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Fájl:Antonov An-12 of Cavok Air UR-CJN 20150223-181-009 (16031558003).jpg

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English: Seen recently at RAF Brize Norton is this Antonov An-12B. The aircraft is part of a fleet operated by Cavok Airlines, based in Kiev, Ukraine.
Forrás Flickr: Antonov-12B at RAF Brize Norton
Szerző Paul Crouch - RAF Brize Norton Photographic Section


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23. február 2015


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aktuális2015. április 26., 12:58Bélyegkép a 2015. április 26., 12:58-kori változatról2 700 × 1 800 (689 KB)Revent{{Information |Description={{en|Seen recently at RAF Brize Norton is this Antonov An-12B. The aircraft is part of a fleet operated by Cavok Airlines, based in Kiev, Ukraine.}} |Source={{Flickr source|

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