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Fájl:Coin of Æthelred II of Northumbria.png

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Leírás Coin of Æthelred II of Northumbria (mid 9th century)
Szerző IsmeretlenUnknown author

Public domain
Public domain
This SVG representation of an ancient script is in the public domain.

The script itself predates the modern concept of copyright, and the creator of this image has released (or hereby releases) into the public domain any copyright generated by the making of the file (and grants an unconditional license to anyone, for any jurisdictions in which public-domain release is not legal). This applies internationally and for any purpose.

Attribution is not required but appreciated.

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Example: the Chinese character 龍/龙 in seal script
Example: the Chinese character 龍/龙 in seal script


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aktuális2012. február 14., 17:29Bélyegkép a 2012. február 14., 17:29-kori változatról918 × 490 (508 KB)CatMan61{{Information |Description=Coin of Æthelred II of Northumbria (mid 9th century) |Source= |Date= |Author=unknown |Permission= |other_versions= }} {{PD-ancient-script}} Category:Anglo-Saxon coins [[Category:Coins of the

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