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Fájl:Heikki Lehmusto.jpg

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Eredeti fájl (2 161 × 3 340 képpont, fájlméret: 3,14 MB, MIME-típus: image/jpeg)


English: Chairman of Finnish Wrestling Association 1918-20, 1925-28 and 1932-40.
Forrás Halila - Sirmeikkö: Suomen Voimistelu- ja Urheiluliitto SVUL 1900-1960, p. p.611
Szerző Suomen Urheilumuseo
(Fájl újrafelhasználása)
Public domain
This photograph is in the public domain in Finland, because either a period of 50 years has elapsed from the year of creation or the photograph was first published before 1966. The section 49a of the Finnish Copyright Act (404/1961, amended 607/2015) specifies that photographs not considered to be "works of art" become public domain 50 years after they were created. The 50 years from creation protection period came into force in 1991. Before that the protection period was 25 years from the year of first publication according to the §16 of the law of protection of photographs of 1961. Material already released to public domain according to the 1961 law remains in public domain, and therefore all photographs (but not photographic works of art) released before 1966 are in the public domain. See Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Finland for details.

If you think this picture should be considered a work of art, nominate it for deletion.
To uploader: Please provide where the image was first published and who created it.
The material with this copyright tag should not be used on the German-language Wikipedia. See Talk page of this template.

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1. július 1936


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aktuális2018. augusztus 13., 13:19Bélyegkép a 2018. augusztus 13., 13:19-kori változatról2 161 × 3 340 (3,14 MB)JtaramaaUser created page with UploadWizard

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