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Fájl:Clypeaster rosaceus (San Salvador Island, Bahamas) 3.jpg

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Clypeaster rosaceus Lamarck, 1816 - washed ashore onto a rocky shoreline.

Irregular echinoids have somewhat globular skeletons (tests) composed of interlocking calcite plates and covered in short, fur-like spines. The skeleton is bilaterally symmetrical, not pentaradially symmetrical as in the sea urchins. The upper side of the skeleton has the pattern of a 5-petaled star - each petal is an ambulacrum. The mouth and anus are at opposite ends of the long axis of the skeleton. Heart urchins are infaunal deposit feeders - they consume bulk sediments, digest any organic matter mixed in, and excrete large quantities of sediments.

In the specimen shown above, decay has resulted in the spines being detached - the small pustules are spine attachment bases.

Locality: beach landward from Snapshot Reef, Fernandez Bay, western San Salvador Island, eastern Bahamas
Forrás Meoma ventricosa (red heart urchins) (San Salvador Island, Bahamas) 3
Szerző James St. John


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This image was originally posted to Flickr by jsj1771 at It was reviewed on 2015. január 6. by FlickreviewR and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.

2015. január 6.


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aktuális2015. január 6., 01:02Bélyegkép a 2015. január 6., 01:02-kori változatról1 438 × 1 713 (1,17 MB)FredD{{Information |Description=''Meoma ventricosa'' Lamarck, 1816 - red heart urchin (dead), washed ashore onto a rocky shoreline. Heart urchins (irregular echinoids) have somewhat globular skeletons (tests) composed of interlocking calcite plates and...

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