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Fájl:COA Gran Capitan.svg

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English: Coat of arms of Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, duke of Sessa, el Gran Capitán
1. dexter: Fernández de Córdoba [paternal grandfather], sinister: Herrera [maternal grandfather]
2. Manrique de Lara [wife], bordure compony of Castile and León
3. dexter [*unidentified*], sinister: Enríquez [maternal grandmother]
4. dexter: Mendoza [maternal grandmother], sinister: Figueroa [wife's mother]

source: File:Granada san jeronimo detalle.jpg facade of the monastery church of San Jerónimo, Granada.

variant (1559): File:Gent, Sint-Baafskathedraal blazoen Gonçalo Fernandez de Cordova B STB 433 217.jpg

Note: the dexter division of the third quarter is not drawn correctly here. The tinctures shown cannot be verified from the stonework version in the San Jeronimo coa, but there should be two pales, not a simple division by pale. This colorised version shows different tinctures for the field in question.

This is an attributed coat of arms, used posthumously by Gonzalo's wife for the family tomb where she herself was also buried.

It appears that Gonzalo himself used a more simple quartered version showing only Fernández de Córdoba, Manrique de Lara, Enríquez and Mendoza, see here ("Estas son las armas del Gran Capitan a quien fue dirigida la presente obra").
Español: Escudo de armas de Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, I duque de Sessa, "el Gran Capitán". [1][2][3]$
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