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Fájl:Voltaic pile 3D model.png

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This illustration shows the basic components in a voltaic pile; Metal and "soaked" disks, along with common terminals to the entire pile, and annotations. The numbers in the picture refers to:

  1. One element
  2. Copper disc
  3. Negative terminal for the entire pile
  4. Positive terminal for the entire pile
  5. Soaked disc of cardboard or leather, with acidic og alkaline solution.
  6. Zinc disc
Created using the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, and the image description below. Note that this code assumes a "square" image format; i.e. width and height the same physical length. To render, the POV-Ray installation needs to have access to the "timesbd.ttf" TrueType font (Times New Roman in boldface), since this font is used for the annotations.
Dátum 2006. október 30. (eredeti feltöltésének dátuma)
Forrás Nincs megadva géppel olvasható forrás. Feltételezhetően saját munka (a szerzői jogi adatok alapján).
Szerző Nincs megadva géppel olvasható szerző. Feltételezhetően Peo~commonswiki (a szerzői jogi adatok alapján).

POV-Ray image description code

Model of the voltaic pile
Created by Søren Peo Pedersen - see my user page

#declare txtCopper=texture {    // Defines the "material" for
  pigment {color rgb <1,.8,.6>} // copper discs and terminal
  finish {ambient .2 reflection rgb <1,.8,.6> metallic phong 1}

#declare txtZinc=texture {      // Defines the "material" for
  pigment {color rgb .7}        // zinc discs and terminal
  finish {ambient .3 reflection rgb .4 metallic phong 1}

#declare txtSoakDisc=texture {  // Defines the "material" for
  pigment {                     // the solution-soaked discs.
    gradient y                  // "layered" pattern...
    color_map {                 // with an odd, pale green 
      [0 color rgb <.45,.5,.4>] // scale of colors...
      [1 color rgb <.85,.9,.8>]
    scale .1                    // Tiny "layers"...
    turbulence .8               // ... all "curled" up.
  finish {      // Surface properties...:
    ambient .4
    phong 1     // Makes this "wet" stuff glitter in the light
  normal {bumps 1 scale .07}  // Rough, bumpy surface

#macro MetalDisc(Sign,HasTerminal)
merge {      // General shape of metal disc:
  cylinder {<0,.1,0>,<0,.9,0>,6}    // Generally a cylindrical
  cylinder {0,<0,1,0>,5.9}          // shape, but with nice 0.1-
  torus {5.9,.1 translate <0,.9,0>} // radius "round edges" that
  torus {5.9,.1 translate <0,.1,0>} // won't cut your fingers ;-)
  #if (HasTerminal) // If there is a terminal...:
    cylinder {<0,.5,0>,<-7,.5,-4>,.2} // A cylindrical "rod" from edge of disc
    sphere {<-7,.5,-4>,.6}  // Spere at end of terminal "rod".
  texture {   // Texture and the polarity "stamped" on the edge of metal discs
    object {
      union {
        box {<-.3,.46,-5>,<.3,.54,-7>}  // "-" on disc edge
        box {<-7.4,.4,-6>,<-6.6,.6,-4>} // "-" on terminal
        difference {                          // Circle around
          cylinder {<0,.5,-5>,<0,.5,-7>,.4}   // sign on edge
          cylinder {<0,.5,-4>,<0,.5,-8>,.37}  // of the disc
        #if (Sign>0)  // If positive polarity, add a vertical line to
          box {<-.04,.2,-5>,<.04,.8,-7>}  // sign on disc edge 
          box {<-7.1,.1,-6>,<-6.9,.9,-4>} // sign on an eventual terminal
      texture {#if (Sign>0) txtCopper #else txtZinc #end} // Choice of metal
      texture {       // Choice of color for "stamped" sign on disc edges;
        #if (Sign>0)  // red for positive, blue for negative.
          pigment {color rgb <1,0,0>} finish {ambient .4}
          pigment {color rgb <0,0,1>} finish {ambient .4}

#macro Cell(Terminal) // Macro that "builds" one whole cell:
union {
  #object {MetalDisc(1,(Terminal=1))} // Positive (copper) disc
  cylinder {<0,1,0>,<0,1.5,0>,5.7 texture {txtSoakDisc} // Soaked disc in between.
    #if (Terminal=3) translate <1.5,0,-1> #end          // If Therminal=3, "petrude"
    }                                                   // disc a bit from the stack. 
  #object {MetalDisc(-1,(Terminal=2)) // Negative (zinc) disc
    translate <0,1.5,0>}

// Build the entire voltaic pile:
#object {Cell(2) translate < 0, 12.5,0>}
#object {Cell(3) translate < 0, 10,0>}
#object {Cell(0) translate <0, 7.5,0>}
#object {Cell(0) translate <1, 5.0,-.2>}
#object {Cell(0) translate < 0, 2.5,0>}
#object {Cell(1)}

// Annotatons: Require the TrueType font "timesbd" (Times New Roman in boldface) to be
// installed. To get rid of the annotations, remove the entire #union statement below:
#union {
  text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","1",.001,0 translate <4.5,-.9,0>}
  text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","2",.001,0 translate <3.2,-1.7,0>}
  text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","3",.001,0 translate <-4.8,3.4,0>}
  text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","4",.001,0 translate <-4.6,-4.1,0>}
  text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","5",.001,0 translate <3.9,1.7,0>}
  text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","6",.001,0 translate <3.2,-0.0,0>}
  text {ttf "times.ttf","}",.001,0 scale 2.7 translate <3.7,-1.15,0>}
  pigment {color rgb 0} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
  no_shadow no_reflection
  scale .0004
  translate <0,0,-50.98>
  rotate <11.30993247402021308647450543834,0,0>  
  translate <0,7,0>

camera {                    // Defines viewpoint
  up <0,1,0> right <1,0,0>  // and line of sight
  location <0,17,-50>       // for the image
  look_at <0,6.8,0>
  angle 22

#declare Spotty=pigment { // Pattern for "spotty
  bumps                   // surroundings", to
  color_map {             // make metals look
    [0 color rgb 0]       // "really metallic".
    [1 color rgb 1]
  scale .3

sky_sphere {pigment { // Combine spotty pattern
  gradient z          // with a neutral, white
  pigment_map {       // background for the a-
    [0 Spotty]        // rea the camera "sees".
    [.974 Spotty]
    [.974 color rgb 1]
    [1 color rgb 1]
  translate -.5
  scale 2
  rotate <11.30993247402021308647450543834,0,0>  

light_source {<-100,150,-200> color rgb 1}  // Light sources surroun-
light_source {<200,50,100> color rgb 1}     // ding the motif.


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30. október 2006


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aktuális2006. október 30., 16:14Bélyegkép a 2006. október 30., 16:14-kori változatról1 000 × 1 000 (502 KB)Peo~commonswiki"Schematic" 3D model showing the basic components of the voltaic pile

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