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Español: El rey Felipe y la reina Letizia, la vicepresidenta del Gobierno, Carmen Calvo y el ministro de Cultura, José Guirao, durante el acto de entrega del Premio Cervantes a la escritora uruguaya Ida Vitale.
English: King Felipe and Queen Letizia, the Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo and the Culture Minister José Guirao during the award ceremony of the Cervantes Prize to the Uruguayan writer Ida Vitale.
Szerző Pool Moncloa/Borja Puig de la Bellacasa
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This work was published on one of the websites owned by the Ministry of the Presidency of the Government of Spain, such as the website of La Moncloa,, or the actual Ministry of the Presidency, The legal notice authorises the reproduction of any content, whether in whole or in part. Modification, distribution and communication thereof, except for any content over which third parties hold intellectual or industrial property rights, is therefore authorised. The following terms must be followed:
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Így nevezd meg:
Ministry of the Presidency. Government of Spain

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23. április 2019


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