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Fájl:Kennedy Nixon Debate (1960).jpg

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English: Photo of the second of the four presidential debates held during the 1960 presidential election. This debate took place in Washington D.C. at NBC's WRC-TV studios on October 7, 1960.
Eredeti felirat: „
WAP-100713-10/7/60-WASHINGTON: This is a general view of the set for the joint appearance on TV by Sen.John F.Kennedy(at left podium)and Vice President Richard M.Nixon(at right po­dium)from NBC studios 10/7. At center rear is moderator Frank McGee,of NBC. The four news men who asked the questions are,LTR: Hal Levy,of Newsday; Alvin Spivak of United Press International; Edward P.Morgan,of ABC; and Paul Niven,of CBS. UPI TELEPHOTO rtf

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Szerző United Press International
(Fájl újrafelhasználása)
Pre-1978 no mark


  • A search for original copyright registration was done in artwork for the year 1960. A search using keywords "united press debate" found no results. There's no evidence of original copyright on the photo.
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published in the United States between 1930 and 1977, inclusive, without a copyright notice. For further explanation, see Commons:Hirtle chart as well as a detailed definition of "publication" for public art.

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7. október 1960


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aktuális2022. szeptember 26., 22:43Bélyegkép a 2022. szeptember 26., 22:43-kori változatról1 192 × 810 (302 KB)NihonjoeCropped < 1 % horizontally using CropTool with precise mode. Removed border.
2014. december 30., 04:27Bélyegkép a 2014. december 30., 04:27-kori változatról1 194 × 810 (286 KB)Renamed user 995577823XynReverted to version as of 21:13, 21 January 2006
2014. december 30., 04:27Bélyegkép a 2014. december 30., 04:27-kori változatról670 × 1 100 (149 KB)Renamed user 995577823Xynfull copy of photo-will revert to larger copy of photo
2006. január 21., 22:13Bélyegkép a 2006. január 21., 22:13-kori változatról1 194 × 810 (286 KB)MaksimLa bildo estas kopiita de wikipedia:fr. La originala priskribo estas: Débat Kennedy Nixon ==Description== Le sénateur John F. Kennedy debat avec le Vice President Richard M. Nixon lors du premier débat télévisé, 1960. ==Source== Images of America

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