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Fájl:Moon rotating thirdquarter 220px.gif

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Moon_rotating_thirdquarter_220px.gif (220 × 220 képpont, fájlméret: 5,5 MB, MIME-típus: image/gif, ismétlődik, 240 képkocka, 9,6 s)


English: Animated rotation of the earth's moon. The moon is shown constantly lit from the left (third quarter), like an observer following the earth in its orbit would see it. On earth, only one side is visible, but the moon rotates relatively to the sun during one month. In order to render the animation of a full rotation, images from spacecraft beyond the moon had to be used. At the terminator in the image center, craters can be seen most clearly.
Caution: Do not use this version on Wikipedia, as it will take a long time to load due to its large file size.
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Source Code

Ez grafika Persistence of Vision segítségével készült.
Ez grafika ImageMagick segítségével készült.

The frames of the animation were created with POV-Ray, a free 3D rendering program. Two components are required:

  • A surface color map, free image from NASA's 1994 Clementine mission.
  • An elevation map (from USGS, public domain) with grey values encoding surface altitudes. The elevation map can be used as a simple bump map for fast rendering, or (as in this case) to reconstruct a full 3D model with realistic shadows.

Executing POV-ray rendering:

povray +H220 +W220 +UA +AM1 +A0.03 +R6 +KI0 +KF1 +KC +KFI1 +KFF240 +Oframe Moon_rotating_thirdquarter_220px.pov

Assembling the gif animation with ImageMagick:

convert -loop 0 -delay 4 -dispose background frame???.png -channel alpha -threshold 50% +channel +dither -colors 256 Moon_thirdquarter_full_220px.gif

Source file Moon_rotating_thirdquarter_220px.pov:

// Moon_rotating_thirdquarter_220px.pov
#version 3.7;
#include ""

global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }

camera { location <0, 0, -220> look_at <0, 0, 0> up 0.00526 right 0.00526 }

light_source {
    <2,0,0> * 200
    color White
    point_at <0,0,0>

// use true 3D surface
#include ""
#declare ele=function{
            jpeg "moon_elevation.jpg" map_type 1 interpolate 2

#declare rs=0.006; // ratio of roughness to radius
isosurface {
    function { f_sphere(x,y,z, 1) + rs * (1 - ele(x,y,z).gray) }
    contained_by { sphere {0,1.01} }
    accuracy 0.00001
    max_gradient 1.2
    texture {
        pigment {
            image_map { jpeg "moon_surface.jpg" map_type 1 } }
            finish {
                ambient rgb 0.006*<1,1,1> // space is dark
                diffuse 1.9 // brightness
                brilliance 1.0 // seems most realistic
    scale <1,1,-1>
    rotate <0,-90+360*clock,0>
    translate <0,0,0>


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23. március 2016


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aktuális2016. március 23., 01:26Bélyegkép a 2016. március 23., 01:26-kori változatról220 × 220 (5,5 MB)Geek3== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Animated rotation of the earth's moon. The moon is shown constantly lit from the left (third quarter), like an observer following the earth in its orbit would...

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