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Fájl:Columbine Shooting Security Camera.jpg

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Columbine_Shooting_Security_Camera.jpg (529 × 399 képpont, fájlméret: 40 KB, MIME-típus: image/jpeg)


English: A black and white still image taken from the security video of Columbine High School during the shooting, showing Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
Szerző Columbine High School


This work is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it consists entirely of information produced by an automated system, such as a fixed CCTV or traffic enforcement camera, without human input; it is common property and contains no original authorship under the laws of its country of origin. Most jurisdictions do not have clear legal precedent on the copyright status of such works, see Threshold of originality § Pre-positioned recording devices for more information.

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A security camera still taken during the Columbine High School shooting, showing Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold with weapons in the school's cafeteria.


41 134 byte

399 képpont

529 képpont


Kattints egy időpontra, hogy a fájl akkori állapotát láthasd.

aktuális2024. február 8., 05:34Bélyegkép a 2024. február 8., 05:34-kori változatról529 × 399 (40 KB)WhpqReverted to version as of 02:28, 19 September 2013 (UTC)
2017. július 19., 02:11Bélyegkép a 2017. július 19., 02:11-kori változatról364 × 274 (18 KB)DatBotReduce size of non-free image (BOT - disable)
2013. szeptember 19., 03:28Bélyegkép a 2013. szeptember 19., 03:28-kori változatról529 × 399 (40 KB)NCFan12312{{Non-free fair use in|Columbine High School massacre |image has rationale=yes}} {{Non-free use rationale |Article=Columbine High School massacre |Description=The security camera of Columbine High School during the shooting. |Source=http://3.bp.blogspo...

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