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Johnhersey.jpg (416 × 599 képpont, fájlméret: 37 KB, MIME-típus: image/jpeg)

Ez JPG számítógépes grafika GIMP segítségével készült.

John Hersey photographed by Carl Van Vechten, 1958 Mar. 14. Collection of Library of Congress,

Public domain This work is from the Carl Van Vechten Photographs collection at the Library of Congress. According to the library, there are no known copyright restrictions on the use of this work.
As the restrictions on this collection expired in 1986, the Library of Congress believes this image is in the public domain. However, the Carl Van Vechten estate has asked that use of Van Vechten's photographs "preserve the integrity" of his work, i.e, that photographs not be colorized or cropped, and that proper credit is given to the photographer.

Eredeti feltöltési napló

date/time username resolution size edit summary
08:20, 10 August 2004 w:en:User:Gamaliel 299×420 15 KB <a href="/wiki/John_Hersey" title="John Hersey">John Hersey</a> photographed by <a href="/wiki/Carl_Van_Vechten" title="Carl Van Vechten">Carl Van Vechten</a>, 1958 Mar. 14. Collection of <a href="/wiki/Library_of_Congress" title="Library of Congress">Library of Congress</a>, {{pd}}

Image description page history

link date/time username edit summary 12:08, 16 September 2007 w:en:User:Dmcdevit 19:22, 30 December 2005 w:en:User:Darwinek 08:20, 10 August 2004 w:en:User:Gamaliel (<a href="/wiki/John_Hersey" title="John Hersey">John Hersey</a> photographed by <a href="/wiki/Carl_Van_Vechten" title="Carl Van Vechten">Carl Van Vechten</a>, 1958 Mar. 14. Collection of <a href="/wiki/Library_of_Congress" title="Library of Congress">Library of Congress</a>, {{pd}})
A képkivágás folyamata Ezen fájlnak létezik megvágott változata: Johnhersey (cropped).jpg.


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37 403 byte

599 képpont

416 képpont



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aktuális2017. április 7., 09:39Bélyegkép a 2017. április 7., 09:39-kori változatról416 × 599 (37 KB)Emmanuel.boutetremoved frame, improved contrast and reduced noise
2007. szeptember 17., 03:35Bélyegkép a 2007. szeptember 17., 03:35-kori változatról299 × 420 (15 KB)BetacommandBotTranswiki approved by: w:en:User:Dmcdevit This image was copied from wikipedia:en. The original description was: w:en:John Hersey photographed by w:en:Carl Van Vechten, 1958 Mar. 14. Collection of w:en:Library of Congress, http://hdl.lo

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