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Fájl:COA Aleksandrovac.png

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COA_Aleksandrovac.png (550 × 550 képpont, fájlméret: 47 KB, MIME-típus: image/png)

Leírás Coat of Arms of the city and municipality of w:Aleksandrovac, Serbia
Szerző Opstina Aleksandrovac
(Fájl újrafelhasználása)
Public domain
This work is in the public domain because according to the Copyright Law of Serbia (details), "Work is not copyrighted if the work is:
  1. Laws, decrees and other regulations;
  2. Official materials of state bodies and bodies performing public functions;
  3. Official translations of regulations and official materials of state bodies and bodies performing public functions;
  4. Submissions and other documents presented in the administrative or court proceedings."
A source should be included so that the status can be verified.

Deutsch | English | македонски | српски / srpski | +/−

Public domain
This work is in the public domain because according to the Copyright Law of Serbia (details), "Work is not copyrighted if the work is:
  1. Laws, decrees and other regulations;
  2. Official materials of state bodies and bodies performing public functions;
  3. Official translations of regulations and official materials of state bodies and bodies performing public functions;
  4. Submissions and other documents presented in the administrative or court proceedings."
A source should be included so that the status can be verified.

Deutsch | English | македонски | српски / srpski | +/−

Eredeti feltöltési napló

Dátum/idő Felbontás Feltöltő Megjegyzés
2009. december 3., 12:17:59 216 × 216 (16230 bytes) Vanjagenije (vitalap · szerkesztései) {{Information |Description=Coat of Arms of the city and municipality of [[w:Aleksandrovac]], Serbia |Source= |Date= |Author=Opstina Aleksandrovac |Permission={{PD-SerbiaGov}} |other_versions= }} {{P


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47 776 byte

550 képpont

550 képpont


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aktuális2017. december 17., 02:43Bélyegkép a 2017. december 17., 02:43-kori változatról550 × 550 (47 KB)Vanjagenijeper
2014. augusztus 28., 12:16Bélyegkép a 2014. augusztus 28., 12:16-kori változatról216 × 216 (17 KB)GifTaggerBot: Converting file to superior PNG file. (Source: COA_Aleksandrovac.gif). This GIF was problematic due to transparency and non-greyscale color table.

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