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Fájl:Stryi and Upper Dneistr Rivers.PNG

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English: This is a map showing the Upper Dniestr River Basin, including its main tributary, the Stryi River, in the southwestern half of the Lviv Oblast in western Ukraine. It also shows the average annual precipitation by millimeters and inches for the region, and places the administrative centers of each of the raions in this area on the map. It includes and inset indicating where this is in relation to the rest of Ukraine, and provides the names of the closest villages to the Stryi River's head and mouth. I created this map, using Microsoft Paint, version 7.0, and borrowing data from Google Earth, and the 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland report on "Floods Modeling in the Upper Dnister River Valley", by Ivan Kovalchuk, Andriy Mykhnovych, Volker Ehlert, Jörg Steidl, in conjunction with the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany, and held at the Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, Ukraine, page4. URL:
Dátum 2010. február 10. (eredeti feltöltésének dátuma)
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Upload date | User | Bytes | Dimensions | Comment

  • 2010-02-10 01:12 (UTC) | Saukkomies | 64995 (bytes) | 631×648 | I created this map, using Microsoft Paint, version 7.0, and borrowing data from Google Earth, and the 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland report on "Floods Modeling in the Upper Dnist


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aktuális2011. szeptember 18., 18:36Bélyegkép a 2011. szeptember 18., 18:36-kori változatról631 × 648 (63 KB)SreeBot(Original text) : I created this map, using Microsoft Paint, version 7.0, and borrowing data from Google Earth, and the 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland report on "Floods Modeling

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