English: Toothed Crust fungus (Basidioradulum radula) (Syn. Hyphoderma radula. "Toothed Crust" is the common name recommended by the British Mycological Society.)
This toothed fungus was growing on a fallen branch beside a footpath through the woods. The fruiting body on the left is 2 cm across, while the other is 1.5 cm across; they have large blunt teeth, which were arranged in concentric patterns (very much like the photograph in "Fungi of Switzerland – Volume 2", Breitenbach and Kräntzlin).
This not particularly common species is found all year round, and "grows on the bark of dead attached or fallen branches and trunks of hardwoods, more rarely on conifers" [work just cited].
[Coverage in other works on fungi is patchy: the description in Michael Jordan's "Encyclopedia of Fungi of Britain and Europe" is accurate, but the accompanying photograph is of an altogether different vivid yellow species. The species is not covered in Roger Phillip's "Mushrooms and other fungi of Great Britain and Europe", but it is listed in Stefan Buczacki's "Fungi of Britain and Europe (Collins New Generation Guide)".]
This image was taken from the Geograph project collection. See this photograph's page on the Geograph website for the photographer's contact details. The copyright on this image is owned by Lairich Rig and is licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description={{en|1=Toothed Crust fungus (Basidioradulum radula) (Syn. Hyphoderma radula. "Toothed Crust" is the common name recommended by the British Mycological Society.)
This toothed fungus was growing on a fall
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