LeírásChinese calendar Years of Bad Luck chart.jpg
English: Yakudoshi - Years of Bad Luck chart.
This is the chart of yakudoshi (厄年, literally "calamity years") from a shrine in Japan. The dates are in the Japanese calendar, but if you were born in one of the years in red, this is your unlucky year. To avert the disaster awaiting you, you can buy charms from the temple and set them on fire to take away your bad luck.
A tidbit a lot of people don't realize is that in Japan, your age is almost always counted by the reign year you were born in and not the number of years you're been alive. All official paperwork, forms, even karaoke room reservation slips ask for the era and reign year of your birth, not your age - I can never remember "Showa 58" as my birth year.
To find your year on this chart, use the numbers at the bottom (i.e. 120-1) of each square. Keep in mind this was taken in 2007, so this chart references the age you turned in 2007.
Ezt a képet, amit eredetileg a Flickr képmegosztón tettek közzé, egy adminisztrátor vagy megtekintő, Materialscientist 2012. augusztus 28. napon ellenőrizte, és úgy találta, hogy a kép elérhető a Flickr-en az itt látható licenc alatt.
megoszthatod – szabadon másolhatod, terjesztheted, bemutathatod és előadhatod a művet
feldolgozhatod – származékos műveket hozhatsz létre
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