 2000
- Hyalonema urna Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema (Onconema) Ijima, 1927 - 3 faj
- Hyalonema agassizi Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema obtusum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema uncinata Tabachnick & Lévi, 2000
- Hyalonema (Oonema) Lendenfeld, 1915 - 14 faj
- Hyalonema aequatoriale Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema bianchoratum Wilson, 1904
- Hyalonema bipinnulum (Lévi, 1964)
- Hyalonema crassipinulum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema densum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema geminatum' Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema henshawi' Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema microstauractina Tabachnick & Lévi, 2000
- Hyalonema ovichela (Lévi, 1964)
- Hyalonema pedunculatum Wilson, 1904
- Hyalonema robustum Schulze, 1886
- Hyalonema sequoia Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema trifidum (Lévi, 1964)
- Hyalonema umbraculum (Lendenfeld, 1915)
- Hyalonema (Paradisconema) Ijima, 1927 - 3 faj
- Hyalonema alcocki Schulze, 1895
- Hyalonema investigatoris Schulze, 1900
- Hyalonema vosmaeri Ijima, 1927
- Hyalonema (Phialonemiella) Tabachnick & Menshenina, 2002 - 1 faj
- Hyalonema brevancora Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema (Prionema) Lendenfeld, 1915 - 10 faj
- Hyalonema agujanum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema azuerone Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema crassum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema dufresnei Tabachnick, Menshenina, Lopes & Hajdu, 2009
- Hyalonema fimbriatum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema pinulifusum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema poculum Schulze, 1886
- Hyalonema repletum Reiswig, 2000
- Hyalonema spinosum Lendenfeld, 1915
- Hyalonema validum Schulze, 1904
- Hyalonema (Thamnonemiella) Tabachnick & Menshenina, 2002 - 1 faj
- Hyalonema thamnophorum (Ijima, 1927)
[szerkesztés]- Hyalonema Gray, 1832 WoRMS
- Gray, J.E. 1832. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. London (27th edition.). (4): 1-212.
- Ijima, I. 1927. The Hexactinellida of the Siboga Expedition. Pp. i-viii, 1-383, pls I-XXVI. In: Weber, M. (Ed.), Siboga-Expeditie. Uitkomsten op zoologisch, botanisch, oceanographisch en geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-lndië 1899- 1900 aan boord H.M. ‘Siboga’ onder commando van Luitenant ter zee 1e kl. G.F. Tydemann. 106 (Monographie VI) (E.J. Brill, Leiden).
- Schulze, F.E. 1886. Über den Bau und das System der Hexactinelliden. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (Physikalisch-Mathematisch Classe) 1886: 1-97.
- Özdikmen, H. 2009. Substitute names for eight sponge genus group names (Porifera). Mun. Ent. Zool. 4 (1): 212-218.
- Lendenfeld, R. Von. (1915). The Sponges. 3. Hexactinellida. In: Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer ‘Albatross’, from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut. Commander L.M. Garrett, U.S.N., Commanding, and of other expeditions of the ‘Albatross', 1891-1899 (29). Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. 42(2): 1-396, pls. 1-109.
- Tabachnick, K.R.; Menshenina, L.L. (2002). Family Hyalonematidae Gray, 1857, in: Hooper, J.N.A.; Van Soest, R.W.M. (Ed.) (2002). Systema Porifera: a guide to the classification of sponges. pp. 1232-1263