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Fájl:Kh. Choibalsan around 1925.jpg

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English: Khorloogiiin Choibalsan, photo taken around 1925
Forrás former image source [1]; current image source [2]
Szerző IsmeretlenUnknown author


Public domain
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain in Mongolia and other jurisdictions.

According to the Law of Mongolia on Copyright and Related Rights as amended on May 6, 2021, works first published in Mongolia are copyrighted for:

  • 50 years after the death of the creator [2021 Article 14.3]
  • 50 years after publication for anonymous and pseudonymous works [2021 Article 14.5]
  • 25 years after publication for works of applied art [2021 Article 14.4]
and then enter the public domain (details).

You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.


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23. november 2009


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aktuális2016. március 26., 08:43Bélyegkép a 2016. március 26., 08:43-kori változatról967 × 1 280 (274 KB)Bogomolov.PLbetter resolution
2012. november 25., 18:55Bélyegkép a 2012. november 25., 18:55-kori változatról305 × 448 (31 KB)NahcamukUser created page with UploadWizard

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