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Fájl:Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus malayanus).jpg

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Leírás Quite a common butterfly here in Singapore, can be found in urban areas as well as parks, gardens an other nature areas. It likes to linger near lime bushes (like the Key lime, a principal food of this species). Their caterpillars can defoliate and devour leaves of citrus trees and bushes, thus they are considered as economic pests. I've read also that it is also known as Mariposa del Muerte or Butterfly of Death. I don't know why such label is used. It could be purely symbolic, as far as I know butterflies are also used as symbols when dead love ones were believed to visit their family members assuring them that they have continued their existence in another dimension after their death.
Forrás Lime Butterfly [Papilio demoleus malayanus]
Szerző giovzaid85 from Singapore, Singapore
Fényképező elhelyezkedése1° 25′ 06,01″ É, 103° 49′ 38,06″ K Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.További képek erről a helyről: OpenStreetMapinfo


w:hu:Creative Commons
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This image was originally posted to Flickr by giovzaid85 at It was reviewed on 2013. február 18. by FlickreviewR and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.

2013. február 18.


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18. november 2012

1°25'6.006"N, 103°49'38.057"E


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aktuális2013. február 18., 19:09Bélyegkép a 2013. február 18., 19:09-kori változatról1 024 × 682 (546 KB)Vinayaraj{{Information |Description=Quite a common butterfly here in Singapore, can be found in urban areas as well as parks, gardens an other nature areas. It likes to linger near lime bushes (like the Key lime, a principal food of this species). Their caterpi...

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