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LeírásLendak CoA.png
Čeština: Znak obce Lendak
English: Coat of arms of the municipality of Lendak
"a) idea, manner, system, method, concept, principle, discovery or information that has been expressed, described,
explained, depicted or incorporated into a work,
b) a text of legislation, a decision of public authority or a court decision, technical norm, including draft
materials and translations thereof
c) land-use planning documents
d) state symbol, municipality symbol, symbol of self-governing region; this does not apply to a work which
formed ground for creating of such symbol,
e) speech presented in discussions on public affairs
f) daily news; daily news is information on event or circumstance; where a work informing about daily news or a
work in which daily news is included, is not considered as daily news,
g) work of traditional folk culture,
h) result of activity of expert, interpreter or translator acting under special law."
Hence it is assumed that this image has been released into the public domain. However, in some instances the use of this image might be regulated by other laws.
Figyelem! Egy szlovákiai település szimbólumának jelen ábrázolását a szerző által itt megadott szabad licenc szerint védi a szerzői jog, de Szlovákia területén a 369/1990 „Zb. o obecnom zriadení” törvény 1b paragrafusa (Symboly obce) is vonatkozik rá, ezért Szlovákiában csak az érintett település önkormányzatának engedélyével használható!