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Fájl:Memorial Lost at Sea in Porkeri, Faroe Islands.JPG

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English: Memorial in Porkeri, Suðuroy, Faroe Islands in memory of people who lost their lives at sea. The name of the dead are written with white letters on stone plates on the small piles which stand around the large pile in the middle. On the first stone starting from the left side of the memorial, near the road: 5 names, the first one was Joen Joensen á Gaddi, who was lost with the vessel Royndin Fríða in 1808 together with the famous Faroese hero Nólsoyar Páll (who is not mentioned here because he was not from Porkeri). Joen is the Danish form of the Faroese name Jógvan. In the 19th century and earlier peoples names were written in the Danish form.

The second stone has 6 names. The trird stone has 5 names. The fourth stone has 6 names. The fifth stone has 6 names (all 6 went drowned in 1910 with North Star (Norðstjørnan). The 6th stone has 5 names The 7th stone has 5 names. The 8th stone has 5 names (died from 1932 to 1938). The 9th stone has 8 names (all died in one boat accident in 1940 with Búgvin, age 17-44) The 10th stone has 6 names (died in 1941 and 1944) The 11th stone has 5 names (died in 1952 and 1953) The 12th stone has 3 names (died in 1956, 59 and 61) All together 65 names of men from Porkeri who lost their lives at sea (a few died on land by falling down from a cliff or due to the World War II).

The memorial Lost at Sea in Porkeri, in memory of the sea men and others who lost their lives at sea, most of them were fishermen.
Føroyskt: Minnisvarðin í Porkeri stendur ovarliga í bygdini. Minnisvarðin varð reistur í 1967. Lagaður av føroyskum gróti.
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Way 886550782
Fényképező elhelyezkedése61° 29′ 00,02″ É, 6° 44′ 40,6″ Ny Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.További képek erről a helyről: OpenStreetMapinfo
Objektum elhelyezkedése61° 29′ 00,64″ É, 6° 44′ 40,24″ Ny Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.További képek erről a helyről: OpenStreetMapinfo


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aktuális2011. október 4., 13:59Bélyegkép a 2011. október 4., 13:59-kori változatról3 648 × 2 736 (2,11 MB)EileenSanda{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Memorial in Porkeri, Suðuroy, Faroe Islands in memory of people who lost their lives at sea. The name of the dead are written with white letters on stone plates on the small piles which stand around the large pile in

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