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Don Nix

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Don Nix
Született1941. szeptember 27.
Elhunyt2024. december 31. (83 évesen)[1]
  • zenei rendező
  • szaxofonos
IskoláiMemphis Technical High School

Don Nix (Memphis, Tennessee, 1941. szeptember 27.Germantown, Tennessee, 2024. december 31.) amerikai zenész, dalszerző, zenei producer, hangszerelő és író.



Több műfajban is otthon van: Soutern rock, R&B, soul, illetve blues.

Több szerzeménye is világsiker lett – elsősorban mások előadásában:

Zene iránt érdeklődő családban született Memphisben. Bátyja, Larry Nix, a Stax lemezcég hangmérnöke volt. Pályáját szaxofonosként kezdte a Mar-Keys együttessel, Steve Cropper, Duck Dunn és mások oldalán.[3] Első sikere a "Last Night" című instrumentális szám volt, amelynek szerzőjeként a teljes együttest feltüntették.


Shelter SHE-8902

In God We Trust (LP)
In God We Trust / Golden Mansions / I'll Fly Away / He Never Lived a Day Without Jesus / Nero My God to Thee / Amos / Long Way to Nowhere / Iuka / Will the Circle Be Unbroken / I've Tried (Trucker's Lament)
Personnel: Don Nix, vcl, gtr; Eddie Hinton, gtr; Furry Lewis, sl. gtr, poem (track 8); Larry Raspberry, rh. gtr; Barry Beckett, keys; David Hood, bs; Roger Hawkins, dms; J. A. Spell, fd; Jeanie Green, Marlin Green (the Mt. Zion Singers), background vcls
Recorded at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio
Produced by Don Nix
Reissue: Nippon Phonogram Records BT-5357, 1979, Japan

1971, US
Elektra EKS-74101

Living by the Days (LP)
The Shape I'm In / Olena / I Saw the Light / She Don't Want a Lover / Living by the Days / Going Back to Iuka / Three Angels / Mary Louise / My Train's Done Come and Gone
Personnel: Don Nix, vcl, gtr; Jimmy Johnson, Tippy Armstrong, Gimmer Nicholson, Wayne Perkins, gtr; Furry Lewis, narration; Barry Beckett, Chris Stainton, keys; David Hood, Donald "Duck" Dunn, bs; Roger Hawkins, dms; Mt. Zion Singers (Wayne Perkins, Jeanie Green, Marlin Green), background vcls (tracks 3, 4, 7, 8); Shelter People (Claudia Lennear, Kathi McDonald, Don Preston, Joey Cooper), background vcls (tracks 1, 2, 9)
Recorded at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio and Skyhill Studios, Hollywood, California
Produced by Don Nix
UK edition: Elektra K 42096, 1971; French edition: Elektra 62010, 1971
Reissue: Atco-East West CD AMCY-2609, 1998, Japan

1971, US
Elektra EKS-75022

The Alabama State Troupers Road Show (2 LPs)

Furry's Blues / Brownsville / I'm Black / A Chicken Ain't Nothin' but a Bird / Will the Circle Be Unbroken / Amos Burke / Mighty Time / Jesus on the Mainline / Mary Louise / Yes, I Do Understand / Opening / Living in the Country / Joa-Bim / Dixie / Heavy Makes You Happy / Iuka / Furry's Rap / Asphalt Outlaw Hero / Olena / My Father's House / Going Down
Personnel: Don Nix, vcl, gtr; Wayne Perkins, gtr; Tippy Armstrong, gtr; Clayton Ivey, pno; Ken Woodley, org; Bob Wray, bs; Tarp Tarrant, Fred Prouty, dms; Mt. Zion Choir (Brenda Patterson, Mary "Bouce" Anderson, Carolyn "Pepper" Watkins, Marianne "Tweety" Watkins, Marlin Greene)
Recorded live at Long Beach Civic Auditorium, Long Beach, California, October 15, 1971, and at Pasadena Civic Auditorium, Pasadena, California, October 17, 1971
Produced by Don Nix

1972, US
Enterprise ENS-1032

Hobos, Heroes and Street Corner Clowns (LP)
She's a Friend of Mine / The Train Don't Stop Here No More / Black Cat Moan / Rainy Night in Paris (Memphis Reject) / When I Lay My Burden Down / Sweet Sweet Surrender / We Gotta Move (Keep on Rolling) / Miss Eleana / I Need You / Look What the Years Have Done
Personnel: Don Nix, vcl, gtr; Pete Carr, Eddie Hinton, Larry Raspberry, Bobby Manuel, Furry Lewis, gtr; George Harrison, slide gtr;[4] Wayne Perkins, gtr, background vcl; Barry Beckett, Chris Stainton, keys; Steve Smith, keys, gtr; Tim Smith, gtr, pno; David Hood, Klaus Voormann, bs; Roger Hawkins, dms; Lon Price, sax; Jay Pruitt, strings; Jeanie Green, Claudia Lennear, background vcls; Dallas–Ft. Worth Symphony Orchestra
Recorded at Apple Studio, London; Muscle Shoals Sound Studio; etc.
Produced by Don Nix
Reissue: P-Vine PCD-5175, 1997, Japan

