English: Fritz Goro was the premier science photographer in the US until he died. from Wikipedia: "Fritz Goro (originally Fritz Gorodiski; born 1901 in Bremen, (Germany) – died 14 December 1986 in Chappaqua, New York) was the inventor of macrophotography and a photographer specializing in science, published in the Life magazine and Scientific American,..."
In 1972, I had graduated from MIT ('69) and was working in a neurobiology lab. I was hired by him to carry his equipment on assignment to the laboratory of Drs. Hubel and Weisel at Harvard Medical School. He was hired to illustrate their investigations of vision in monkeys (for which they won the Nobel prize in 1981. Since I was deciding between a career as a neurobiologist or photographer, working with him provided me with the opportunity to decide.
Although I put a date in the appropriate category, I do not remember the specific date I took this image. It was originally on film; and this image is due to a high quality scanning of that film.
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feldolgozhatod – származékos műveket hozhatsz létre
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Fritz Goro was the premier Life magazine science photographer working in the laboratory of Drs. Hubel and Weisel to illustrate the work for which they eventually won the Nobel prize in physiology.
Ez a kép járulékos adatokat tartalmaz, amelyek feltehetően a kép létrehozásához használt digitális fényképezőgép vagy lapolvasó beállításairól adnak tájékoztatást. Ha a képet az eredetihez képest módosították, ezen adatok eltérhetnek a kép tényleges jellemzőitől.