From story in St. Louis Post-Dispatch October 2nd, 1923, pg 3 (below photo):
“… one hundred and 20 enlisted men of the army and navy caught the spider web of ropes. While the holders of two long cables, running on pulleys, drew her nose slowly earthward, the more numerous holders of many strands, branching from ropes let down from a hold in the interior of the ship, spread themselves over the surrounding ground and stabilized the position of the great craft, just over the heads of the soldiers and assembled civilians.
“The work of pulling the ship down came chiefly upon the holders of the forward cables, and after a moment of earnest tugging, the 680 feet of the ship’s length settled down over the black earth, and the bald head of Capt. Heinen, German air navigator, was seen at the front window of the cabin. [Bald man in image 049?]
“After landing had been effected, the men remained at the ropes and served as the ship’s anchor throughout her stay. Several short moves toward the hangers were made and the monster ship towed as easily as a toy balloon.”
megoszthatod – szabadon másolhatod, terjesztheted, bemutathatod és előadhatod a művet
feldolgozhatod – származékos műveket hozhatsz létre
Az alábbi feltételekkel:
Nevezd meg! – A szerzőt megfelelően fel kell tüntetned, hivatkozást kell létrehoznod a licencre és jelezned kell, ha a művön változtatást hajtottál végre. Ezt bármilyen észszerű módon megteheted, kivéve oly módon, ami azt sugallná hogy a jogosult támogat téged vagy a felhasználásod körülményeit. BY 3.0 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 truetrue
Adj meg egy egysoros magyarázatot arról, hogy mit mutat be ez a fájl
From story in St. Louis Post-Dispatch October 2nd, 1923, pg 3 (below photo): “… one hundred and 20 enlisted men of the army and navy caught the spider web of ropes. While the holders of two long cables, running on pulleys, drew her nose slowly ear
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