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Fájl:Type 95 Heavy Tank 01.jpg

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日本語: 九五式重戦車
English: Imperial Japanese Army Type 95 heavy tank
Dátum mid 1930s
日本語: 出版協同社、1978年、原乙未生 監修、竹内昭 著 『日本の戦車』 p141
English: Tomio Hara, Akira Takeuchi "Nihon no sensha (Japanese tanks)" p141, Shuppan Kyodosha, 1978.
日本語: 日本陸軍
English: Imperial Japanese Army


Public domain
This photograph is in the public domain in Japan because its copyright has expired according to Article 23 of the 1899 Copyright Act of Japan (English translation) and Article 2 of Supplemental Provisions of Copyright Act of 1970. This is when the photograph meets one of the following conditions:
  1. It was published before 1 January 1957.
  2. It was photographed before 1 January 1947.
It is also in the public domain in the United States because its copyright in Japan expired by 1970 and was not restored by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act.
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  • If the photograph was also published in the United States within 30 days after publication in Japan, it might be copyrighted. If the copyright has not expired in the U.S, this file will be deleted. See Commons:Hirtle chart.
  • This template should not be used for a faithful photographic reproduction of an artwork. Under Article 23 of the former Copyright Act, its protection will be consistent with the artwork. See also Commons:When to use the PD-Art tag.

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aktuális2013. május 18., 04:54Bélyegkép a 2013. május 18., 04:54-kori változatról1 288 × 717 (171 KB)Huji2013User created page with UploadWizard

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