1973, US
Cream CR-1001

Gone Too Long (LP)

Goin' Thru Another Chance / Feel a Whole Lot Better / Gone Too Long / Backstreet Girl / Rollin' in My Dreams / Yazoo City Jail / Harpoon Arkansas Turnaround / Forgotten Town / A Demain (Until Tomorrow)
Personnel: Don Nix, vcl, gtr; George Harrison, sl. gtr, etc.
Recorded in France, England and the U.S.
Produced by Don Nix
Reissue: Demon DIAB-805, 1994, UK

1976, US
Cream CR-1011

Skyrider (LP)
Skyrider / Nobody Else / Maverick Woman Blues / Do It Again / Long Tall Sally / I'll Be in Your Dreams / On the Town Again / All for the Love of a Woman
Personnel: Don Nix, vcl, gtr, sax; Rob Kendrick, gtr, sl. gtr; Roy Halle, sl. gtr; Len Groome, keys; John Fry, acc; Ernie Chapman, bs; Darell Norris, dms; Memphis Horns; William C. Brown III Choir
Recorded at Dallasonic Studio, Texas, etc.
Produced by Don Nix
Reissue: Demon DIAB-805, 1994, UK

1979, US
Demon DIAB-805

Gone Too Long/Skyrider (CD)
Goin' Thru Another Change / Feel a Whole Lot Better / Gone Too Long / Backstreet Girl / Rollin' in My Dreams / Yazoo City Jail / Harpoon Arkansas Turnaround / Forgotten Town / A Demain (Until Tomorrow) / Skyrider / Nobody Else / Maverick Woman Blues / Do It Again / Long Tall Sally / I'll Be in Your Dreams / On the Town Again / All for the Love of a Woman
Reissue of Cream CR-1001 and CR-1011

1994, UK
Icehouse IHCD 9401

Back to the Well (CD)

Goin' Down the Road to Memphis / Waiting for the Help / Plastic Flowers / Angel Tears / Easy Street / Out on the Road Again / Fools Paradise / Too Dumb / Moon Madness / Dance Chaney Dance / Cruise Control / Jerimiah Gage
Personnel: Don Nix, vcl, gtr, tp; Billy Crain, gtr, sl. gtr; Greg Redding, keys; Rick Steff, org, acc; Jay Spell, pno, fd; Rusty McFarland, mnd; Greg "Fingers'" Taylor, hca; David Crochan, bs; Greg Morrow, dms, perc; Memphis Horns (Jim Spake, Andrew Love, Wayne Jackson); William C. Brown III Choir
Recorded at Crosstown Recording Studio
Produced by Don Nix
Reissue: Appaloosa AP 098, 1999, Italy

1994, US
Evidence ECD-26125

Don Nix & Friends: Goin' Down – The Songs of Don Nix (CD)
Black Cat Moan / On the Road Again / Right Where You Want Me / Same Old Blues / Lucinda / Palace of the King / Going Down / Going Back to Iuka / Like a Road Leading Home / One More Repossession / Living on the Highway / Plastic Flowers / Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven
Personnel: Don Nix, vcl; Billy Crain, Jon Tiven, gtr; Mike Duke, pno; Reese Wynans, org; David Hood, bs; Greg Morrow, dms; Dan Penn, lead vcl (tracks 4, 6, 9); Bonnie Bramlett, lead vcl (tracks 3, 4, 9); Steve Cropper, lead gtr (tracks 4, 9); Audley Freed, lead gtr (tracks 6, 7); Tony Joe White, lead gtr (tracks 8, 13); Leslie West, lead gtr (tracks 7, 11); Bobby Manuel, gtr intro (track 4); Brian May, gtr (track 7); Billy Lee Riley, vcl (track 8), hca (track 13); John Mayall, hca (track 8); Max Middleton, pno (track 7); Bobby Whitlock, org (tracks 7, 13); Dave Smith, bs (track 3); Michael Rhodes, bs (track 9); Susan Marshall, Jackie Johnson, background vcls (tracks 3, 5, 6, 12)
Recorded at Hum Depot, Nashville, Tennessee
Produced by Jon Tiven and Don Nix

2002, US




  1. Don Nix, Stax artist, producer and 'Going Down' songwriter, has died at 83 (angol nyelven)
  2. Don Nix, Stax artist, producer and 'Going Down' songwriter, has died at 83 (angol nyelven). (Hozzáférés: 2025. január 4.)
  3. Don Nix. SecondHandSongs, 1941. szeptember 27. (Hozzáférés: 2014. július 17.)
  4. Leng, Simon (2006). While My Guitar Gently Weeps: The Music of George Harrison. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Hal Leonard. pp 140–141.


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