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Fájl:Lieutenant László Molnár.jpg

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English: Lieutenant László Molnár next to his Fighter Planes
Forrás Szentivány-Lukács János archive
Szerző Royal Hungarian Defence Air Force


Public domain
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The copyright of this image has expired in the European Union because it was published more than 70 years ago without a public claim of authorship (anonymous or pseudonymous), and no subsequent claim of authorship was made in the 70 years following its first publication.
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Lieutenant László Molnár

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aktuális2022. június 20., 09:40Bélyegkép a 2022. június 20., 09:40-kori változatról1 200 × 1 405 (207 KB)OhioGopnik12Uploaded a work by Royal Hungarian Defence Air Force from Szentivány-Lukács János archive with UploadWizard

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