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Fájl:Arthur Rosenberg before 1943.jpg

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English: Member of the Reichstag Arthur Rosenberg
Forrás Deutsches Reich. Reichstag: Reichstags-Handbuch. 1924, [2 (1925) = 3. Wahlperiode. Page 488.]
Szerző Deutsches Reich. Reichstag.


Public domain This literary or musical work was published in Germany by a legal entity under public law before the Law on Copyrights and Neighboring Rights (UrhG) came into effect on January 1, 1966. Its author was not named on the title page, in the dedication, in the preface or at the end of the publication (§ 3 LUG; for details see Wikipedia:Bildrechte). Therefore according to § 134 Satz 2 UrhG, copyright expires 70 years after publication.

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Arthur Rosenberg

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