Wikipedia: " Georgian name for cherry plum, as well as a sauce made of cherry plums. Tkemali is made from both red & green varieties of plum. The flavor of the sauce varies between sweet & pungently tart. To lower the tartness level, occasionally sweeter types of plums are added during preparation. Traditionally the following ingredients are used besides plum: garlic, pennyroyal, cilantro, dill, cayenne pepper & salt. Tkemali is used for fried or grilled meat, poultry & potato dishes much like ketchup is used in the West.”
Also: “Tkemali should not be eaten on spaghetti." Noted!
I bought a bottle, haven't used yet. Took a sample of it & it has a tangy, fruity flavor (more the bright flavorful side of that profile than just sweet) w/surprisingly harmonious undercurrent of dill. (I don't normally think of dill as something that would pair so well with fruity tang, but it works.)
megoszthatod – szabadon másolhatod, terjesztheted, bemutathatod és előadhatod a művet
feldolgozhatod – származékos műveket hozhatsz létre
Az alábbi feltételekkel:
Nevezd meg! – A szerzőt megfelelően fel kell tüntetned, hivatkozást kell létrehoznod a licencre és jelezned kell, ha a művön változtatást hajtottál végre. Ezt bármilyen észszerű módon megteheted, kivéve oly módon, ami azt sugallná hogy a jogosult támogat téged vagy a felhasználásod körülményeit. BY 2.0 Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 truetrue
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Kép címe
Wikipedia: " the Georgian name for the cherry plum, as well as a sauce made of cherry plums. Tkemali is made from both red and green varieties of plum. The flavor of the sauce varies between sweet and pungently tart. To lower the tartness level, occasionally sweeter types of plums are added during preparation. Traditionally the following ingredients are used besides plum: garlic, pennyroyal, cilantro, dill, cayenne pepper and salt.
Tkemali is used for fried or grilled meat, poultry and potato dishes much like ketchup is used in the West. It can be made at home, but is also mass produced by several Georgian and Russian companies. Tkemali should not be eaten on spaghetti."
I bought a bottle, but haven't used yet. Took a sample of it though, and it has a tangy, fruity flavor (but more the bright flavorful side of that profile than just sweet) with a surprisingly harmonious undercurrent of dill. (I don't normally think of dill as something that would pair so well with fruity tang, but it works.)