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442-Infantry-Regiment-COA.png (131 × 276 képpont, fájlméret: 29 KB, MIME-típus: image/png)

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Coat of Arms7月8日9


  • Shield: Per bend Argent and Azure, in chief a taro leaf Proper, in base a Mississippi River steam boat of the first.
  • Crest: That for the regiments and separate battalions of the Army Reserve: On a wreath of the colors Argent and Azure the Lexington Minute Man Proper. The statue of the Minute Man, Captain John Parker (H.H. Kitson, sculptor), stands on the Common on Lexington, Massachusetts.
  • Motto: Go For Broke (To Give Your All).


  • Shield:Blue and white are used for Infantry. The taro leaf, from the coat of arms of the 100th Infantry Battalion, is identified with Hawaii and the Mississippi River steam boat symbolizes the place of activation of the 442d Infantry Regiment.


  • The coat of arms was originally approved for the 442d Infantry Regiment, Organized Reserves Corps (Hawaii) on 22 May 1952.
  • It was amended to withdraw "Organized Reserves Corps" from the designation and to delete the Organized Reserves Corps' crest from the coat of arms on 30 Jun 1959.

Public domain
This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia produced by the United States Army Institute of Heraldry. It is in the public domain but its use is restricted by Title 18, United States Code, Section 704 [1] and the Code of Federal Regulations (32 CFR, Part 507) [2], [3]. Permission to use these images in the USA for most commercial purposes must be obtained from The Institute of Heraldry prior to their use.

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- US Army Institute Of Heraldry


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aktuális2007. május 28., 21:49Bélyegkép a 2007. május 28., 21:49-kori változatról131 × 276 (29 KB)CORNELIUSSEONCoat of Arms. ==Blazon:== *Shield: Per bend Argent and Azure, in chief a taro leaf Proper, in base a Mississippi River steam boat of the first. *Crest: That for the regiments and separate battalions of the Army Reserve: On a wreath of the colors Argent

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