Fájl:Voltaic pile 3D model.png
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LeírásVoltaic pile 3D model.png |
This illustration shows the basic components in a voltaic pile; Metal and "soaked" disks, along with common terminals to the entire pile, and annotations. The numbers in the picture refers to:
Dátum | 2006. október 30. (eredeti feltöltésének dátuma) |
Forrás | Nincs megadva géppel olvasható forrás. Feltételezhetően saját munka (a szerzői jogi adatok alapján). |
Szerző | Nincs megadva géppel olvasható szerző. Feltételezhetően Peo~commonswiki (a szerzői jogi adatok alapján). |
POV-Ray image description code
/* ================================================ Model of the voltaic pile ------------------------------------------------ Created by Søren Peo Pedersen - see my user page at http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruger:Peo ================================================ */ #declare txtCopper=texture { // Defines the "material" for pigment {color rgb <1,.8,.6>} // copper discs and terminal finish {ambient .2 reflection rgb <1,.8,.6> metallic phong 1} } #declare txtZinc=texture { // Defines the "material" for pigment {color rgb .7} // zinc discs and terminal finish {ambient .3 reflection rgb .4 metallic phong 1} } #declare txtSoakDisc=texture { // Defines the "material" for pigment { // the solution-soaked discs. gradient y // "layered" pattern... color_map { // with an odd, pale green [0 color rgb <.45,.5,.4>] // scale of colors... [1 color rgb <.85,.9,.8>] } scale .1 // Tiny "layers"... turbulence .8 // ... all "curled" up. } finish { // Surface properties...: ambient .4 phong 1 // Makes this "wet" stuff glitter in the light } normal {bumps 1 scale .07} // Rough, bumpy surface } #macro MetalDisc(Sign,HasTerminal) merge { // General shape of metal disc: cylinder {<0,.1,0>,<0,.9,0>,6} // Generally a cylindrical cylinder {0,<0,1,0>,5.9} // shape, but with nice 0.1- torus {5.9,.1 translate <0,.9,0>} // radius "round edges" that torus {5.9,.1 translate <0,.1,0>} // won't cut your fingers ;-) #if (HasTerminal) // If there is a terminal...: cylinder {<0,.5,0>,<-7,.5,-4>,.2} // A cylindrical "rod" from edge of disc sphere {<-7,.5,-4>,.6} // Spere at end of terminal "rod". #end texture { // Texture and the polarity "stamped" on the edge of metal discs object { union { box {<-.3,.46,-5>,<.3,.54,-7>} // "-" on disc edge box {<-7.4,.4,-6>,<-6.6,.6,-4>} // "-" on terminal difference { // Circle around cylinder {<0,.5,-5>,<0,.5,-7>,.4} // sign on edge cylinder {<0,.5,-4>,<0,.5,-8>,.37} // of the disc } #if (Sign>0) // If positive polarity, add a vertical line to box {<-.04,.2,-5>,<.04,.8,-7>} // sign on disc edge box {<-7.1,.1,-6>,<-6.9,.9,-4>} // sign on an eventual terminal #end } texture {#if (Sign>0) txtCopper #else txtZinc #end} // Choice of metal texture { // Choice of color for "stamped" sign on disc edges; #if (Sign>0) // red for positive, blue for negative. pigment {color rgb <1,0,0>} finish {ambient .4} #else pigment {color rgb <0,0,1>} finish {ambient .4} #end} } } } #end #macro Cell(Terminal) // Macro that "builds" one whole cell: union { #object {MetalDisc(1,(Terminal=1))} // Positive (copper) disc cylinder {<0,1,0>,<0,1.5,0>,5.7 texture {txtSoakDisc} // Soaked disc in between. #if (Terminal=3) translate <1.5,0,-1> #end // If Therminal=3, "petrude" } // disc a bit from the stack. #object {MetalDisc(-1,(Terminal=2)) // Negative (zinc) disc translate <0,1.5,0>} } #end // Build the entire voltaic pile: #object {Cell(2) translate < 0, 12.5,0>} #object {Cell(3) translate < 0, 10,0>} #object {Cell(0) translate <0, 7.5,0>} #object {Cell(0) translate <1, 5.0,-.2>} #object {Cell(0) translate < 0, 2.5,0>} #object {Cell(1)} // Annotatons: Require the TrueType font "timesbd" (Times New Roman in boldface) to be // installed. To get rid of the annotations, remove the entire #union statement below: #union { text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","1",.001,0 translate <4.5,-.9,0>} text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","2",.001,0 translate <3.2,-1.7,0>} text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","3",.001,0 translate <-4.8,3.4,0>} text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","4",.001,0 translate <-4.6,-4.1,0>} text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","5",.001,0 translate <3.9,1.7,0>} text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","6",.001,0 translate <3.2,-0.0,0>} text {ttf "times.ttf","}",.001,0 scale 2.7 translate <3.7,-1.15,0>} pigment {color rgb 0} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} no_shadow no_reflection scale .0004 translate <0,0,-50.98> rotate <11.30993247402021308647450543834,0,0> translate <0,7,0> } camera { // Defines viewpoint up <0,1,0> right <1,0,0> // and line of sight location <0,17,-50> // for the image look_at <0,6.8,0> angle 22 } #declare Spotty=pigment { // Pattern for "spotty bumps // surroundings", to color_map { // make metals look [0 color rgb 0] // "really metallic". [1 color rgb 1] } scale .3 } sky_sphere {pigment { // Combine spotty pattern gradient z // with a neutral, white pigment_map { // background for the a- [0 Spotty] // rea the camera "sees". [.974 Spotty] [.974 color rgb 1] [1 color rgb 1] } translate -.5 scale 2 rotate <11.30993247402021308647450543834,0,0> }} light_source {<-100,150,-200> color rgb 1} // Light sources surroun- light_source {<200,50,100> color rgb 1} // ding the motif.
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A fájl által ábrázolt elemek
mű tárgya
30. október 2006
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Dátum/idő | Bélyegkép | Felbontás | Feltöltő | Megjegyzés | |
aktuális | 2006. október 30., 16:14 | 1 000 × 1 000 (502 KB) | Peo~commonswiki | "Schematic" 3D model showing the basic components of the voltaic pile |
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A lap eredeti címe: „https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fájl:Voltaic_pile_3D_model.png”