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Fájl:Reynoutria japonica MdE 2.jpg

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Deutsch: Bestand des Japanischen Staudenknöterichs
Dátum Készült: 2007. szeptember 14.
Forrás A feltöltő saját munkája
Szerző MdE Use rpage at German Wikipedia User page at Commons


I, MdE, created this photo and publish the file under the following license. If there is more than one license, you may choose one which is better for you and use the file outside Wikipedia under the license terms. Crediting is mandatory in any case and may be sufficient depending on the license (e.g. with CC-BY-SA):
At the picture, in the picture credits or in the imprint Reynoutria japonica MdE 2.jpg, © MdE at Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 3.0 German“, in online media with hyperlink to my user page and to this page (as in preceding example).
  • Using a picture without compilance is chargeable an will be invoiced! See fee advice of the Mittelstandsgemeinschaft Foto-Marketing (MFM) plus surcharge for noncompilance.
  • A special license for you (including cost-free usage) may be available on request, also in some cases a higher resolution.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my discussion page (unregistered writing possible, I will reply quickly) or send me an E-Mail (registered users only).
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aktuális2008. február 5., 18:21Bélyegkép a 2008. február 5., 18:21-kori változatról2 048 × 1 536 (1,5 MB)MdE{{User:MdE/FotoCC2DE |InfoDE=Bestand des Japanischen Staudenknöterichs |InfoEN=Japanese knotweed |Datum=2007-09-14 |Kategorien= }}

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