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Eredeti fájl (839 × 992 képpont, fájlméret: 250 KB, MIME-típus: image/jpeg)

English: Photograph of Lester Young
Forrás Life magazine, Volume 17, Number 13 (page 40)
Szerző Photograph by Ojon Mili. Time Inc.
(Fájl újrafelhasználása)
Public domain
This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1930 and 1963, and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. For further explanation, see Commons:Hirtle chart and the copyright renewal logs.

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Flag of the United States
  • Photographer credit appears on page 15.

LIFE issues from Volume 16 Number 1 through Volume 18 Number 13 are in public domain as their copyright was not renewed. This issue is Volume 17, Number 13.


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25. szeptember 1944

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992 képpont

839 képpont



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aktuális2021. július 4., 15:34Bélyegkép a 2021. július 4., 15:34-kori változatról839 × 992 (250 KB)Blz 2049(1) crop from higher resolution source; (2) the image should be cropped to the same dimensions as those disclosed in the underlying public domain Life magazine; technically the margins of the full photo may not be public domain since they were published for the first time later.
2015. október 21., 00:04Bélyegkép a 2015. október 21., 00:04-kori változatról373 × 369 (63 KB)WFinchreplace original upload that documents publication in public domain issue with smaller but higher quality image
2015. október 21., 00:02Bélyegkép a 2015. október 21., 00:02-kori változatról685 × 928 (200 KB)WFinch{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Photograph of Lester Young}} |Source =''[ Life]'' magazine, Volume 17,...

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