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Fájl:Escudo regional Puno.png

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Español: Región de Puno
Forrás EscudoPunoregion.jpg
Szerző ñoca cani


Public domain The image of an official symbol was faithfully reproduced from the official document made by a State authority such as ministry or public organization. Per COM:Peru#GOVERNMENT, the realization of the national or regional symbol is exempt from copyright by being included in any public interest guideline regulations such as those promulgated in Law No. 26902 (for establish their obligatory application in official texts), as well as regulated in DS 091-2002-PCM (modified by DS 056-2008-PCM) and related resolutions.

However, in addition to prevailing moral rights as the author and the integrity of the works, away from copyright the use of denomination and insignia for non-official acts is prohibited under DS 003-2008-PCM as could also its distinctive sign registered in Indecopi for commercial products without prior authorization (DL 823 Art. 129j).


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1. december 2015


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aktuális2015. december 2., 00:51Bélyegkép a 2015. december 2., 00:51-kori változatról843 × 930 (1,26 MB)Manuel BalarezoUser created page with UploadWizard

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