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Leírás Soldiers of an Australian 4th Division field artillery brigade on a duckboard track passing through Chateau Wood, near Hooge in the Ypres salient, 29 October 1917. The leading soldier is Gunner James Fulton and the second soldier is Lieutenant Anthony Devine. The men belong to a battery of the 10th Field Artillery Brigade. Australian War Memorial collection number E01220.
This image is available from the Collection Database of the Australian War Memorial under the ID Number:
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Szerző Frank Hurley
(Fájl újrafelhasználása)

Copyright expired - public domain

Public domain
This image is protected by Crown Copyright because it is owned by the Australian Government or that of the states or territories, and is in the public domain because it was created or published prior to 1975 and the copyright has therefore expired. The government of Australia has declared that the expiration of Crown Copyrights applies worldwide. This has been confirmed by correspondence received by the Volunteer Response Team (Ticket:2017062010010417).

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29. október 1917Gergely


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aktuális2015. május 13., 20:48Bélyegkép a 2015. május 13., 20:48-kori változatról1 600 × 1 227 (376 KB)HohumLarger version
2006. december 9., 23:59Bélyegkép a 2006. december 9., 23:59-kori változatról675 × 515 (63 KB)PawełS{{Information |Description=Soldiers of an Australian 4th Division field artillery brigade on a duckboard track passing through Chateau Wood, near Hooge in the Ypres salient, 29 October 1917. The leading soldie

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