English: Dr. Gregory Pincus of Harvard University, who announced to the biological world that he had discovered a method of artificially fertilizing mammalian eggs, in experiments with rabbits at the biological institute of Harvard. Dr. Pincus removed the egg from one rabbit and fertilized it entirely by physical and chemical means. He then transplanted it in another mother, in which it carried on what appeared to be a normal course of development.
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(Original Caption) Dr. Gregory Pincus of Harvard University, who announced to the biological world that he had discovered a method of artificially fertilizing mammalian eggs, in experiments with rabbits at the biological institute of Harvard. Dr. Pincus removed the egg from one rabbit and fertilized it entirely by physical and chemical means. He then transplanted it in another mother, in which it carried on what appeared to be a normal course of development.
Rövid cím
(Original Caption) Dr. Gregory Pincus of Harvard University, who announced to the biological world that he had discovered a method of artificially fertilizing mammalian eggs, in experiments with rabbits at the biological institute of Harvard. Dr. Pincus removed the egg from one rabbit and fertilized it entirely by physical and chemical means. He then transplanted it in another mother, in which it carried on what appeared to be a normal course of development.